

"You wouldn't dare. . . " Ivory whispers, her voice wavering with uncertainty. Tobias clears his throat, raising one eyebrow high as he slowly moves closer to Ivory.

"Wouldn't I?"

I watch as Ivory swallows nervously before glancing over at Emily, Jake and I stood by the wall. Her large eyes land on Jake and I watch her breathe out a sigh of relief —

"Jake, tell him to stop it. He wouldn't kill Ben, would he?" Ivory says, sounding like a child. There's a timid tone to her voice and I can see her hands shaking in fright. Jake tenses next to me before he clears his throat and drops his eyes to the floor.

"He wouldn't even hesitate." Jake responds back to her, his voice low. Ivory releases another whimper, her eyes landing on Ben who's passed out cold on the floor. It pains my heart to see one of my best friends engulfed by fear so I take a brave step forward.

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