
Aspidochelone's Team I

Two months later...

"Felix, we have received another team invitation by Jorōgumo, the Silk Primogenitor." Lady Sphinx informed Felix, who was currently training his conversion technique.

"I see...I will be checking on her champions soon." Felix replied.

"Don't forget, there is only two months left before the start of the event." Thor warned him, "Most teams will start training in the upcoming days to prepare for it."

In other words, Felix didn't have two months to make a decision and pick a team but merely a few days at best.

In the past two months, Felix had gotten a dozen of team invitations from Erebus, Siren, and even Kumiho.

Still, he postponed responding to any of their invitations, knowing that this was a big decision to make.

"Don't worry, I will be deciding today." Felix assured Thor while opening a holographic screen.

It was displaying Jorōgumo's champions in diamond/radiant games.

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