

My breath was uneven. My heart was beating faster than drums ever could and my stomach bubbled with anxiety. This was either one of the best or worst mistakes I ever made.

Slowly, I took the book out of his hands and released my grip on the map.

The book was covered in a soft leather and tiny specks of silver shining here and there in the moonlight. A short gust of air escaped my mouth as I took in how heavy it was packed with notes, documents and other plans my father wanted to execute.

I stared at the book with awe and curiosity. But before I could do anything, I had to hide it. If even one of the guards discover that I have the book - well, it certainly isn't the sort of situation you want to be in.

I looked up, seeing Hiccup observe the map with a keen eye. "Viggo is planting Dragon-root on the far side of this island." I point to him. " He's setting a trap for you here." He watched me with dangerous eyes, my mind already knowing he isn't taking my word for it. ' Oh well... If you want to learn the hard way, do it I geuss.' I grumbled mentally.

" Dragon Riders! Get them!" A voice shouted below the mountain. My neck instantly craned to watch how guards stumble on the way here, but that didn't concern me, however, the was something much worse. In the distance - Krogan and his oversized-reptiles flew towards the place we were standing. My legs started wobbling as they tried to get away but my eyes were still focused on Krogan.

My stomach felt like it wanted to throw up with how much it churned. Korgan's eyes landed on mine and his lips grew into a smirk.


I turned around and let my feet take control. My feet stumbled over branches, rocks and mud but I never stopped running. I couldn't quite figure out where I was running so my eyes scrambled around - trying to find a way to get out of the eyesight of Krogan.

Behind me wings were sending furious gusts of wind, knocking me forward occasionally.

A part of me expected this to happen but it never hurts to hope. If only I could've seen Krogan earlier none of this would've happened. A sudden twinge of guilt erupted in my stomach. 'What about Hiccup?'

' What about him?' I internally snapped to my sub-consciousness. It's not like I care about any of them... Right? Surely someone like me can't possibly care for people who are against me... Ryker said you should hate your enemies. But I can't help but hope he's wrong and that my feeling is right.

Maybe I do care, maybe I'm not meant to be here. Maybe-

A screech sounded above me and the heat of fire was burning my ankles. I barely had time to blink before a heavy force launched me forward. My face was planted into the ground as I let out a groan of pain.

My hands moved to push me up but my arms were nearly numb. A place of where I couldn't figure out if I even had arms or not. Another ball of fire landed near me - burning my shoulder to ash. With panic sewn into my bones, I quickly looked over to be slightly relieved to find that I still had my arm attached to my body.

A small whimper made its way out of the back of my throat and silently passed through my lips. This was something my wildest dream never thought to imagine. I'd always thought that if Krogan or Johan were to lay a finger on me- I'd tell Viggo and Ryker immediately and let them take care of the situation.

But now, when I am at the verge of death - there's not a trail or a trace that they are here. Maybe I really did put too much trust in them... Ridiculous! They're my brothers! I deserve this anyway, they wouldn't go behind my back just to steal something from me.

I brought this upon myself and now I should take consequences for it.

My ears rang with panic but I was able to hear the screech of a Singetail. 'This is it.' I close me eyes and took a final breath.




I took a gasp of air, still waiting patiently for my death. Slowly, squinting my eyes, trying to clear the black dots dancing at the rim of my vision. I kept gasping for breath and soon realised the net holding me down.

No wonder my breath was knocked out. Dragons can barely escape with these things, what chance have I got?

Grunting I turn my attention to what was most eye-catching. The figure currently running towards me with full speed. My mind still dizzy about my current situation, I try to speak but my voice is barely audible.

"Viggo." I managed to croak out. The figure hovered over my a few seconds longer - confusing my already boggled mind. The black silhouette crouched down, reaching it arms to hover over my body.

Then, a piercing scream filled the air making my ears ring louder than before. A sharp stinging lodged it self in my leg, immediately feeling warm water drip over my leg.

It took a moment to realize that I was the one screaming. My eyes shut as I stopped screaming. With my good arm, I clutched my leg trying to ease the pain but only made it so much worse. It felt like my soul was being sucked out of me when whatever was in my leg before was pulled out. Only to be dropped again near the fresh wound. I opened my mouth to scream but no sound came from me at all. My mind started throwing conclusions about how and why this is happening instead of trying to get me out of this situation.

Impulses made me quickly pull out whatever was in my leg and as soon as I felt the familiar rubber cloth around the handle.

I knew I was screwed.

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