


"Your Highness this is your quarters for the night" The kingsman shows him his room.

"Thank you and where's the princess's room?"

"It's in the west wing, Sire"

"Thank you, you can leave me now"

"Yes, Sire"

He sits on his bed and suddenly he's filled with a feeling of longing. His entire being is craving to have you next to him, to spend time with him, and to know his most inner thoughts. He lays back on his bed and starts to think back to when he saw you this morning.

(God, her scent will drive me insane. The way she carried herself and god...that dress. How am I going to stay sober in her presence when she consumes me so?)

He stands up and shakes his head.

"I should start acting like a King. I can't afford to lose control around her. Get hold of yourself, James!"

He starts to unpack a few things and then go to his desk looking over the treaty that he must present to the President, tonight. There's a knock on the door, a few hours later.


The kingsman announces to the king "The carriage is ready to take you to the Colosseum"

"Thank you, I'll be right out. Is the princess coming with me?"

"No, Sire, she already left with Lord Robertson" The King's face turns into a frown.

"Very good, thank you"

(Go on princess...keep on doing what you doing!)

He walks down to the carriage waiting for him and he sees you.

"Your Highness, may I join you?"

"Lady Winters??"


You start to unpack your things and you constantly think of how you could get to the King to tell him about Lord Dobson but everything you can think of, doesn't get you to the King without the princess knowing about it. Then there's a knock on your door. You see a note being push through.

(Oh god, here we go again)

You take the envelope and open it.


Dear Lady Winters,

You are hereby invited to the gladiator show this afternoon. There will be several carriages that will be waiting at approximately two o'clock to take you to the show. Don't be late. Your presence is required.


Your Royal Highness

Princess Catherine of Monaco


(Your presence is required...Urgh! It's just a nice way of saying, you better be there or...Urgh)

You finish unpacking. Then there's another knock.

"Who is it?"

"It's me, Lady Anabel"

You breathe a breath of relief and open the door. "Please, do come in"

"Did you also get your summons? I'm beginning to think, being a Lady in waiting isn't all it's cracked up to be"

"You think? She's treating us like slaves, it's kind of ridiculous"

"Yes, but what can we do? I'm going to see if I can get a ride to Colosseum. Shall I hold it for you?"

"No, it's fine. I'm first going to finish up here. I'll see you there?"

"Okay, then I'll keep a place for you there?"

"Yes thank you" She turns around and leaves. You sit down on your bed.

(I hope, Lord Dobson has left already. If I only knew where the King's counters were, I could go to him. Dammit!)

You stand up and slowly open your door. You look up and down the hall. You slowly walk out, closing your door softly behind you. You make your way to the carriages and see there's only one carriage left. The King's carriage.

"Excuse me but are there any carriages left to the Colosseum?"

"I'm sorry, milady. Everyone has already left. It's only this one"

(Oh no, I can't be in a carriage with the princess and the King! What am I to do? I'll just go back, maybe they won't miss me?)

You turn around and make your way back upstairs but then you see him. His presence fills the air, an aroma of power and authority follows him. You quickly bow low.

(There's no princess next to him. Maybe this could be my chance to talk to him about Lord Dobson?)

"Your Highness, may I join you?" You see utter shock fills his eyes as he didn't expect you to be here.

"Lady Winters??"


"Oh Uhm, of course, you can join me, please"

He holds out a hand for you to take, to help you into the carriage. You see his hand twitching a little as he holds it out. You put your hand in his and in an instant, an explosion of heat runs through your hand to your core. You struggle to breathe. He helps you into the carriage. You sit down and he sits next to you. For the first time in a long time, you and the King are completely alone.

"What a beautiful surprise to have you in my carriage today"

"You're too kind, Sire"

"I'm afraid I'm not kind enough, Lady Winters. I've been thinking a lot about you and what you've said to me last night and I can't help but think that you didn't tell me the truth?"

"Sire, I must confess, I didn't tell you the entire truth, but I'm afraid to tell you, Sire"

He turns to look full in your eyes and then he gently takes your hand. The energy is undeniable between you. You feel a sense of absolute calm coming over you as his big hand envelops yours.

"Milady, please don't be afraid of me. I have nothing but sincere true feelings for you. I'll never intentionally hurt you"

You turn to him and you lace your fingers through his. You hear him inhale sharply.

"Sire, I'm not afraid of you but I'm afraid of what you might do. If I tell you the truth then you will certainly jeopardize your own plan, Sire"

"Angel, don't you worry about things like that. Let me be the judge of it. Do you truly believe I would jeopardize the plan that might bring us together?"

"No, Sire. I pray you, don't"

"Then please I beg of you, tell me?"

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