
Chapter 38- Challenge (Part 2)

A large, thick axe blade made of iron, wrapped in roguish and barbaric clothing made of wild boar hide. The incredible girth regarding the sheer size of the weapon's sharp edge will obliterate anything that came in its way. Every incoming blows would easily shred all that came in contact with it.

The axe design was made to disregard both balance of defense and offence. Its main use was solely for offensive annihilation, incapable of protecting its owner against attacks. This weapon and its user was the exact definition of 'the best defense is the best offence'. The blade itself is engraved with strange markings, making it look like a power is hiding within.

Combining that with the owner's incredible physique. Its chunky head sits atop a proud, massive, and robust body. An oddly gorgeous pattern of red tattoos covers its whole body, seemingly to remind whoever sees him of some events of the past. An otherworldly presence bulge from its being, as to prompt others of his mighty existence.

The Chieftain bolts toward its challenger, its two legs lumberingly carry its vigorous body with a murderous energy. A sharp axe sweep behind it, moving in the ground like a charging bull. His battle cry resonates all over the camp, making him seem even more intimidating.


[You Have Been Affected by 'Alluring Cry']

Mylo hasn't been able to look away from the creature, it hasn't stopped charging at him either. The cheering shouts from the goblins surrounding the arena woke the amazed human and suddenly, his face to face with the vulgar entity of pure violence. With a terrified expression as well as a quick reflex, he managed to draw his rapier in a defensive posture allowing him to mitigate the incoming attack.


[Chieftain Borg dealt 1,582 damage.]

[You have lost more than 50% of your HP in one hit; you have been stunned for 4 seconds.]

The incredible strength of the swing launched Mylo towards a group of goblins. He fell down to his knees, unable to move even an inch of his body. Everything felt heavy. His entire body forced him to the ground whenever he tried to move. All he could do was lay there and wait for the debuff to expire. He was worried that the time remaining wouldn't be enough to protect himself from the chieftain next assault.

[3 Seconds remaining.]

The ground trembled as the chieftain walked towards his prey. Stirring the ground more and more as he gets closer, as if a thousand men were moving into a single being. Each step, shattering the ground it landed on, as if he was stepping into a frail snow path. The scraping sound of iron could be heard hitting the floor, drowning out the cheering cry's completely.

[2 Seconds remaining.]

The encircling goblins vanished one by one as well as the object around them, leaving only complete obscurity. The only one inside that obscurity was himself and the chieftain. Within two seconds, the goblin was already a hair breath of him. Raising his arm with the gigantic axe that surprisingly looked twice as large then before. Mylo's only tough was how to survive, leaving him with the only option of escaping using the zealous bracelet passive skill. A bad taste could be felt in his mouth, he wasn't mad about failing this expedition but he was mad that he didn't even have the chance to counter-attack. Having received too many overpowered benefits, he thought he could handle a boss monster almost double his own level.

[1 second remaining.]

The axe slowly travelled towards Mylo's head.

"If I had one second, one free second is all I need" Mylo tough to himself with a saddened expression. He couldn't even fight back or deal one health of damage to him. It was as if the chieftain was saying, 'an eye for an eye'. Making him feel as powerless and weak as he did to the patrol captain.

"No! No way, there's no way I'm going out like this! This is pathetic, I'm better than this. I'm stronger than this. I can't rely on the zealous skill. I just need to find a way. ANYTHING!"

[Extreme Concentration effect activated, double to all attribute stats.]

[Stun Effect expired.]

Without even realizing it, Mylo instinctively moved his body to the side with quick reaction timing. Allowing him to dodge and survive the chieftain blow. Which could have only been possible with his current movement and action speed. If he didn't have the 'Swift step' passive skill from his boots as well as the double stats effect in motion, increasing his agility. He wouldn't be standing with confidence.

[You have consumed a 'Lesser Health Potion'.]

[You healed 30% of your maximum Health (945 HP), you will heal 0, 5%(15,75 HP) per second for 10 seconds.]

['Lesser Health Potion' is in cooldown for 120 seconds.]

Mylo could hear and feel his racing heart, slowly calm down. His composure relaxing at the same time.

"Now…ready for round two?"

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