
New him [18+]

Yitian woke up in their bedroom at the Zhu long house and he could only describe his state of mind by one word: HORNY. He patted the space next to him, thinking that some fondling would wake Chao up. But he wasn't there!

He hoped that Chao would come to his senses after they came back to Hong Kong, but it was just a wish, obviously, because he wasn't there again.

And today, after all that excitement and the rest he had after the flight and game, he could really feel his libido on the rise.

Yitian turned around to see the empty space and cursed. He needed him. It was so long since they had sex together. He wanted more.

But Chao was too afraid to try again, saying he doesn't want to hurt him again. Heck, so he was sore a bit the next day. Who isn't after such good sex? And Yitian really doubted that the healed wound from his encounter with Nou Rao would open again after such an exercise.

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