
Sensing Magic

Skye's arms were crossed on her chest; "Ima NOT taking ye! It will get Marie in trouble!"

 "How so? It's not like the king Said she was responsible for us. He escorted us here because he'd thought we'd like company while breaking our fast," Maevis rebutted.

 "And do you honestly think that You will be held accountable if discovered?! No! It will be me and Marie that get the brunt of Magnus' ire! No! Not happening Mae!"

 "We won't be discovered," Maevis fluttered up to Skye to whisper softer; "If you pipe down about it! Your husband's ears are far too keen.."

 "Oh, I know. I gave him the armor last night.. Don't think ye don't have a stern talkin' to coming at ye for blabbing to Aero," Skye squinted her eyes at the old Fae as she chided her.

  Maevis shrugged; "He needed convincing of your dedication.. So I gave him an example."

 "Well, Yer Not gonna convince me to take ye, so just drop it," Skye replied huffily.

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