
Guilty! Now, what's the sentence?

My grip on the tissues tighten and I force myself to look straight ahead. Don't cry Emily, don't cry.

How can I possibly not cry?

Today is the day we find out what Jane is going to be serving behind bars. She already pleaded guilty in hopes to receive a shorter sentence. The charges she's facing are the brutal murder of Dylan Phillips and the kidnap of Ivory Melvin.

Ivory has to re-live her entire ordeal. My thoughts turn towards Dylan, an innocent young man who unfortunately wasn't so lucky with his life. He had no idea what Jane was capable of, no-one did. I turn my head and glance at the older lady sat opposite me. A man that looks like an older version of Dylan sits beside her, his arm wrap around her shoulder for support — Dylan's parents.

Mrs Phillips rests her head on her husbands shoulder, eyes red and raw from the pain she's feeling inside of her heart. Her son was ripped away from her in an instant through no fault of his own.

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