
bakugou x reader 6

once you got back to your dorm you just layed down on your bed and went to sleep immediately. when you woke up it was Wednesday and you heard your alarm you where hella pissed and ended up throwing it out of your window over at bakugous dorm. it ended up hitting his window you didn't care and just got up. you pulled your skirt down and toke off your shirt, you toke off your bra right as you heard bakugou yell "OI FUCKER" so you looked out of the window to see bakugou picking up your alarm clock "shit my bad bakugou" you said going out to your balcony forgetting you only had underwear on and bakugou just silent stairing at you. "can you toss it back" you asked right as bakugous nose started bleeding again "damn it bakugou" you said using your quirk so that you could sprout wings from your back and fly over to bakugou. you grabbed the alarm clock out of his hand and said "you should go to the nurse" "shirt" bakugou said quickly so you couldn't hear him "what" you asked "shirt" bakugou said loudly so you looked down at yourself and saw you where not wearing a shirt. you blushed insanely. you where gonna try wrapping your wings around you but when you did you ended up wrapping then around bakugou pulling him up to you. "HOLY SHIT" you said trying to push him off "IM NOT DOING ANYTHING" bakugou said holding his arms on the air. "YOUR FUCKING WINGS" bakugou yelled so you quickly unwrapped your wings around y'all and covered your chest up with your arm while crossing your legs. "I'm so sorry I didn't realize that I didn't have a shirt on" you said blushing insanely "i-its fine" bakugou said using his hand to wipe the blood from under his nose "your nose is still bleeding" you said quitly "I'll be fine" bakugou said "lean down a bit" you said so bakugou leaned over a bit confused and you saw that sometimes animals will lick wounds you didn't really know how it worked or if you licking bakugou would work but you tried it anyways. you licked under bakugous nose surprishing him insanely but he didn't seem to be to against it. you used your free hand to put on the back of bakugous neck while bakugous hand moved on there own onto your hips. "is it better" you asked as you stopped licking him "I think you should do it just a bit more" bakugou said blushing so you didn't think much of it and just started licking under his nose again but you didn't taste any blood. you didn't realize but you had wrapped your wings around bakugou again and had uncovered your chest. you had one of your hand on the back of bakugous neck while the other was in his hair and his hand where on your waist while your chest was pushed up against him. "do you feel better" you asked looking up at bakugou "uhhh yeah" bakugou said blushing "that's good we can't have a future hero getting sick" you said smiling and bakugou just smiled softly back. "I should probably get ready" you said covering your chest up again and unwrapping your wings around bakugou "oh uhh yeah" bakugou said letting go of your hips. "THAT WAS REALLY WEIRD" you heard Piper yell so you looked over at the balcony on the other side of yours to see Piper standing there only wearing a oversized black shirt holding a cup of coffee. "SHUT UP" you said blushing so Piper just laughed but what made you kinda surprised was that a tired looking Luna walked over next to Piper only wearing one of Piper's over sized black shirts and kissed Piper's cheek while saying "come back to be baby" "I will I'm just talking to violet" Piper said kissing lunas cheek "HIIII VIOLET" Luna yelled waving while smiling "HIIII" you yelled as you used your free hand to wave back "DID YALL HAVE SEXXX" Luna asked giggling making you and bakugou both blush insanely "NO I JUST CAME OVER TO GET MY ALARM CLOCK THAT I THREW OVER HERE" you said grabbing your alarm clock off of the outside table that you sat it on "YALL WOULD MAKE A CUTE COUPLE" Luna yelled making you and bakugou blush even more. Luna just giggled and pulled Piper back into the dorm, "I'll see you later" you said starting to flap your wings rising yourself off of the ground. "I'll be there at your training" bakugou said as you flew over to your balcony. you went inside your dorm and got changed into just some sweat pants and a hoodie cause you had to do training first thing in the morning so you would just change after training. you shoved your school outfit into your bag and started getting ready. once you where done you walked over to the school with your class. y'all went straight to the locker room and got changed, y'all went to the pool and started training while mrs.buzz watched. after going around the track mr.aizawas class came in and started watching. once everyone was done and y'all where at lunch y'all all still just sat down at the tables and rested y'all's head down on the table. bakugou sat down next to you without saying anything and started rubbing your back again which you found kinda nice. once lunch was over bakugou would carry you to the classroom. this was how it went for a few weeks until one day after school a boy asked you to meet him after school, you agreed and told bakugou about it. "so this random dude asked me to met him after school at the fountain behind the school to tell me something I wonder if he's gonna like try and beat me up" you said as you and bakugou walked to your locker "I'll come with you" bakugou said "you don't have to" you said not wanting to be a bother to Bakugou "I said I was going to come so I'm gonna come" bakugou said as y'all reached your locker "alrighttt" you said low-key happy that bakugou was gonna come with you. you put some books in your locker and closed it, "I'm exhausted after today, training seemed harder today. we added onto the lunges so now I have to do 80 and my legs are so fucking sore" you said as you and bakugou started walking towards the back of the school where the fountain was "do you want me to carry you" bakugou asked and you nodded so bakugou picked you up and princess carried you to the back of the school where two boys where. bakugou dropped you so you where standing next to bakugou infront of the boys, bakugou had his arm wrapped around you so that it was holding onto your hip while glaring at the boys. the boys seemed really nervous and where both holding small red roses. "what do you extras want" bakugou asked in a growling tone, "w-we wanted to ask violet something" the boy on the left said who was a bit shorter than you and seemed pretty skinny he had hair that went down to his shoulder it looked kinda greasy and it was a ginger color. "then spit it out extras we don't have all day" bakugou said "yeah we are planning on having a sleep over it's gonna be so much fun" you said smiling "wait... are y'all dating" the boy on the right asked who had short brown hair. you and bakugou where silent not knowing what to say and you started to feel low-key angry that they asked that for some reason so you said "why does that matter" "b-because" the boy on the left stuttered blushing and at the same time both boys yelled "WILL YOU GO OUT WITH ME" while holding out the flowers. you felt very flattered but also didn't know what to do. "uhhhh both of y'all" you asked "you get to choose one" the boy on the left said "I uhhh guess you but I don't even know your name" you said grabbing the flower from the boy with short black hair. you felt bakugous grip on the side of your waist tighten as you grabbed the flower, "thank you so much and my name is Jason" the boy with black hair said as the boy with orange hair looked sad. "alright well me and bakugou have to go so I'll see you later" you said smiling "can I come with you" Jason asked "no" bakugou said so Jason just staired at you waiting for you to respond "uhhh you probably shouldn't come to my dorm since we are gonna be possibly dating that would not be appropriate" you said awkwardly cause you just didn't want to hang out with him "but since we are dating shouldnt we kiss or something before you go" Jason asked leaning towards you "oh uhhhh no thanks" you said taking a step back and dropping the rose Jason gave to you so that you could grab onto bakugous arm to try and ask him to tell Jason to fuck off. "pleaseeee" Jason said taking a step closer to you "OI FUCK OFF BEFORE I BLOW YOUR ASS UP" bakugou yelled using his free hand to make a blast in his hand. "calm down shouldn't I be able to kiss by girlfriend" Jason said making you uncomfy "uhhh maybe we should go on a proper date before we start dating" you said just wanting to leave with bakugou. "but you already toke the rose" Jason said "didn't I say fuck off" bakugou said placing his hand on Jason's face threatening to blow his ass up. "whatever" Jason said taking a few steps back "bakugou I want to leave" you wispered towards bakugou while covering your mouth "alright darling" bakugou said lifting you up so that you had your legs wrapped around bakugous waist and your arms wrapped around bakugous neck. "what are you doing put her down" Jason said "good job fucker you made her so fucking uncomfodrtable that she asked me to take her to her dorm dumbass. I dought she will ever even look y'all's way again be lucky she didn't break your nose for thing to kiss her idiot. if I ever see either of y'all even look at her I will blow your ass up so much that nobody will be able to peice your dumb ass's together" bakugou said as you used your quirk to sprout wings and wrap around you and bakugou. "but I didn't me-" Jason was saying when bakugou cut him off by saying "fuck off" then walked away holding you. "thank you" you said snuggling up your head in the crook of bakugous neck, bakugou was silent until y'all got to your dorm. "those dudes where weird as fuck" you said as bakugou dropped you on your bed "they where lucky they didn't die that day" bakugou said walking out to your balcony "are you gonna go change" you asked "yeah" bakugou said as he blasted his way into his balcony. you stood up and walked over to your closet you only had tanktops clean and it was hella cold cause it was winter at the time so you just toke off everything other than your underwear and bra so that you could put on some sweat pants and wait for Bakugou to come back over. you waited on your bed and watched as bakugou blasted his way back into your dorm "I've seen you without a shirt way to many times" bakugou said closing the balcony door "well you don't seem to be complaining" you said standing up while smiling "how could I complain" bakugou said smirking "well as much as I would love for you to stair at my chest I'm cold so gimme that hoodie your wearing" you said walking up to bakugou smiling but before bakugou cold say anything you heard a knock at your door. you assumed it was one of your classmates so you opened the door and saw Jason "yo what the fuck" you said using your quirk to sprout wings and wrap them around you "who is it" bakugou said walking over to the door while taking off his hoodie "this fucker" you said moving away from the door so that bakugou could see Jason "here darling I'll deal with his ass" bakugou said handing you his hoodie and then cracking his knuckles "wait hold on Luna need to release some tention and you have seen her fight let her do it" you said putting his hoodie on and loving the way it smelled like carmel "what ever" bakugou said rolling his eyes "thanks darling but I'll let you beat him up while I go get Luna" you said getting on your tiptoes to kiss bakugous cheek making him blush and smile awkwardly. you walked past Jason over to Luna's room while bakugou started beating the dude up in the hallway. you knocked on Luna's door and a few seconds later Luna opened it "hey" Luna said excited "hey" you said hugging her "so I know you haven't been able to beat bitchs up so I have someone that you can" you said as you heard a loud blast "oooo who" Luna said smiling and jumping up and down "this dude named Jason" you said pointing down the hallway to Jason so Luna peeked into the hallway and smirked. "FUCK YEAH" Luna said running down the hallway and starting to beat the dude up "bakugou darlinggggg" you said walking back into your room "yeah sweetie" bakugou said giving you butterflys course of him calling you that "can we take a nap togetherrrr I wanna cuddle" you said turning off your lights and jumping on your bed "of course sweetie" bakugou said as he stopped beating Jason up "don't kill him or break any major bones" bakugou said to Luna before he walked into your dorm and closed the door. he walked over to the bed and layed down next to you, you put your hand on his cheek and bakugou said ow so you asked "what's wrong are you ok" "yeah I think that he might have cut me tho" bakugou said in a calm quite tone "oh do you want me to do the thingy" you asked cause sometimes when bakugou gets small cuts you will lick them. you don't actually think licking cuts is safe or normal but you just like how bakugou tasted and just the fact that you licking him kinda made you happy. bakugou just nodded so you climbed onto him so that you where sitting down on his stomach and leaned over so that you could lick his cheek. bakugou put his hands on your ass giving you even more butterflys as you had your left hand on bakugous chest and your right hand was on the side of his neck. "ya know most of the time when I get cuts they aren't bleeding and isn't doing this thing supposed to stop the bleeding" bakugou asked making you freeze "... I didn't tell you to stop" bakugou said softly while blushing so you just smiling and blushed a bit as you continued. you started to get tired so you lifted your self up a bit so that you where sitting straight up ontop of bakugou "does it feel better" you asked putting your hands on bakugous chest "of course" bakugou said softly smiling "that's good" you said leaning back down so that you where laying ontop of bakugous chest. bakugou started to rub your back making you fall asleep pretty quickly...

thanks for reading

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