
Gonna have brother's night today

The day was slowly fading away with their non-stop bickerings and fights. The day couldn't get much better without it. Working hours were coming to an end as slowly the sunsets, like how every sunset brings the promise of new dawn indicating the end of a healthy day, this day too came to an end but healthy day...? This couldn't be applied in their case? Or... maybe it was? 

People were grabbing buses and taxies, the blasting engines start off strong, beckoning their ascend until they reach far away to be out from the sight, making their appearance a question. The sun hiding behind the cloud with a dark but slight orange hue across the spreading sky made the day even beautiful.

Some were stretching their body exhaling a deep sigh trying to ease their stiff body after a long day. Some youngers were running across the street happy that the school came to an end... What could be the happiest feeling rather than being free?

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