
Aiden Jenkins. Medics

Once we've got everyone's name on the list—the ones willing to work together—we go down to the basement level. Tamara, Olivia, Karlie, and I walk in a group, we listen as Karlie talks about her time in high school. I think she found camaraderie in Tamara, with the way they have a similar outlook on those four years of their lives.

Like most places in the building now, the stairs are completely dark with no source of light. We can't afford to put candles in every place if it doesn't need to be lit. I walk with an oil lamp hanging from my fingers, leading the way. The guys are still in the lobby, helping Mrs Gomez and Ash figure out the assigned places for people to sleep in. The girls and I left when they were talking about volunteering work, when Tamara said she wanted to see the medic bay where she will be helping out with treating the wounded, with Ash. 

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