
Resolutions: Part Two

Chapter 65: Resolutions: Part Two.

(Five days later)

Harry Kim's POV


"Sir, the Vidiians are hailing us." I informed Captain Tuvok.

"On screen." He ordered.

"Hello, Lieutenant." Denara said on the viewscreen with a smile.

"Dr. Pel. I didn't expect to see you this quickly."

"When I heard what happened, I boarded the first ship I could. Tell me about this illness."

"They were infected by a virus after being bitten by insects on a planet approximately seventy light-years from here, in a system with a yellow dwarf star."

"The third planet in a system of seven?" She asked.

"Yes." Tuvok replied.

"I know it well. There's a particular kind of burrowing insect that carries the disease. Years ago, we developed an anti-viral agent to combat it."

"Can we get some from you?"

"Of course. Our captain said we could rendezvous with you. He's transmitted the coordinates."

My console beeped as the coordinates came in.

"I have them, sir." I replied.

"Thank you, Doctor. We appreciate your help."

"I'm glad I can be of assistance."

"Estimated time to the coordinates?"

"Approximately twenty hours."

"Until then, I want a series of battle drills. We must be ready for whatever comes."


(Next Day)

Bini Filters's POV

"BINI!" Micheal called out as he ran out of the shelter. I was picking up wood for Chakotay near the edge of the woods. I waved him over. He smiles and came over very quickly. "I have some great news!"

"News? What news do you have that I don't know? I practically know the Captain's life story because of how there is absolutely nothing going on right now.

"I approve of Chakotay trying to be my dad."




"Seriously?" I asked after a few seconds of shock silence.

"I am not joking. I realized it yesterday." Micheal exclaimed.

"Only yesterday? You should have known this when we were first dumped on this planet." I said, slapping him on the back with a laugh.

"But..." Micheal continued. "He is trying too hard to impress her."

"Right! Geez, it's so weird! Next thing you know he will be massaging her!"

"Bini, shut up. Don't put the thought in my head!" He begged.

"Come on, Let's head back. Help me with this." I dropped some wood into Micheal's hands and directed him towards the shelter. As we walked by the celebrity couple, we couldn't help but stop and pretend to get more wood while eavesdropping because we have nothing else to do but listen and gossip about the grown-ups in our life.

"I've been thinking. There's plenty of wood available here. I could probably add rooms to the shelter, give us a little more living space."

"How would you mill it?" Kathryn asked.

"I could do a certain amount with a phaser, but I was actually thinking of logs."

"As in a log cabin?" She corrected.

"I built a few of them when I was growing up. My father thought it was important that I learn how."

"When I was young, my parents took us on backpacking trips. They thought we should all keep a connection to our pioneer roots. I hated it. No bed, no replicator."

"No bathtub." He added.

"No bathtub. I guess I was always a child of the twenty-fourth century." She added with a chuckle.

"Well, maybe those camping trips helped prepare you for life here."

"Oh, no. Life here is much better than that." She said.

"I think that's the first time I've heard you say anything positive about being here."

"Awkward." Micheal hissed.

---Eight hours later---

It was late, Micheal, Sarah and I were in our bedroom, we had direct sight into the living room where Chakotay was working at art and looking up sometimes at Kathryn. Kathryn was trying to repair her destroyed experiment and having issues at her desk nearby, while the three of us waited for something to happen as we sipped our drinks.

"I guess I'm not used to that kind of work. My knots are getting knots." she said, trying to massage her neck.

"Here, let me help." Chakotay offered. We all pricked up. He got up and moved behind her, moving...st-...What...I...That is not right...OK, basically he stroked her hair and started massaging her neck, damn that was hard to get out.

"Oh, that feels good."

That made milk come out of Micheal's nose.

"I've had a lot of practice at this. My mother used to get sore necks all the time. I was the only one she'd trust not to make it worse."

"That's much better. Thank you. Well, I'm going to go to bed now. I'll see you in the morning." She abruptly said with embarrassment.

"Sleep well, Kathryn."

"Yes. You too."


Harry Kim's POV

"Got something. Vidiian ship, bearing three two five mark five."

"Hail them." Tuvok ordered.

"They aren't responding. Trying on alternating frequencies."

"I'm reading a second ship, one seven seven mark five." Tom reported.

"I've got it. Now a third-"

"They're surrounding us!"

"None of them are answering hails and their weapons are powered."

"Red alert."


Bini Filters's POV

(20 minutes later)

"And then the wolf tried to blow the third house-" I was reading from the book, but Micheal raised up his hand. I sighed and put down the boo. "Yes, Micheal?"

"This story is stupid. Why are the other two so stupid? They came from the same mother right?" Micheal said.

"This is a fake story."

"I know that but the logic is awful-"

"What are you? A Vulcan now?"

Sarah suddenly hopped out of her bed and ran over to the doorway. She then gestured us to follow her as Mollie also perked up in interest. The two of us quickly looked over the edge and saw the living room. Chakotay was sitting alone, working, probably feeling the effects of cursing rejection.

"We have to talk about this." Kathryn said. She slipped into one of the chairs across from him.

"All right." Chakotay said, placing down his project.

"I think we need to define some parameters about us." She dropped the bombshell.

"Oh no..." Micheal muttered.

"I'm not sure I can define parameters." He admitted. "But I can tell you a story, an ancient legend among my people. It's about an angry warrior who lived his life in conflict with the rest of his tribe, a man who couldn't find peace, even with the help of his spirit guide. For years, he struggled with his discontent. But the only satisfaction he ever got came when he was in battle. This made him a hero among his tribe, but the warrior still longed for peace within himself. One day he and his war party were captured by a neighbouring tribe led by a woman warrior. She called on him to join her because her tribe was too small and weak to defend itself from all its enemies. The woman warrior was brave and beautiful and very wise. The angry warrior swore to himself that he would stay by her side, doing whatever he could to make her burden lighter. From that point on, her needs would come first. And in that way, the warrior began to know the true meaning of peace."

"Is that really an ancient legend?" She asked as tears ran down her cheeks. He smiled back and shrugged.

"No. But that made it easier to say."

"Awwww-" Micheal, Sarah and I whispered.

Kathryn held up her hand, which he grasped. They held hands for several minutes. They both had tears streaming down their faces.


Harry Kim's POV

The ship shook under the fire blasting of three vidiian ships surrounding us.

"Shields down to fifty-eight percent."

"Rearm the forward phaser array and fire at will." Tuvok ordered.


"Shields down to forty-seven percent. Sir, there're just too many of them."

"Load aft torpedo bays."

"Torpedoes armed."

"Fire number one. Report." He barked.

"They're still coming."

"Fire number two. Tuvok to Engineering."

"Torres here, sir."

"Listen carefully."


Kes's POV

"She has a broken arm." I called out. Helping a crewmember into sickbay that was becoming crowded.

"Set it with the osteogenic stimulator." The Doctor ordered as he helped another crewmember.

"I think there's someone on the monitor. This way." I called out. Pointing to the incoming transmission.

"Odd. Why wouldn't they just use the comm. line? I don't think this is coming from our ship." he said, responding to the call. Suddenly Dr. Pel appeared on the screen.

"Shmullus. Shmullus, can you hear me?" She called out.


"Shmullus, I have to do this quickly. I'm on one of the Vidiian ships."

"Do they know you're contacting me? Are you in any danger?"

"No. Everyone's too focused on the battle. Oh, Shmullus, I swear I didn't know they planned to attack. I thought we were on an errand of mercy."

"I believe you." He insisted.

"I have the anti-viral serum here." She said. Holding up the vial. "If you can use your transporter to get it to your ship."

"Our shields are up. We can't transport anything through them?"

"I don't know what else to suggest."

"All right. I'll see what I can do."

"Maybe we can lower the shields long enough to transport the serum." I suggested.

"Sickbay to Bridge." The Doctor ordered on his combadge.

"This is Tuvok. We're rather busy here, Doctor." Tuvok replied.

"Doctor Pel is on one of the Vidiian ships. If we can drop our shields briefly, we can beam aboard the serum."

"Keep this comm. line open, Doctor. When you hear me order the shields down, you must complete a site-to-site transport yourself. We will be busy with the Vidiians."


"Bridge to Engineering. Report." Tuvok ordered over the com link.

"We're ready to eject the antimatter container." B'Elanna replied sharply.

"Stand by for my command. Here is the sequence of events. We will drop shields to transport the medicine. At the same moment, the antimatter container will be ejected. As soon as it's clear, Mister Kim will detonate it with a photon torpedo. Simultaneously, Mister Paris will jump to full impulse so that we will not take the brunt of the explosion. Is everyone clear on this? Timing is of the utmost importance. We won't get a second chance."

"We're ready down here."


"I've set up to make the transport.

"Stand ready then. Lower shields."

"Initiating transport."

"Ejecting the antimatter container now."

"We've got it. Raise shields."


Bini Filters's POV

Micheal, Sarah and I sat on a nearby patch of grass with a notebook. Trying to figure out this whole relationship issue as we watched them...trying to garden. Garden. That seems a bit too simple for a scientist and a former terrorist.

"Why is she gardening? That should be Chakotay's job!" Micheal argued.

"Chakotay's job? Excuse me? He is a former terrorist! Terrorists don't garden!" I argued.

"And Mommy is smart!" Sarah pitched in.

"Am I supposed to interpret that as...something...other than what I am thinking because how does that statement make sense...to...Well...Anyone?"

"I get it!" Micheal pipped up. "She is too smart to plant tomatoes."

"Both of you are idiots!" I snapped. "It doesn't matter-"

"Look you are the rude one here. We have just learned from the best."

"Great. Thanks." I snapped out sarcasm. We focused out attention back to the couple of the decade.

"How are they coming?"

"Very nicely. We should have vine-ripened Talaxian tomatoes in a couple of months, unless this planet has the equivalent of tomato bugs. Oh, they're awful." She complained. Laying on her stomach, trying to bury the seeds.

"I would never have thought of you as a gardener."

"I grew up around farmers. My parents insisted we learn some basic gardening skills." She replied with the roll of her eyes.

"Did you hate that as much as camping?"

"Of course. Who wanted to muck around in the dirt when you could be studying quantum mechanics? But I find it very satisfying now, watching the seeds sprout and grow."

"If your tomatoes could spare you for a minute, I'd like your opinion on something in the house.

"Well, you've come to the right person. I always have an opinion."

"Isn't that right!" I muttered.

"Really?" Chakotay asked. Chakotay helped her up and lead her into the shelter, we all scrambled up and ran towards the shelter. Leaving Mollie to sleep in the sun with her tongue hanging out.

We ran to the shelter and peeked through the entrance. Watching as Chakotay brought up a diagram of a boat. Boats are scary and stupid.

"What do you think?" He asked.

"A boat!"

"You said you wanted to explore the river. I think I could build this." He explained.

"When did she say that?" Micheal asked.

"Don't look at me." I snapped back. Unsure of how to respond.

"We could go on a camping trip."

"I'm not sure we could fit the bathtub in the boat." He joked.

"Well, that's all right. I'll have the river."

"This is a weird conversation," I muttered.

Suddenly, static broke through the conversation

"Do you read me? Repeat." Tuvok called.

"Oh damn!" Micheal swore.

"Do you hear that?" She asked.

"Yes." He muttered in what I swear was "disappointment." He got up and walked over to the shelf. grabbing two combadges out of four, handing one to her as Tuvok kept pestering us.

"To Captain Janeway, do you read me? This is Tuvok calling Captain Janeway and Commander Chakotay. Please respond."

"This is Janeway." Se replied, looking none the two happy..

"Captain, it's good to hear your voice. We have news."

"What is it?"

"We have medicine which we believe will effectively treat your condition. We plan to be in orbit within thirty hours."


(Two days later)

Bini Filters POV

"They are really depressed," I informed Micheal as I helped him take a box out of the shelter that was our home a few short hours ago.

"I would be too if my love was stuck up," Micheal muttered.

"OK. You aren't doing much better I see."

"Ready?" Chakotay asked us as Sarah came over with Mollie. We all nodded and beam up. Back to Voyager. Back to normal life.

(AN: I read somewhere that they spent 6 months on the planet so Micheal and Sarah's birthdays have pasted. In my universe, they did spend 6 months there. So, Micheal is 11 and Sarah 7 now. Bini is now 16. Voyager is in its third year of the journey.)

---Two days later---

Micheal and Sarah are acting strange. Really strange.

We sat in my quarters, using an old video game system called Nintendo 2Ds XL to play Pokemon Ultra Sun.

"So...Can I give you a hypothetical scenario?" Micheal asked as he beat another trainer on route 123.

"Sure." I replied.

"How would you respond if Mommy wanted to adopt you?"

"...Excuse me?"

"Answer the question."

"I guess I would be honoured and agree. But this is hypothetical. So the chance of that happening are impossible."

"I don't know about that." Micheal smirked. "It might happen."

"OK." I snapped, putting down my DS. "Why are you two acting so weird and giving me weird questions like that?"

"No reason. Come on Sarah. Time to go!" Micheal jumped up, grabbing Sarah and running out.

"What the hell was that?" I muttered as I got up and started cleaning up the mess they made.

---End of Chapter 65: Next: ???---