
The Banquet 2

Lord Harrison greets you at the door "Miladies"

"Lord Harrison, so good of you to join us tonight" Kendra sticks out her hand for him to kiss. "How can I miss a night with such a beautiful Lady?" She blushes and he holds his arm for her to hold. They walk to the table and find a seat.

"I almost thought you were not coming but then I turned and saw the most enchanting creature"

You turn and smile to the voice behind you.

"Why, Lord Jackson, I didn't know that you saw a unicorn? Please let me know where you saw such a creature. I would very much like to see it" He chuckles and then hold his arm for you to hook in. You go to sit next to Kendra.

"I'm glad you came tonight, milady" He looks deep into your eyes when the crowd grows quiet. At once everyone stands and bows. The king is walking down the stairs and soft whispers are everywhere. He searches the crowd.

Kendra whisper softly "What's he doing here?"

Lord Harrison bends down and say "He said he was coming tonight, something about seeing the people nonsense..."

"I guess you're a close confident to the King?"

"Yes, we've been friends since we were six years of age"

He walks past the people and find a place on the head of the table. His eyes never stop searching the people. Then he speaks.

"Let the feast commence!" The people clap their hands and they sit down.

Then his eyes fall on you. He smiles at you and you smile back but his smile fades when he look at Lord Jackson next to you.

Not long after, Princess Catherine enters the banquet and she sits next to the King. His face is a mix of confusion and shock when he sees her. They talk a little. It looks as if they're arguing. Then he sits back in his chair.

"Lady Winters..." Lord Jackson touch your shoulder. You jump out of your trance. "Yes?"

"Did you hear me?"

"No, no, sorry....I....I didn't hear what you said. Please could you repeat it?"

"I said if we might see each other at the hunting event tomorrow sometime?"

"Oh, uh...yes of course" The servers start to bring in the food. "This looks divine. Let's eat"

You all dig in and the King looks your way every few minutes. Then the princess would take his attention again for her, never giving him a moment with other people. The night is growing old and you find that you enjoy the company of Lord Jackson. He's a kind gentleman and will make a great suitor for you. People are pair off and the dancing is starting.

"May I have the honor of this dance, Lady Winters?"

"You may, Lord Jackson" You start to dance and see the King isn't in his seat anymore. You dance around the dancefloor and try to see if you could find him. "Lord Jackson, may I?"

You gasp as you see the King wanting to dance with you. Your heart starts to beat faster.

"Of course, your Highness" He bows and leaves. The King look at you and then he put his hand around your waist. You hear him breathing in sharply and you feel the heat shoot through your entire being.

"Do you mind, Lady Winters?"

"Not at all, your Highness" He whisks you on the dancefloor. "Sire, if I may ask, aren't you suppose to dance with the princess?"

He sighs a little and then he takes you to the other side of the dancefloor. Then you see the princess dancing with one of the noblemen. "Oh, I see..."

His eyes turn soft and he looks at you. "We like to dance with the people sometimes...or shall I say, she does..." He avoids eye contact but you see hurt in his eyes.

"Sire, do you not enjoy dancing with the people?"

"No...I mean, I just think that when you're betrothed....then you're betrothed..." He looks at you unsure if you understand what he said. "I mean-"

"Sire, I understand what you mean" You look at him with soft, understanding eyes. He gives you a small smile. "But I need you to understand, Lady Winters, that I....I really want to dance with you tonight"

You feel your heart climbing out of your rib cage. Your breathing is uneven. You hear him breathing heavily. Suddenly you hear can't anyone around you. It's only you and him.

"I'm glad that you're dancing with me, Sire" He breathes a breath of relief and smile at you.

"There's something I need to tell you, Lady Winters"

"I'm listening, Sire"

"You've....you've hypnotized me body, mind and soul..." Your jaw almost drops at his words. The song ends. You bow before him. His eyes are filled with frustration and nervousness.

"James?" You're about to speak but then the princess appears behind him. You turn and walk away.

"There you are, would you like to dance?" Lord Jackson tries again. "Yes, thank you"

You struggle to get control over your breathing and you feel the gaze of the King on you. You try to avoid his gaze as he dances with the princess around you.

(Oh my god, what's going on? Do I have such a great effect on him?)

"Are you having fun, milady?"

"....yes, yes, quite a lot, thank you"

"I'm happy to hear. Do you often dance with the King?"

"Uhm, no, this is actually the first time"

"That's interesting"


"Yes, it's not often that the King dances with other ladies except his betrothed"

"Oh, I wasn't aware..."

The night carries on and you dance with a few Lords. "Lady Winters, I thought I'll never get a chance tonight. May I have this dance?" Lord Dobson kisses your hand. You almost roll your eyes but you keep your composure.

"I'm sorry, Lord Dobson, my feet are very tired and I would just like to sit for a while

"Oh, come on, milady. I promise to make it a quick dance?"

"I don't think so Lord Dobson" He grabs your wrist and starts to pull you up from your chair. You try to pull back.

The King appears suddenly next to you "I think the Lady said, no thank you, Lord Dobson?!"

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