

"Mom…" Yitian breathed out loudly. He breathed in sharply shortly after, closing his eyes. 'She can't hurt you…" he repeated again and again in his head. Strangely, the voice inside his head wasn't his own. More like, it was Chao saying him those words. And it helped. His trembling ceased and a slight smile appeared on his face. He opened his eyes again and saw his fuming mother.

"What are you? Mental? Smiling like that? Do I have a freak child that loves pain?!" she exclaimed and made a disgusted face.

"Oh, no, mom. Even though, me, developing such a taste, would be a result of your beating. But, no, I just remembered a good friend of mine, telling me something." Yitian said calmly. and his slight smile became even bigger. Irritating his mom so much her face became red.

"You freak! I can't even say you are my child! Hanging out with such a vagabond?! You are a disgrace to our family!" She shouted loud, but Yitian did not move an inch. He imagined the cars, the mansion of the Jin family, and actually chuckled. "You are laughing? YOu are laughing at me? Are you stupid? Why can't you be like other children? I should have killed you when I could!" His mother shrieked and launched herself at Yitian, but he simply dodged. She forgot they still had the bench between them and she splattered on it. !No wonder you have no friends! You are such an abomination!" Those words really hurt Yitian, but when she added that he had no friends, he finally got the message. She wanted to hurt him, that's why she was saying all that. And it no longer had such a heavy effect as before.

"So, are you here only to spit out the poisonous words, or do you actually want something?" he asked, still being calm. She looked up from her embarrassing position and Yitian saw tears. He took a few deep breaths again and counted to ten, calming himself down. Because his first instinct was to help her.

"I'm here to bring you home. I need you. I feel so lonely. Please come back with me...!" Nou Rao pleaded with her teary face, shocking Yitian. It was the first time he heard words like this. She was always the one swearing at him, beating him and now she felt lonely? Now, she wanted him back?

"No. I won't go back to that hell you call 'home'," he said as calmly as he could, controlling the sudden rage he was experiencing. Remembering all the nice words that Chao said to him was helping a lot.

'I don't feel lonely with you. You are the only one I have. I would starve without you…' Yitian remembered those words and chuckled again.

'See, see, I told you he is the bad guy!' The moment when Chao was jumping up and down on a couch when he was right about the bad guy in the movie. And Yitian wanted to tell Chao that he already saw these movies, so he should know who the bad guy was. But he simply couldn't do it and destroy that childish fun they had.

Yitian got a little bit lost in thoughts, that he forgot about his mother being there and was genuinely smiling. That pissed her off even more.

'I was trying to make him pity me, but he was smiling?' Nou Rao thought for herself thinking about her next strategy…

"You know that your new friend thinks that you are only a burden. He doesn't want to take care of you anymore." She smiled widely, not showing your teeth. It was such a creepy smile, that Yitian shivered.

"Listen to me! No matter what you say. I. Will. Not. Go. With. You!" He emphasized every word in the last sentence and made a step back with every word. He wanted to get away from her because he could feel the change in her behavior. She seemed more dangerous than before.

"If you don't come with me I will hurt you!' she shouted and Yitian was glad to choose the unoccupied part of the park. That no one was around.

"Try it. That's nothing new. You hurt me every time!" he shouted back, with a steady powerful voice, surprising both of them. But his mother regained her posture quickly. She walked the few steps to him and stopped right just to have the same eyes level as Yitian.

"If you don't come with me, I will hurt your friend. And you know what I am capable of…!' she threatened him with hurting Chao?! Yitian had enough of that. He took two steps forward and grabbed her collar, she grabbed his hands and widened her eyes in surprise.

"Never ever talk like this again! I have your genes, I'm capable of the same things as you are!" Yitian said menacingly, but it wasn't quite true. He despised violence on living things. She would deserve at least a slap in the face for all the beating he had to go through when he was a child. 'She is still your mother. You can't hurt her…' he thought and because he knew his conscience was right, he let her go. He took a deep breath with closed eyes and then he turned around.

"Go away before I do something I would regret." Yitian took out Chao's phone while walking away, to let him know that he is going to be somewhere else. When he felt a hard impact on the back of his head. It actually jerked his head forward. Yitian blinked a few times to focus because his vision got a bit hazy. He turned around and saw his mother standing there, her hands were held by Chao. He looked around and saw a stick that she threw at him.

"Are you okay?" Chao asked with a smile on his face and Yitian was suddenly calm.

"Yes. I'm okay," he said and smiled brightly at Chao. Because it was true, there was nothing to be afraid of now, he had his friend and they would defend each other.

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