
Chapter Twenty.

"Your b-blonde what?" I stammer, blinking rapidly.

"Little secret," Brody smirks, his eyes drifting up and down my body again. Approval flashes through them and I feel my body heat up.

"Because we have to keep this. . . A secret." He explains, motioning between him and I.

"What is this?" I ask him, my voice firm. I immediately regret my question and close my eyes, inhaling deeply.

"Sorry, don't answer that." I mutter, feeling like an idiot. I open my eyes to find Brody watching me, his eyes burning holes through mine. It's like he can always see what's going on inside my mind.

"Do you constantly have a war with yourself in there?" He asks, pointing at my forehead. I bite down on my bottom lip nervously, hating the way he can read me like a book.

"Shut up Brody," I tease, a small smile playing on my lips. He raises an eyebrow at my sudden confidence, green eyes sparkling at me.

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