
Chapter Forty Seven.

I'm wrapped up in several warm blankets, a small smile on my face as I dream. The sun is beginning to rise outside, sending rays through my window. It warms up one side of my face and I sigh contently, loving crisp winter mornings. There's something so comforting about being warm and snug whilst icicles form on the glass of my bedroom window.


My eyes fly open and I let out a small scream, sitting up straight in bed. Any warmth completely vanishes from my body and I'm ripped away from my dream to greet Tia's face. She's standing over my bed, a mug of hot chocolate in her hand. A bright blue beanie sits on her head along with a matching scarf and she's wearing a white parka coat. The strands of her hair poke out from under the hat and her face is heavily made up with makeup, complete with a pink lip.

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