


The crowd began to part slightly and I could see whom the voice belong to. It belong to our scary principal, also known as, The Bald Devil.

I gulped.

Quinn pushed to the front of the crowd and explained to The Bald Devil-uh I mean the principal-that we were dancing. His already permeant frown deepened.

"And how is that educational?" He asked.

"How is gym educational?" Quinn retorted.

Stumped my her question, he stood there for several minutes, thinking.

"Carry on," And he left...He left! Somehow Quinn was able to convince him to let us continue to dance!

"Wow Quinn you're amazing!"

"Yeah Quinn, If it weren't for you he wouldn't be able to dance!"

Other people to chime in too, adding on to the praise. Quinn waved off their praises.

"C'mon let's dance!" She changed the subject. People whooped and began to dance again.

I stopped dancing and I look over at Quinn and noticed the slight discomfort in her eyes. Did she...did she not like being praised?

Everyone danced until the bell rang signaling it was time for the next class. I still had my bag on me so I was the first to leave. Quinn..that girl was certainly strange, I'll give her that. But it seems she's well admired by our classmates. So why on Earth would she choose me?

She's probably just bored and looking for a fling. Shut up, you don't know that. Of course I do, I'm you and you're me. That doesn't mean anything... Yes it does. Be quiet! Leave me alone! Quinn wouldn't do that to me... You don't sound certain.. Oh shut up!

I willed my mind to be quiet and went on autopilot for the rest of the day.

Does anyone do what Ash does? Just-quiet their mind so they don't have to hear those bad thoughts anymore?

Heheheheheh...yeaaa I tend to do that..(• ▽ •;)

Dead_Starscreators' thoughts
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