

When Lexine arrived at the house, she immediately went back to her room. Her whole body was sore. She felt like her body was moving of its own accord. Her head felt heavy, her eyes were crusted up and her lips were cracked. She trudged up the steps slowly, feeling ready for the next step to be her last.

Her housemates looked up at her as she walked. This was the first time they had seen her look very dejected. Her eyes were completely lifeless, a complete contrast from her usual indifferent face. She disappeared up the steps.

Adley dragged Adley with her to the backyard, with the intention of beginning the creation of the shadow guard immediately. Aurinda sat on the grass as Adley stripped off her purple jacket. The younger twin cleared her throat, "I don't think I can do this. I feel faint."

Adley stopped stretching, "Why?"

"If something goes wrong, you need someone here to bring you back. You know how dangerous going to the shadow realm is."

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