
29: Journey to the market

And so, Sage followed Andrew to the city market by journeying through a narrow path inside a dense forest. The voyage takes a month, by foot, to get to the nearest city market. Along their journey on the narrow road, Sage and Andrew encountered many monsters, which were both big and small. Their levels ranged between the green and red zone.

They took breaks along rivers and lakes during the weeks as they went along. The new world was so fascinating to Sage. His mouth gaped open in wonder as he observed the balance between the docile creatures of the forest and the aggressive monsters also, but what he found the most intriguing was that Andrew never grew tired during their journey. He was always on alert, looking out for creatures lurking in the area.

If anyone he saw struggled along the way, he would help them. For example, a young couple whose donkey carriage was attached to the mud, on their way to the city market, he helped them by lifting their carriage out of the soil and repairing their broken wheel. He also assisted an old lady by carrying her load to her village. To others, he was what you would call.

"A hero!" Sage shouted out as he walked behind Andrew. Upon hearing what Sage had said, Andrew decided to ask him to confirm what he said. "Sage, did you say something?", Of course, he denied it straight away because he was talking to the system.

"Andrew is a hero, is he not? Every village he goes to, everyone greets him with a smile. He helps everyone in need, and in addition, he's brave as a hunter. Don't you think so, Marco?"


[*Agreed master, he has the potential to become a hero in this country, and eventually the world.*]

Sage wondered where Andrew got his strength. He had never seen a person who had journeyed over two mountains, seven lakes and ten villages without rest. And whenever Andrew took a break, it would allow Sage to catch his breath. "What a courageous guy, Marco! Is there any chance that you can analyze his status?"


[*Status window*]

[ Name> Andrew

[ Age> 37

[ Specie> Human

[ Title> King of the lost Redanel Empire

[ Level> ???

[ Hp> 10,000/10,000

[ Mp> ???

[ Exp> 20/200

[ Stamina>???

[ Agility> ???

[ Srenght> ???

[ Intelligence> 700

[ Dexterity > ???

"Why is his information hidden? Similar to what happened with Logia, but at least I found out his title. A King of a lost empire, but is his empire extinct, or is it just hidden, was it taken over by others and was he forced to give up his throne to save his people? There are so many things I would like to know about him, but that can wait. For now, we have to gather clues about Logia's fragments."

They continued on their journey, passing more rivers and hills. As they passed through a meadow, a herd of docile Balusky Rhinos resided near a tree. As Sage gazed at them, a red screen emerged from thin air.


[Specie > Balusky Rhinos ]

[Level > 30 ]

[ Contains rank 4 core crystal.]

"We'll have to get through the meadow to arrive at the city gates. Be sure not to aggravate the Balusky Rhinos. They may be docile but, once agitated, will become aggressive."

Andrew advised Sage as they crossed the meadow. There was a baby rhino up ahead and, it came towards Sage as he tried not to approach it. The rhino was adorable, a very docile creature. Meanwhile, the mother of the baby was sleeping underneath a tree.

"Aww, what a cute baby rhino. I wonder where his mother is?"

"I would drop that baby rhino if I were you, Sage. If the baby is here, the mother wouldn't be too far away." As Andrew insisted, The mother Balusky Rhino woke up smelling for its child. It looked to the side, and the baby was nowhere around. The mother's eyes were, engulfed with rage.

Sage laid the baby to the ground and, it stumped into the large growing leaves. On its way back to its mother, another monster was lying in wait analyzing its prey. Sage and Andrew were about to continue their journey when Andrew halted their movements. He sensed the danger lurking.

"Wait, Sage, there's something nearby. I think the baby rhino is in danger!" Sage looks back, and he sees a leaden wolf with spots gazing at the baby rhino with eyes engulfed with starvation. This monster was also in the red zone.


[Specie > leaden Wolf ]

[Level > 34]

[ Contains ranked 3 core crystal.]

It begins to launch its attack and leaps to He preps himself to attack the wolf. He conjured up a fireball spell, waiting to strike the monster. However, Andrew strikes the wolf with an arrow in one shot. He was able to pinpoint its movements using his naked eye. And so the baby rhino was safe, but the problem was not yet concluded.


The ground beneath their feet began to shake because the mother rhino was charging straight at them. At that moment, Andrew picked up the baby and held it up. The mother stopped in her tracks. The mother examined her baby, trying to detect if it got harmed. But the mother could find nothing. She soon became docile. It was a happy reunion with the mother and the baby.

The Balusky Rhino was thankful to both Andrew and Sage. She gave them one of her horns, and the mother and baby pair then left, striding back to their nest.

Andrew and Sage finally reach the edge of the meadow, and there they could see a large gate. The city was surrounded by walls, like a fortress. This was the first city Sage had ever seen in the new world, he was excited. AS they got closer to the gates, they could see people lined up to enter. And they followed suit.

It eventually reached their turn to enter, but another problem arose. Sage had no Identification.

"Could I see your ID or, if you have a guild card, present it for inspection."

<End of Chapter>

Hello my precious readers \(≧▽≦)/

First of all I would like to apologise for not keeping my promise 。゚(TヮT)゚。

I will work hard to give you guys more chapters. So please continue to give your support. ☆ ~('▽^人)

I'm so thankful to those who stuck around and those who are new. Thank you all!


I hope you enjoyed this chapter!o(≧▽≦)o

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