
'3.5' I can't see

His eyes glared with fierce determination as a scowl painted his lips.

I narrowed my eyes- not scare him but to show I wasn't someone who you could misjudge. My hand hovered over my wounded shoulder, the pain still stigting in the slightest.

"So," He drawled, putting his hands behind his back, his glare still as fierce as ever.

"Are you and Snotlout-" He paused and sighed dramatically- his hands came up to show a gesture.

"What?" I asked quizzed. His face paused once again and he snorted.

"You know...-"

"I don't?"

"Erm, how do I say this-"

"I think he has a crush on me yes?" I confirmed, still confused to where this conversation was leading.

"So, you're not a... thing?" Stoic inquired, his voice dangerously calm. He looked ready to burst.

I chocked, my free hand banging on my chest.

"I'm geussing thats a no," His voice boomed as he turned around to watch two snickering figures quickly run away around the corner.

"No-" I wheezed, a small smile breaking through. I had to admit- the twins have some nerve. I can't imagine lying like that to someone like Viggo-

"Excuse me, I'll return later." His voice brought me out of my head. The shadow of his figure slowly walking away towards the exit.

I sighed heavily. This was probably one of the most confusing parts of life, I had to admit. My eyes wondered about, scanning the surrounding surface with a dignified grunt of pain.

The dungeon was dark, not dark enough so you couldn't see your hand in front of your face- but, dark enough.

The cells were mostly empty, I spotted a few huddled men which I geussed was those on the beach. A memory flashed through my head about the gaurd that saved me in the fire.

I leaned back with a more relaxed posture, watching- observing as the sound of torches being aflamed filled my ears.

A quick flash of that house, burning with intense flames licking at anything within reach. I remember finding Viggo with the Dragon riders and feeling desperate to save him.

As fast as the memory appeared- it disappeared, folding itself like a scroll in my mind, waiting to be used once again.

I geuss me and the guard are on equal terms?

I briefly closed my eyes, breathing in the old mossy scent of the dungeon. It felt comforting, to say the least. Strangely- I felt at peace.

I don't know how long I waited, it felt long and torturing to just stare in a dark.

What if Viggo betrays me?

No, he'll only betray me if I betray him.



He'd never-

I paused in my thoughts, licking my chapped lips. I moved my foot, straining the muscle for some relief.

We don't even look alike.

I don't know when footsteps started echoing between the walls, but when I looked up- familiar green eyes stared back.

"Imora,"  He greeted with a sad smile.

"Hiccup," I breathed, glaring.

"You might want to read this," His hand reached out and placed a book near the cage door.

I stared at the cover for a while before widening my eyes.

It was the book I- we stole from Viggo a few days ago.

The book.

I quickly snatched the book, hurling it into my chest and hugging it tightly.

"Where did you get this? I thought..."

Hiccup sat down and scratched his neck, looking at the book hesitantly.

"We weren't sure if you'd still want it- so me and Fishlegs read through it..."

I narrow my eyes, trying to see what his hesitancy was about. "And?"

"And we saw something... We thought you'd.. Um- want to see." He phrased, avoiding eye contact and bitting his bottom lip warily.

His hand reach out again, but I just clutched the book tighter. His hand retreated to his side.

"Right, I'll leave.. You to it then.." He trailed off, standing up slowly and walking off. I saw his head turn my way before exiting.

I furrow my eyebrows, strange. My eyes dart back to the book in my clutches, I hastily open it and start reading.

There were maps, notes, letters and some illustrations of islands and dragons. Come to think of it, why would Viggo NOT want me to read it?

This is valuable information... What was so important to hide? Confusion raked my brain as read further.

Slowly, I felt my eyes close in tiredness. My hands gripped the book, as I heard the scutter of paper fall out.

Tiredly, I grabbed the closest one- the paper feeling thick and sturdy. I frown, I don't think I've read this one before-

The dim light from the few torches that were burning made me squint. Maybe I should keep this one for the morning?

Yes, maybe.

My eyes catched a few words, my head making them jump and jumble together in confusion.

I raise my eyebrows in effort as I read,

        The Grimborn family tree,

Here lies the document of the current Grimborns and their heirs;

I groaned, it was too much effort to read so I skipped over the parts of boring words and my parents names.

Ryker Grimborn, the oldest of two brothers. Currently aged 35, second in command to the Dragon Hunters tribe.

Oldest of two? We were three... Right? One... Two...

Viggo Grimborn, the younger brother takes occupation by leading the Dragon Hunter's tribe.

Okay... I looked around the page, searching for my name.

It wasn't there.


I looked closer- quickly spotting my name written hastily at the end of the paper in messy ink.

Imora, an ally who was adopted and now rules with the Grimborn family, aged-

