
'1.6' Hiding won't help

It was unclear whether my heart sped up or stopped. My throat reeled back a breath as an ice-cold feeling laved over me. With wide eyes, I try to examine our surprise visitor. My sight was blurry, but I knew I was neck-deep in trouble.

"I-Imora?" The monotonous voice talked. I bit my lip in fear and glanced at the bewildered dragon. Destiny snarled and extended out her body like a cat when threatened. " Is that a... " The voice wondered off.

My palms were dripping with nervous sweat. The icy feeling only got worse as it spread to the rest of my body.

My heart felt like it was striking itself out of my chest. " A Night fury?!" It screeched excitedly. The shadow ran forward but stopped when Destiny's mouth shone purple. Her wings were extended in a threatening manner that could easily scare off something like a Catastrophic Quaken.

Only now could I see the shadow; it was Dagur. A part of me was relieved that it wasn't somebody, like Heather. I shivered at the thought. " Is it yours?" He inquired, full of energy. I debated but ultimately came to my wits. " She could be." I answered, attempting to stay calm although I was crumbling under this stress.

I folded my arms behind my back and stood tall, falsifying my confidence. " This is great! Do you know what this means?!" He bounced at the suggestion. Destiny surged forward when he clutched the bars of my cell. A powerful thud echoed through the air as my head rotated to the direction of the noise.

The posture that I held seconds ago was discarded since I quickly took control of the situation. I kneeled in front of the restricted Dagur. " Destiny! No! Don't hurt him!" I yelled, catching both of their attention. She closed her mouth and stumbled off him, after growling a warning.

He sat up startled but eventually stood up with more calmness than before. "She is yours isn't she?" Dagur asked with a smile. I attained up and stared down, defeated. "Yes." I said.

" Do you know what this means?" He repeated. I lightly shook my head and gently looked up. " It means your one of us." He spoke. It caught me off guard, more than I thought it would. From a distinct perspective, he told the truth. But I wasn't going to verify that.

" No. I'm not like you. I'm not a traitor." I snarled, lunging to the bars. His body pulled back. I felt guilty, but not enough to make me stop. " I'll never be like you, nor the filthy imbeciles on this island." I snapped, narrowing my eyes at him threateningly.

He couldn't attack but neither could he stay, for he'll get hurt either way- if not physically then emotionally. He stared at me in uncertainty and doubt. Then he said a word that made my core froze, a word that made felt like a mountain collapsed down upon me, a word that stung more than the cut of a sword.


My clutch on the wooden bars soften and so did my gaze. ' Ouch.' His voice repeated in my head. He turned around and walked away towards the door. The sun was acting as a light when he turned into a shadow once again. My thought shifted to the dream, as he stepped towards the ' light '.

My heart raced as my hands began to shake. Never in my life did I had this type of experience. Sure, some people were sharper than others when I spied on them, but this cannot compare. What if he tells the others? What if they contact Viggo and use me as bait?

Thousands and thousands of thoughts flowed through my head. I failed. Tears surfaced but I partly wiped them away. I failed. My knees collapsed under me and I slid down the cage door. " I failed." I whisper full of sorrow.

I heard soft banging against the wooden door and the rattling of a metal lock. Everything seemed to go so fast, faster than I wanted it to go. Destiny purred loudly behind me, signaling her pity. To be honest, I liked somebody caring for me, instead of always looking after yourself.

'Dagur cared.' That small voice talked again. My heart took a beating as anger suddenly boiled in my veins. I was sick of this voice always arguing when I didn't need it. This voice only brought me trouble, because I don't need or care for anybody except for my tribe. 'You got Destiny.' It continued.

Stop it! I yelled in my head. 'You found the Death song's strategy.' I accidentally growled out loud. 'You learned how to fly, you made friends. You-' I just insulted somebody who I cared for!

Silence finally came to my head. My mind fumbled. Was it that I yelled? I asked the voice, confused.

It stayed silent. What? Still no answer. Tell me! Why are you now quiet? Why-

Then it came to me. Deep down, through all the false acting, lies, and wits. I did care for him, I cared about Destiny and not just myself. My head went quiet, like a deserted street, and my nerves and thoughts went mute.

I did care.

I stare at the floor as I relived what I had said. Even though the voice within me is quiet, I knew it would not stay silent for long. 'Imora.' It started. ' Who are you?' I feared this question.

...I don't... know. I looked at the light the sun was giving off, hoping it would give me an answer. It didn't. I sighed and rubbed my face. My other thoughts quickly caught up as that little voice went soundless. Johan.

A chill went down my spine. I completely forgot about them! I hastily stood up and fumbled around for my daggers. My hand caught one and I picked it out my pocket. I trotted to the thin rag that separated me from the outside world.

How come I didn't think of this before? I asked myself as I cut a large hole out of the rag. I stepped out into the light and gasped. The view was breathtaking. The huts were in no specific order but it seemed like a pattern.

Colors were dancing on their roofs and trees were like speckles on the ground. A breeze shifted in the air, drawing me out of my thoughts. I shook my head and carefully shuffled along the thin wooden planks. Destiny waited for me at the platform where I last saw the sun.

To me, there was tension in her body. I stopped in my tracks and put my shaky hand forward while I looked away. Her nuzzle touched my palm. I felt somewhat relieved with her actions. I observed her, smiling as I petted her nose. She turned around, showing me her back.

I hesitantly leaped on. I clutched her neck when her wings spread out. She sprang and hovered in the air. I tried to direct my focus somewhere other than the ground, but I was too curious. I glanced down and then shut my eyes.

"Hiccup's hut, please." I requested politely. Her body shifted to a direction and sped forward.

When we landed, I considerately climbed off her back. I walked towards his strange door, thinking that he'd be long gone with his girlfriend. When I cautiously opened the door, seeing a desolated hut, just like I expected.

I quickly operated when I walked in. I grabbed a bag and stuffed extra copies of paper I found laying around; some strange circular shapes that had pointy things, and then I searched for thing I came.

The Dragon eye.

After a few minutes of searching, and even trying to get Destiny to sniff it out, I couldn't find it. 'If I was a smart idiot who loves dragons, where would I put my most prized possession?' I asked myself.

'Under my bed.' My eyes drooped in dissatisfaction. But the strange thing was; when I pulled the covers up, the Dragon eye laid there unattended. I grasped it and pushed it into the small bag. I closed the pack and then noticed a dragon emblem sewed into the fabric.

I stare at it before coming back to my senses. The sun shone in my eyes when I stood. Destiny waited patiently beside me. I hopped onto her back and she took off, leaving a gust of wind to the covers. When we reached the door, I stretched out and pulled the door closed.

The sound echoed through the silent clearing. We flew over hundreds of trees before I noticed something. I pointed to the beach, trying to inspect the small boat. I hunched over and narrowed my eyes in focus. The sail had the Dragon Hunter insignia painted on.

My nerves calmed as Destiny flew closer to the ground. For some reason, she was always thinking what I was. She crept to the clearing, listening for any strange sounds. Minutes past when I finally dismounted her. I petted her head as a goodbye.

I carefully walked to the boat, holding a hand over the bag and a nearby dagger. By now, the sun was peeking beyond the horizon. I scanned the area one last time to make sure this wasn't an ambush. When I was satisfied, I dropped the bag into the boat and climbed in.

A familiar voice sounded through the clearing. " Imora." I didn't turn around, for I already knew who it was...

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