
Chapter Forty Three.

Four days, eight hours and thirty two minutes later, I'm officially cried out.

I pull the covers up to my chin, sniffling. The movie on my laptop begins to play and I close my eyes, unable to believe I'm back to watching soppy love movies once again. Now that my own love story has ended, I can go back to burying my head in others. My eyes are fixated on the screen but I'm not taking anything in, I'm not really watching it. I feel like I'm watching from the outside, my mind too numb to register it for myself.

There's a soft knock on my bedroom door but I ignore it, just like I've been ignoring it for the past four days. I haven't showered, I haven't changed, I'm a blubbering mess.

"Bella? I'm coming in."

"No, leave me alone!" I yell, my voice hoarse and scratchy from hours of crying. The door pushes open despite my protests and Jedd walks in, sympathy filling his features.

"Bella, you need to go to school. I won't call in sick for you anymore."

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