
'2.1' A fire that reveals

The lower the sun went, the more bored I got. The sky became darker and little specks of white came floating into the scenery above. My head was focused on one thing and one thing only: How do you put an arrow in your quiver without looking?

My hand went behind my back to place an arrow in, but the leather kept sabotaging me. I frustratedly sighed and quickly placed my bow carefully on the ground. I pulled off the quiver and inspected it, looking for any signs of suspicious movement.


After a few seconds of trying to listen to what's going on inside the wooden house, I gave up. I hung the bow and quiver on my back comfortably. My legs crossed and landed on the ground making a thump. I just really hope this won't take all night.

Just as I thought that- a figure came into my head. The figure was large and I knew from the sound that it was Destiny. I wanted to go out and reach her but she was here in my head. Just a figment of my imagination. Then, I slowly nodded off...

I heard yells and screams as I groggily woke up. First, I calmly watched about, my mind sagging with confusion. Then I rubbed my eyes and scratched my head. Before I could turn around to the sound of an explosion, someone grabbed my arm and yanked me up. They pushed me behind a few barrels and the smell of smoke and fire consumed the air.

My senses came swarming over me and the powerful rush of adrenaline rushed through my veins. "What happened?" I yelled, hoping someone would answer. "Dragon Riders!" Guards yelled in the background. "Miss, there is an attack." They spoke next to me. I nodded hastily and peeked out from behind the barrels.

"Get down!" A shout resounded. We both quickly ducked just in time as another explosion went off. My mind clicked; the plan worked... or did it?

"Help!" It was faint, but I heard it. I feared who that voice belonged to. "Viggo," I whispered, horrified of what's happening.

The guard seemed to sense my desire to help, so he quickly pulled me back down to the ground when I tried to stand up. "Miss, you must not! You will die if you go in there!" He shouted, trying to pull me back to safety. I yanked my arm out of his reach and made a break for it.

"And he'll die if I don't help!" I panted, running as fast as my mind would allow me to. Then I heard it again, a faint call for help. The people all around me flowed in the opposite direction without care for who's left behind them. Out of nowhere, Ryker appeared, pushing me back against the fire.

"Hiccup! There's Viggo!" A familiar voice shouted above me. Astrid. Putting my hate alongside, I looked to where she pointed. Squinting my I eyes, I ignored Ryker's warnings and protests and ran where dragons began grouping on the ground.

I paused, then slowly took out two daggers. Hiding against a carriage wasn't the safest place to be, but I had to save Viggo. I moved closer and listened for any sign that they might recognize my position. "Where is it, Viggo?" Hiccup boomed. He watched Viggo with such hatred I could see it swarming off him.

A part of me watched in anticipation and the other part felt hate stirring in my body. Heather wasn't there, but Dagur was and so was the rest of the group. "You heard him." Astrid spat, drawing her ax and pointing it to his neck. A ball of nerves and excitement contracted in my stomach. I carefully kneeled out of their line of vision and aimed.

My hand stopped mid-throw. Nothing was stopping it, except a feeling. The feeling shouted at me so loudly that it almost made me dizzy. I paused again and thought. I glanced to where my target was- Astrid's head, but slowly decided to remove that idea.

'I hope this isn't going to backfire like all my other ideas.' I whispered in my head. My target changed- now it was simply a warning. I aimed and caught rustling in the ash-like bushes. My eyes scanned the surroundings but found no threat.

I aimed again and threw my dagger forcefully to Hiccup's feet, who was fuming. He stopped and so did everybody around him. Viggo narrowed his eyes with a smirk. They gazed around, searching for something they couldn't see.

I threw another one, this time hitting Hiccup's sword. He instantly flinched and looked at my place. 'Oh, yack dung, yack dung, yack dung.' I cursed in my head. Stormfly sniffed the air, the monstrous nightmare lit itself on fire and Toothless growled standing next Hiccup, looking at where he was staring.

'Oh, no. Nope. I knew I should've gone for the head. Stupid, stupid, stupid Imora!' I thought. "Who's there?" Dagur yelled, catching on to where Hiccup was staring. "If you don't come out," He warned, cracking his knuckles. 'Oh you've done it now, haven't you?'

The excitement that was once in my stomach, was now destroyed. The nerves made me hesitate about drawing more daggers. " Relax Dagur, it was just me," Heather said, appearing behind the bush that previously rustled. My eyes widened with fear.

There was absolutely no way she didn't see me. She was watching me, waiting for the perfect time to strike. "Oh, it's nice to know that you like threatening us by throwing daggers. Kind of uh, new hobby is it?" Dagur asked uncertainly.

"Oh, no. That wasn't me, it was our old friend remember?" She asked, a smile playing at her lips. She placed her hands on her hips as her dragon came marching from the bushes. "Heather what are you talking about?!" Snotlout yelled out of frustration.

"You know, the spy that Viggo sent? Turns out, she was a spy. Weren't you?" Heather asked, turning to me. She dragon growled as she used her tail to flip the cart over.

Yack dung.

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