
Chapter 1

Ava Madrigal and Kieran Belmonte first met each other in a benefit dinner party for a small orphanage in Metro Manila.

It was a boring affair with rich and influential people as the main guests, classical music and vicious gossip in the background. They've been forced to attend because this was what the buena familias in Metro Manila did to keep up appearances.

She stood in the balcony at the edge of the ballroom, away from the crowd, as a vision of white lace and black curls.

Her expensive white lace eyelet dress accentuated her best features like her long legs and creamy skin. Long dark hair fell down to her back in carefree waves and framed her perfect oval face. Violet eyes glittered under a fringe of long, black lashes as she stared out into the moonlit ocean. Her long, slender fingers lightly clutched the wineglass that sparkled with champagne.

Everyone expected the beautiful and single Ava to arrive with an escort but she arrived alone.

She's been going through the party circuit alone for the past three years and that suited her just fine. It meant that she could drink as much wine as she wanted and nobody will care.

Ava never noticed when other people glanced at her direction or tried to join her on the balcony. She was blissfully oblivious of the attention that she got from the other guests.

Nobody could ignore her even if they tried. She had a magnetic beauty that separated her from the rest of the other heiresses inside the ballroom. She possessed a romantic and melancholic loveliness that made men sigh and women wonder.

Of course, she didn't escape his eye.

Kieran Belmonte stood in the middle of the room, talking with rich investment bankers and minor politicians. Everyone who approached him commented about his charming manners, handsome looks and fat portfolio. His tall and imposing figure cut him out of the crowd.

All of the girls sighed after him; all of the men talked about him. Everyone knew in their small, privileged circle that he was a ruthless and savvy businessman who made a fortune even when he was in high school.

They envied and admired his unconventional decisions. They discussed his bright future. Although he was only a third son of an affluent family, great things were expected from him.

As the night aged, Kieran found himself standing next to the beautiful girl he noticed earlier after mingling with the other guests.

The balcony door was open so a faint summer breeze blew inside. Her hair rippled in the shaft of moonlight. She looked lost in her own thoughts while holding on to her half-empty wineglass.

He cast a sidelong glance when she tipped her head back to down the rest of the champagne.

"Thirsty?" he asked with a small grin. "That was pretty good champagne too."

Charming girls was one of his many skills. He used to work with his mother on her makeup business through the marketing team after hours in high school. He'd picked up early on that it was his job description to charm women in parties and to use that connection later on for business.

It was a skill that he often used in real situations because he was not above using it to get what he wanted like a pretty girl's phone number.

"It's my fourth and I have an empty stomach," she answered absently. Ava's smile was brittle. "But please don't tell my mother if you know her. She doesn't know that I love champagne very much."

"Why are you drinking so much?" Kieran was curious. She looked very sweet and innocent so he was quite surprised to know that she drank four glasses in a party that had lasted three hours.

"Because I have to do this," Ava replied with a flirtatious wink.

The mysterious, beautiful girl in front of him took his hand and gave him the empty champagne flute. He watched, fascinated, as she straightened her dress and then shook out her hair.

He was still staring as she straightened her posture and took a deep breath. Then his surprise turned into shock when she walked towards the small podium at the front of the ballroom.

"We would like to thank all of you for coming and for supporting our cause. Without you, the benefit for the Sisters of Gentle Mercy orphanage will not be a success." The emcee announced proudly.

"We're very pleased to announce the presence of the Crystal Voice of Manila because she will be singing a special number for us. Please give her a big round of applause…"

Kieran was staring with even more interest when the girl got up on the stage with a shy, demure smile. His grip on the champagne glass tightened when her melodious voice filled the air. In the soft light, she looked like an angel.

There were no traces of the girl who drank on an empty stomach; there was no sadness in her aura. She sang straight into his heart with her sweet voice and an angelic smile. After the performance, she was gone.

Kieran Belmonte looked for her in the crowd but she simply disappeared. All he had left of her was the empty champagne flute with the faintest imprint of her kissable lips.

"Ava, your mother is here to see you," Marie, Ava's yaya since childhood, announced. The only Madrigal heiress got up from the couch excitedly to hug her mother tightly. As she inhaled her mother's deep, spicy and floral fragrance deeply, she reveled in her mother's presence.

Vivian Madrigal smiled down at her only daughter. Sometimes she wondered if Ava was really hers because they looked so different from each other.

She was a handsome woman with short dark hair and bright brown eyes. Though petite, she often gave the impression of being bigger because she carried her authority as the CEO and founder of a multi million toy company with ease.

On the other hand, her daughter was a spitting image of a Madrigal woman because she was beautiful in an ethereal way that always made anyone catch their breath.

"How are you, dear?" Vivian asked anxiously as they moved to sit on the couch in her daughter's massive bedroom. "I'm sorry I wasn't able to go with you. My meeting didn't end quickly enough and then they made you sing something that you weren't able to rehearse properly…"

Ava shook her head, smiling. She looked really happy. It was rare for her to see her mother on a weekday afternoon. "It was a lot of fun. I enjoyed performing for them."

"They were there to hear you sing. If it wasn't for your efforts, the benefit wouldn't have been possible!" her mother said in a relieved voice. Her brown eyes sparkled as she stared down at her only child. "Now, tell me the latest gossip. Did any of those old bachelors ask you out?"

Soon enough they were both crying with mirth at Ava's anecdotes.

They didn't spend enough time together because Vivian's business trips took her out on long overseas trips that also led to frequent absences and late hours. It was painful to think that her lovely daughter grew up in the care of maids and drivers but she pushed it aside.

Vivian was a single mother who was also the owner of a very large empire that had holdings all over the world. She worked very hard to leave a legacy for her beautiful and intelligent daughter; she wanted to show her that a woman could do anything that she set her mind to.

Ava often told herself that she was not mad at her mother's absences ever since she was a child. She knew that her mother worked very hard to be the CEO of a multimillionaire company that made everything because she wanted her to have a comfortable life. It was impossible to hold a grudge towards her hard working and loving mother for it.

As an heiress, she had everything she ever wanted. Clothes, makeup, shoes, overseas trips and unlimited resources for her best friends… She had it all. Well, she had everything she ever wanted except one. That was not something money could ever buy.

Ava pushed the thought away from her mind. She forced herself to smile as her mother also asked about the eligible young bachelors who attended the benefit party. In a laughing tone she told him about the tall young man she talked to before she sang onstage.

"How old is he? I won't let you marry anyone who's over forty!" Vivian teased her. She smiled at the maid who brought in a tray with a teapot, two teacups, two plates with slices of cheesecake in fine china and lovely silver cutlery. There was even a small, glass vase with a single pink rose.

Teatime with her daughter before her next meeting was the only time she could ever relax.

"Mama, please stop!" Ava answered in a mock-scandalized tone. Her violet eyes gleamed mischievously. "I'm not looking to get married! I'm only 25-years-old! "

Her mother smiled gently and reached forward to tuck her some of her dark hair behind her ear. "You're right. As much as I want you to stay with me as my little girl, I'll have to look for someone to take care of you. Maybe it's time for me to help you find someone to marry…"

Ava knew that 25 was a marriageable age and there was no escaping it. It was the custom of their family for young ladies to marry early. She put it off as long as she could. It was just the way things were done.

"I'm fine by myself. I am happy to be single! just hope that you'll live for a long, long time so I don't need to leave you," she joked. The elderly women in their family were unusually healthy and long-lived so there was a good chance that her beloved mother would live up to 90.

"Very funny," her mother giggled before she wrapped her treasure within a tight embrace. "Mother is always right. You'll see."

"What shall we do? Shall I go on a blind date with one of your amiga's sons?" Ava teased. Her mother pushed her bangs back to stare deeply into her daughter's beautiful violet eyes. "I certainly don't want to date anyone from our company."

"Leave it up to me!" Vivian winked conspiratorially. She already had a few candidates in mind for her daughter.

Ava smiled and nestled deeper into her mother's embrace. When Vivian went silent, she quieted too. It was inevitable. She knew more than anyone else in the world that when her mother wanted something, she would not stop at anything to get it.

If she wanted to see her daughter as a happily married woman then she would definitely make it happen. Ava knew better than to stop her.

But Ava didn't have the heart to tell her beloved mother that when she lost him, she lost all desire to love again let alone get married.

She was happy to be working for the family business, spending time with her friends, helping out with her charities and enjoying life as a single woman. She had pushed all desire to be in a relationship out of her mind so she can be a successful businesswoman like her mother.

If her mother wanted to provide a date or even an arranged marriage for her then she couldn't stop her. Who knew her better than her own mother?

"I'll find the perfect match for my Ava," Vivian promised brightly. "You are the pearl of my world and jewel of my heart so you deserve to have only the best."

Ava bit her lip to stop herself from saying anything. All she had to do was to roll with it and let her mother do what she wanted. If she didn't like any of the guys, she couldn't be forced to date any of them. She breathed out a secret sigh of relief.

Kieran Belmonte had a lunch scheduled with his business partner in a lovely, cozy restaurant at the heart of the shopping district. It was close to the office and they both knew the owner. They could count on a table that would be exclusively reserved for them anytime they came to eat.

In spite of the heat, Kieran was dressed in a smart-casual outfit of black slacks, white shirt and a green sweater. The deep, emerald green color of his sweater brought out the green flecks in his blue-gray eyes and set off his skin tone. More than a few ladies and gents had thrown admiring looks at him as he entered the restaurant.

The dark-haired young man took out his laptop to finish up some of his work. He ordered coffee and a sandwich when the waiter approached him. His attention was already on an open spreadsheet when the waiter walked away.

It was quite early so he decided to work on his to-do list like answering emails, returning a voice message and checking his social media. His calm, reserved demeanor changed when his associate didn't show up at exactly 1 PM.

When Kieran realized that he had been waiting for almost an hour, he became truly irritated. His irritation only increased when he also realized that he didn't bring his personal mobile phone when he left the office.

Kirean regarded it as unusual but not impossible. Kieran had left in a hurry because he was already hungry after skipping breakfast. Also, he was always punctual and hated to make anyone wait.

In the end, he left a message to his secretary via text to tell his business partner that he will be going to his house directly. He also ordered her to order a car for him so he could leave within the next 15 minutes.

With a small sigh of resignation, he pushed down the top half of the laptop and found him staring again at the beautiful girl that he met four nights ago.

She was sitting at another table beside one of the large windows. Her voluminous hair was braided into one long, dark rope but soft tendrils reached down to frame her face. In the warm sunshine, she glowed with rosy cheeks. He couldn't help but notice that her eye color was quite unusual but extremely beautiful.

It was truly the first time that he was honestly attracted to a strikingly beautiful woman and it unnerved him.

The young woman seemed to have sensed his gaze and glanced at him. When her gaze met his eyes, she smiled. The distance between their tables was not that far so a conversation was possible.

"The food is always delicious here but if you don't like it then I can have them make it again," Kieran said lightly. He couldn't take his eyes off her when the sun shone behind her and created a dark halo. "Then you can promise me that we can drink on a non empty stomach."

As soon as the words left his mouth, he wished that he thought of something more witty. She smiled with amusement at his attempt to remind her.

"It's a restaurant. What do you think I'm here for?" The dark-haired girl replied, chuckling. She heard her mobile phone ring inside her bag. "I see you're here for other reasons."

Kieran blushed slightly when her eyes fell on his laptop computer. He hastily shoved it inside his briefcase. He realized that his stomach was gurgling again. That sandwich was only breakfast and he hadn't eaten lunch. "My lunch meeting got canceled."

She looked at him sympathetically. "I'm sorry to hear that."

"May I join you?" he found himself asking as she checked her phone.

Her smile took his breath away. "I'd love to but I'm late for my next appointment. I hope you'll have a good lunch. The food is wonderful here. It's nice to see you again. Goodbye."

The young woman got up from her seat and headed towards the exit of the restaurant. He had a strange but strong urge to get up and follow her. He wanted to get to know her better over lunch. His instincts strongly encouraged him to be closer to her.

They've already met two times in two different locations. It wasn't just coincidence, right? Fate has something to do with these strange events that led him to meet the most beautiful stranger he'd ever seen.

In spite of his serious, no-nonsense personality, Kieran was a firm believer of fate and blessed events. He believed that only fate could bring love into his life. In his view, he could manipulate business, money and power but not love. Only Fate can do that.

Kieran watched her walk away again to board a rented car that was waiting outside. He belatedly realized that he was letting her get away again without asking for her name. But before he could do anything else, the black car glided away.

"That's another disappointment for today," he murmured to himself as he watched it go. "Tommy will pay for this."

Ava's next appointment was with her cousin and childhood best friend at a park in an affluent neighborhood in Alabang. They haven't seen each other in a week so she decided to pay them a visit.

In spite of herself, she was still thinking about that brave young man who tried to strike up a conversation with her during the long drive to Alabang from Quezon City. Even at the benefit party, he was charming and easy to talk to.

She mused that he might be one of those heirs to those large companies because he carried a laptop and ate in a trendy restaurant. He probably knew her but she didn't know him at all. If he knew her then he knew her net worth so he was going to try his luck to win the favor of the Little Queen.

Ava sighed and closed her eyes as she leaned back on the plush upholstering of their town car. She wished that every hot-blooded male in their social circle in Metro Manila didn't want her just for her money.

"We're already here, ma'am." The driver told her politely as they pulled over the side of the road. They were parked at a sidewalk beside a large park with tall trees, green grass and a playground. She immediately got out of the car and thanked the family driver for his kindness.

Ava's violet-blue eyes glittered as soon as she saw Isobel Laguardia's brown head in the distance. Her ears were filled with delighted children's laughter, her cousin's voice and the sound of the breeze that rustled the trees. How she loved lazy summer afternoons like this!

The twenty-five-year old wife of Sam Laguardia took some time before she noticed the presence of her best friend and cousin. Her attention was focused on the pair of rowdy children on the playground so she barely saw Ava until they were standing next to each other.

"Isabel!" called Ava cheerfully. They exchanged hugs and the children looked up from what they were doing to see the newcomer.

"Ava!" Isabel yelled back excitedly. "You're here! I'm so glad you came to visit me in spite of your busy schedule."

"I don't mind coming over to see them. Mama already misses you and the kids." Ava said sweetly.

Ava and Isabel Laguadia nee Montervede were first cousins. They were coincidentally born on the same day as their mothers w ho were sisters fondly told the story.

As children, they'd grown up next to each other, went to the same school and shared the same friends In Quezon City. Even as adults, they continued to be best of friends.

Isabel was cheerfully telling a story to Ava when she heard a loud thump from the slide. Her head whipped to her left and she yelled, "Liam, if you do that again to your sister, I'll take away your afternoon snack. Don't test me, young man!"

"Parental warnings! That's very good. You already sound like a parent," Ava commented, giggling. "It's only yesterday when you used to push me off the slide too."

"If I didn't then you wouldn't slide down!" Isabel replied, laughing. "But I didn't push you so hard like my son so his sister will have a boo-boo on her forehead."

The young women went to sit on the bench in front of the huge penguin slide in order to keep an eye on them. Isabel had two small children before the age of 25 so she was quite used to their antics.

"You have the knack for it," Ava commented lightly. "I always knew you'd be a good mom."

"We're not very good with rules," her friend answered with a mischievous smile. "Just because you've grown up doesn't mean that you're a grown-up."

Short brown hair, green eyes and a charming smile were her most distinguishing features. In high school and college, she used to be a top cheerleader. Ava always thought that Isabel was very pretty and wished that she was as extroverted as her.

But Ava also thought that Isabel looked even more beautiful in young motherhood. "I regret to say that my kids take after it. Anyway, how was the benefit? I read about you in the society pages this morning…"

"It was okay," Ava answered simply.

Isabel gazed at her with those wise emerald eyes. Ava hated the fact that Isabel became more intuitive and perceptive as they grew up. Her friend had the uncanny knack of guessing her feelings correctly. "Did you have fun?"

She nodded. "Singing is always fun."

"It must be lonely," Isabel said meaningfully.

"If you didn't get married early then you should have been with me at least. Then we'll get chased by rich old bachelors." Ava teased her best friend with a raised eyebrow. Isabel burst out laughing at her statement and clutched her stomach. "You left me alone to fend for myself!"

"You're doing a great job! Only you can do it!" Isabel was breathless from laughing so much. "I can't stand those parties!"

Ava smiled painfully at that. Her best friend had gotten married at 20-years-old to Sam Laguardia without any complaints from their family.

Sam and Isabel were childhood sweethearts who seemed to be meant for each other. Ava had gotten used to being their ubiquitous third wheel since they started dating at 14.

"I'm fine. Don't worry about me. By the way, where's Kevin?" she asked about Sam's younger brother who lived with the family.

The other woman sighed as she recalled them begging for her permission at the same time. "Kevin stayed home to watch a basketball game with Sam. They have a bet going on and I'd rather not get into it…"

"Give Kevin a break," said her friend wisely. "He's the one who rocks them to sleep and watches them when you're away."

Kevin was still a teenager who attended the local high school. He started living with Sam and Isabel when their youngest baby was born. Everyone knew that Kevin was fiercely loyal of his older brother and took care of his family willingly.

Ava and Kevin got along like two cats in a litter. They both loved to tease Sam and play practical jokes on him.

Isabel was about to say something back when her older son, Liam, approached them. He was a little boy of five-years-old who inherited his father's face and his mother's eyes. "Mama, Meg wants to go home."

She gave her friend a smile before she got up to pick up her daughter. Ava smiled down at the little boy who looked up to her like a second mother. She'd bathed him, fed him and carried him around since the time he was born.

During those days, she'd dreamed that she might also have her own children. Now, she satisfied herself with pretending.

It used to be her heart's fondest wish and most cherished dream: getting married, settling down and living life with love. She used to believe that she will definitely get married to her first love like Isabel. Then they could exchange stories about married life, go through pregnancies together and raise their children side by side…

Ava smiled in spite of the small pain in her chest. "How are you, Liam? Did you have fun with the swings and the slide?"

He nodded and held out his arms. She picked him up and hugged him close. The little boy rested his head on her shoulder. She breathed in his sweet baby-smell and chocolate milk. "Auntie Ava missed you…"

Isabel approached them with her youngest daughter on her arms. She grinned when she saw how happy and content Ava was. For a long time, she'd worried over her friend's state of mind. After what happened, it seemed impossible for her to smile again. "Meg, say hello."

"Hello," the younger girl said obediently. Meghan was small and delicate like a doll with longish black hair and brown eyes. At three years-old, she was used to being petted because she was the only little girl in the family. "You're so pretty, Auntie Ava."

"Why, thank you!" the dark-haired woman smiled lovingly. "Aren't you sweet? She will look just like Aunt Nadine, Isabel."

Her best friend beamed with pride whenever she referred to her deceased mother, Nadine Saavedra, who was a famous model in her day.

The two women walked towards the Laguardia residence with the children walking beside them. They talked easily about their home life, their mutual friends and the latest gossip. Their conversation remained as bright and sparkling as when they were young girls.

Ava was grateful that their house was only five minutes away from the park. She'd carried Meg halfway to the house and realized that she'd gotten heavier. Kevin must have been feeding his charge sweets again.

Isabel and Sam Laguardia maintained a modest residence in an exclusive area of Alabang. It was a small and cheerful house that was very close to the park, the primary school where Isabel worked as an art teacher and to the architectural firm where Sam worked as a junior partner.

They brought the children to the living room where they were received by their indulgent father and uncle Kevin who were both watching a very important basketball game.

After greeting their father and uncle, the kids immediately went to play in their shared bedroom.

Sam Laguardia was every girl's dream guy. He was tall, handsome and loving to his wife and kids. He'd been in love with Isabel since the moment he met her when they were all freshmen in high school. Everyone knew how much he adored his wife and Ava trusted him completely to keep her beloved Isabel happy.

Isabel kissed her husband on the cheek. She froze on the spot when he spoke to her ear. "Don't forget to tell Ava."

She was grateful that her cousin didn't notice because Ava was busy talking to Kevin.

Afterwards, the ladies went to the kitchen to have iced tea and cookies. Isabel's kitchen was painted in bright, sunshine yellow and decorated in modern, minimalist furniture. Ava knew how much she hated clutter because she was afraid for the kids so she had designed it to be lovely and functional to suit the young mother.

"So," Isabel said as they settled down in the kitchen. There was a newspaper for that day on the kitchen table. She thought that Sam must have brought it home from the office. "Who's this?"

Ava frowned slightly as she stared at the newspaper page that her friend was pointing at. She scanned the collage of pictures until she found out what her friend meant. There was a small photograph of her talking to a guy with glasses and a smart suit. "Honestly, I don't know him."

Ever since she was a teenager, she'd been constantly featured in the society pages of newspapers so it wasn't a big deal for her. Working for her mother's company was a good PR exercise so Ava was used to being photographed at events like charity balls.

"Are you sure?" Isabel prodded as her senses went overdrive. Her emerald green eyes glittered in amusement. "I haven't seen this smile since…"

They went silent. Even if Isabel didn't have magic, she possessed enough empathy to sense her friend's pain behind her pretty smiles. Nobody talked about him or even mentioned his name because it would only cause her best friend more anguish.

There was a time when Ava graced all of the newspaper and magazine society pages with another public figure. She was always beautiful and radiant. Everyone admired the union of two beautiful and talented people who orbited high society circles. They were perfectly well-matched. Now, Ava was all alone in those parties.

Her cousin smiled bravely. "It's okay. I'm okay. I've been okay for the past three years."

Isabel's emerald eyes went sad. She knew that Ava drank and smoked without telling her. It pricked her heart to know that her best friend was resorting to unhealthy vices to relieve stress. "You're drinking again."

"They're parties. Social drinking is acceptable," Ava retorted in defense.

"It's not healthy, Ava." Isabel reached for her friend's delicate manicured hand and squeezed it. Her expression was sad but hopeful.

Ava watched Isabel's eyes glaze over and she spoke to Ava in a soft, gentle voice. "I'm sorry I can't be there. But I think you won't be alone anymore. There's something special with this guy in the picture. He's going to be very important to your future…"

The dark-haired heiress grinned in spite of herself. Isabel's intuition was so strong that it bordered on magical. When Isabel said something about the future, it almost always happened so she trusted it. The brown-haired girl blinked after a few seconds. "What was I saying?"

"I'm going to be a millionaire," Ava answered promptly with a perfectly straight face.

Isabel stared at her, confused. "No, that's not it. We're talking about your scandalous behavior at parties!"

They both laughed until their stomachs hurt. Ava wiped little tears away from the corners of her eyes. Isabel was so gullible sometimes.

"You're going to be one anyway," Isabel declared playfully "so where's the surprise in that?"

"I'm just curious," the dark-haired woman said pensively. "I met him again at my favorite café before I went here. He was waiting for someone and we didn't get a chance to ask for each other's names. I think it's just a coincidence, of course."

"There's no coincidence in this world but there's only the inevitable," Isabel murmured with a mysterious smile."

"Yes, that's true. Everything that's supposed to happen will eventually happen. I know that already," Ava retorted as she reached for her glass of iced tea. She took a long sip and then set it down before she noticed the change in Isabel's expression again. "What is it?"

"I hate to tell you this but he called the other day…" Isabel started slowly. She watched Ava's face fall so she caught her hands. Her best friend since she was one day old was forced to look into her serious green eyes.

Ava's breath caught in her chest. "Why did he call you?"

Isabel got up from her seat to hug her very tightly. Her voice was soft and compassionate. She didn't want to be the bearer of bad news but she had to do it. For Ava's sake. "He told me he��s getting married in November."

Kieran Belmonte took a deep breath as he stood in front of the gate of a modest mansion in West Greenhills. He'd just gotten off the town car to pay a visit to his errant business partner.

If Kieran couldn't find him through his personal assistant then he would most certainly find him with his wife. He rang the buzzer and was promptly let inside by a uniformed maid.

With a nod, he entered the fantastically decorated home and garden of the famous king of their high school club. He'd advised his friend against spending too much on aesthetics but he was ignored. The gardens were like a miniature version of the fabulous gardens in Versailles and the house itself looked like the Petit Trianon.

Kieran walked through the sprawling halls of the house briskly until he arrived at the den on the second floor. He was received by another old friend from their rosy high school days.

Emma Wintergarden was waiting for him inside the den. She stood up with a small smile as he entered the room. He smiled back and immediately sat down on the easy chair closest to the door which was his favorite spot.

He calmly noted that her attire was meant for comfort rather than for formality but it was obvious that her slacks and blouse were of good quality. Instead of the pixie haircut from high school, she'd let her hair grow out to a fashionable layered hairstyle. But it was her wide, honest brown eyes that remained the same.

She looked more like a secretary than the mistress of this beautiful and gigantic home. "Kieran! This is a surprise."

He nodded stiffly. "Where's your husband? We were supposed to meet for lunch but he stood me up."

"Didn't you get the message?" Emma frowned thoughtfully. "I believe that his secretary gave you a call to tell you that he wanted to reschedule."

Kieran's eyebrow twitched. He was used to Thomas Wintergarden's flighty attitude ever since they were in high school but he demanded to be treated as a professional when it came to work. It was only for his best friend of more than 10 years that he rescheduled his other meetings for the afternoon.

What a waste of my time, he thought grimly. "Did he say why?"

"He wanted to pick out a fountain for the backyard," answered his wife with a tiny twitch on her lips. She knew Kieran well enough to detect irritation under his cool exterior. "I'm here because he wanted to surprise me with the design that he picked out. Would you like to sit down so that we can wait for that idiot to come home? You can berate him for me, if you like."

Kieran took her invitation and relaxed on the easy chair. Emma returned to her place on the couch and picked up her laptop. Concerned brown eyes turned to him. "Do you mind if I work for a while?"

He shook his head. The younger woman smiled at him and buried herself in her work. He restrained himself from staring at her so he decided to take out his laptop too.

How many times had he imagined a scene like this? How many nights had he spent dreaming about days when he could simply sit down in the comfort of home with his beloved beside him, quiet and diligent? It didn't matter if she was busy or they were both busy. He would be happy if they were just beside each other and she would be within his reach.

It was painful and it made him uneasy. He was alone with the infamous Emma Guevarra again and it still made him lightheaded.

It was hard to forget your first love, people often said.

Kieran never forgot the first time that she looked at him with her large, luminous brown eyes and told him that he was a good person.

It was the only time that his heartbeats accelerated and his entire body trembled. It was the only moment in time that he desperately wished that Tommy didn't want her and that he was the one she wanted too. If only she did then he could have leaned down to kiss her to claim her…

He looked away when she glanced at him.

Kieran never allowed his emotions to take control of him. It was messy, uncontrollable and hard to understand. So he merely gathered all of them and stuffed them inside a box where he could never see them. He would rather die than let anyone know that he still secretly loved his best friend's wife.

"Kieran! You made it!" Tommy's voice echoed throughout the den. "Sorry I'm late!"

It was a good thing that he was in the mood to pick a fight with anyone on his path.

Kieran smiled coldly and prepared himself to face his best friend who committed many sins against him like standing him up for their lunch date today and winning the heart of their high school heartthrob among other things.

Ava didn't know how she got home.

He's getting married.

Then she remembered that Kevin and Isabel had driven her from Alabang to her house in Quezon City. She'd gotten out of the car without thanking them and ran up to her house without looking back.

Ava was so wrapped up in her own thoughts that she almost didn't hear her mother call out her name from the living room. Her body was shaking; her fingers were trembling. It was a shock, she supposed. She was lucky that she didn't die because of shock.

"Are you all right?" Vivian asked, instantly worried. Her instincts kicked in as she drew her daughter into her arms. Ava didn't respond so she drew her daughter to the couch.

In the silence and solitude of the living room, she sat down and helped her daughter lay her head on mother's lap. "What's wrong?"

He's getting married.

Ava's eyes were huge with unshed tears. Her lower lip trembled and her body shook harder under her mother's arms. But she couldn't say anything. The words won't come out.

"What happened?" The older woman's voice was calm and soothing. "Darling, you can tell me."

In situations when her daughter needed her, she preferred to be like a solid rock in the face of a storm. If she was calm, she could think and she needed to think properly for her daughter's welfare.

Ava looked so much like a little girl who'd gotten trapped inside the attic for hours.

Her voice was small and lost when she whispered, "he's getting married."

Vivian's tears fell as her precious little daughter, her darling Ava, began to weep for her broken heart all over again.

Emma Wintergarden watched Kieran give her husband a thorough scolding about professionalism and business manners with a barely concealed smile.

She always thought that her husband was too relaxed so it was wonderful to have someone give him the talking-to. Anyone could see that she loved him too much to scold him so she left that responsibility to Kieran.

Kieran and Thomas were partners and best friends after all.

It was obvious that Kieran was different from her husband. When they were still going to that famous high school that accepted international students, Kieran showed so much talent in moneymaking and exercised those skills in managing the club. He was an easy man to respect because of his good judgment and loyalty to his friends.

Tommy, bright, sparkling and charming, often left the technicalities to Kieran. He was content to charm, flatter and flirt his way to their customers, business partners and future associates. His hard work was in his efforts to maintain good relationships between companies and to close down difficult deals. It was his talent in human relations that made him a good boss and a great business partner.

He also had an unusual instinct for investment that he soon handed over to Kieran who multiplied it so much that they couldn't ruin themselves if they tried. They were two of a kind.

Emma knew from the moment that she met the student council members that she would have to choose between someday. But she had also known that there was only Tommy for her.

So she broke all of the boys' hearts when she said "I do" to her blond idiot.

Emma was aware that Kieran still held feelings for her unlike their other friends. She never acknowledged them and he never said anything about them. They maintained a cool and almost professional relationship just as they had in high school. Tommy, bless his clueless heart, never suspected a thing.

"I'm going to leave now," Kieran announced late in the afternoon. He'd taken his tea, shared old stories and discussed their newest investment. It was almost six o'clock and he was looking forward to going home. "Thank you for the merienda."

"It was nothing!" Tommy declared magnanimously as if he'd forgotten his earlier scolding from his best friend. His violet eyes sparkled. "I'm so glad you visited us! You got to see the fountain! It's a marvel and an art form!"

"I wouldn't have come here if you didn't stand me up," Kieran said sharply. He smiled with teeth bared. "Don't do it again. I'm leaving."

He refused to look back as he boarded the town car to see Tommy wrap an arm around his wife lovingly.

It was a long day and he desperately wanted to go home to his three-bedroom condo unit in Bonifacio Global City. He leaned back against the seat and closed his eyes tiredly.

Kieran wished that he asked for that girl's number before she left. Talking to her would have been an effective way to distract himself. She would have driven all thoughts of Emma out of his mind.

He looked for the invitation of the charity ball at home and the office but couldn't find it. Perhaps it was time for him to look for it online so he could find the social media profile of the pretty singer.

Kieran had never seen such pretty violet-blue eyes on a woman before. It was so strange that it's beauty struck him like a lightning bolt. He hated himself for not having moved fast enough to get her number.

Maybe later, he thought before he fell asleep at the back of the car. The driver didn't say anything and continued to navigate the tedious traffic going to Bonifacio Global City. I'll look for her later.

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