
Small World

You feel Nick reaching for you from his stretcher. You move closer to him and he holds your hand tight entwining his fingers with yours. You look into each other's eyes and you both know exactly what you are thinking. You are thinking please let us get to land safely.

But you have learned a hard lesson from your previous flight. You have learned that you should observe your surroundings and make sure to take some supplies with you, should you have to jump out of a helicopter again. 

The flight back to the States is shorter than expected. You thought that you were very far from land but you have been in the helicopter only for about half an hour. You see the land before you and you cannot describe the feeling that overwhelms your soul.

As the helicopter lands on the helipad, the blades of the helicopter slows down, and finally, you can hear each other again. Nick comes closer to you and says.

"We made it"

You smile at him and answers him.

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