

2 weeks later. ...

"He's cute", Catherine's friends exclaims. I wasn't meant to hear that, but Catherine friend isn't the subtle type. Not how I imagined  meeting Catherine's friends would go like.

"Ssshhh, behave yourselves",  Catherine tells them while they stand in a huddle. I find myself standing a distance away from them, sort alike a boyfriend forced into meeting his girlfriend's questionable friends.

And no Catherine isn't my girlfriend. We don't really have a title to describe our little relationship.

"Okay. K this is my friend Tabatha", she introduces her to me. "You can call me TT for short", Tabatha says while shaking my hand. "Definitely not calling you that", I tell myself. "Nice to meet you Tabatha", I say.  "And this is April", Catherine introduces me to her.

"Hey. You can stick to calling me April", she says while shaking my hand. April seems nice, and probably the chilled one in the friend circle. TT is definitely the wild one. And Catherine is the in between, but has her moments of acting a little extra.

Interesting friendship circle.

"So is this your new boyfriend", April asks Catherine. "Haha uhm, no not really we're just. .", Catherine tries to explain while looking at me. "I'm soon to be her boyfriend", I tell April. Catherine giggles, and so do her friends.

"Okay! I feel awkward now", I think to myself while standing there looking stupid. "So how long have you guys been a thing for", TT asks us. "Uhm it's been about two weeks now", Catherine tells her. "Two weeks already", I exclaim to myself. I generally didn't keep track of how long this was going for. Then again I've lost track of a lot of things, so it's expected.

The music festival had ended yesterday, and with it any reason for my manager to stick around in my hometown. But with the festival ending I really didn't have much to do while back home, besides just spending most of my days with Catherine. Which isn't bad at all, but also a risk of me getting exposed for what I really am.

And Catherine is a inquisitive person with the added bonus of being a news reporter looking for the big scoop.

4 days ago. ...

"Who's Infamous", Catherine asks me while looking through my contact list. I was dumb enough to give her my phone and it's  password. Now she's searching through it trying to find something that The Good Lord only knows. "Uhm a friend of sorts. Well a therapist you could say", I tell her.

"Okay. But why would you save your so called Therapist as Infamous", she asks me with a serious look.  "Preferably I wouldn't want people thinking I have a therapist's number saved in my phone,  for them to start thinking I'm cracked or something", I plainly tell her.

"Mmh okay", she responds sounding unconvinced.

2 days ago. ...

Catherine and I are walking to the Music festival and she starts claiming, "I heard this love song play on the radio the other day right. And it felt like a really personal song aimed at me. You wouldn't happen to have anything to do with it K".

I laugh and ask her, "what makes you think that". "I don't know, but the lyrics in question had this feel to them that reminds me of you", she states. "Especially the part where it goes,

Try to lie you have another guy,

but I know you want me more so you can't deny

That had me thinking", Catherine exclaims. She looks at me waiting for a response, but I raise my eyebrows and hands and mumble out, "I don't know". She looks at me with a serious look in her eye.

Present day. ...

"So are you guys planning on spending the day with us", TT asks Catherine. "Nope. You girls are way too loud and you might scare off K", Catherine says. "Aaww. Come on we're not that bad", TT claims.  "You say that now till you do something extra. So no. And anyways K and I are going to watch a movie", Catherine says.

We actually didn't agree to that today, but I get where she's going at.

"Yeah and we actually should get a move on before the screening starts", I tell Catherine. We say our goodbyes to April and TT, and head off to this unplanned movie dated.

For some guys going out with girl, and an unplanned event like going to the movies pops up. The guy wouldn't be too happy about that.  And his wallet too.

But for a guy like me with all the time in the world, and a bank account that could probably buy the world, this sort of stuff can't really phase me.

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