

In his entire Jungkook has never felt so nervous , he was really seconds away from having a panic attack. He knew that he fucked up and this time he was really stuck.

Taehyung and Jimin were not the only people with whose feelings Jungkook ha played with , the list of Jungkook's was endless. But he never really thought that one he would have to work under Taehyung as his assistant. Once Jungkook is done playing with some he just throw them away like trash, just like what he did to Taehyung and Jimin, and he never really felt guilty for it or may be he felt guilty, but really very little just 1% guilty but yes he did. He may or may not have started to genuinely like the Taemin couple which really scared him. And besides he really wasn't interested in any kind of relationships.

When people would bully the Taemin couple back in high school, he would often stand aside and watch and sometimes he would feel bad for Taemin couple , but he would never stand up for them even when things would go overboard sometimes. He never helped them from front , instead he helped them secretly , like scaring the bullies to stay away from Taehyung and Jimin and also by sometimes stopping students from putting garbage in Taehyung and Jimin's locker.

Although his helps were little , but still he wasn't completely heartless. But his little help wasn't enough for Taehyung and Jimin back then.

Currently he is following Namjoon who is leading him to his office , once they reached his office Namjoon started to give him instructions.

"From tomorrow you have to be present in the office by 7 am and you will be assisting Mr. Kim in his meetings and you will also be handling important documents, like presentations and contracts" Namjoon said emotionless , "and remember one thing Mr. Kim don't tolerate a single mistake no matter how small it is , a mistake is a mistake , and he also won't tolerate if you are not on time in the office. do you understand that?" Namjoon said

The Namjoon Jungkook back in the high school was nothing like the man standing in front of him ,this Namjoon looked professional , smart and more mature, his specs were making him look more responsible. And the way in which Namjoon was talking to Jungkook was really.....um do you say it rude maybe? Anyway so yeah Namjoon looked really serious just now and he was looking at Jungkook emotionless.

As an answer to Namjoon, Jungkook nodded and then said "yes, I completely understand Mr. Kim , I will really do my best"

"we'll see about that" Namjoon said and then a few seconds later Namjoon smirked before speaking and then said "there is more thing I would like to add" Namjoon said his voice was deeper and his smirk was still there on his face , Jungkook didn't knew why but that smirk was giving him goosebumps , as if that smirk indicates that something bad was going to happen "Mr. Kim is a type of person who holds grudges he never forgets anything , if you give him something then he will return its ten times more , if you give him love he will give you 100 times more love but if you give him pain , then he will give you 1000 times more pain , " he said

By this time Jungkook was really nervous , he wasn't scared of Taehyung he wasn't scared of anything he didn't care about what would Taehyung do with him but he was worried about what if Taehyung say anything to Jungkook's father , Jungkook' father warned him to behave and if he receives any complain against Jungkook then he will stay true to his words and ruin the life of people Jungkook cared about and he can't let that happen .

"Am I understood Mr. Jeon" Namjoon said snapping him out of his thoughts.

Jungkook nodded and said "yes Mr. Kim " "very well then you should get to work, if Mr. Kim will be needing anything then he will call you and I' ll be leaving now, All the best Jungkook" Namjoon said and then left the room.

As soon as Namjoon left the office Jungkook sat on his chair and started thinking about his life choices, he thought what would Taehyung do with him and he was also nervous about Jimin, the short mochi. Jimin and Taehyung both were sweetheart and they both had a big heart , whenever Jungkook would be near them he would fell really comfortable , he didn't knew what but there was something about Taehyung and Jimin which would always make Jungkook calm and happy in any situation , but sadly he lost that now.

He started looking at the papers on his desk and started to sort them out , After sometime Jungkook heard his office phone ringing , he picked up the phone and even before he could say hello he heard another office "come to my office right now" a simple sentence and then the phone disconnected .

With a deep breathe Jungkook went towards Taehyung he knocked on the door and when he heard 'come in' from the other side he opened the door and went in.

Taehyung was sitting on his desk, his eyes still on the paper he was holding in his hands , Jungkook cleared his throat and then said "Mr. Kim do you need anything?".

Taehyung looked at the younger and didn't say anything he just kept on staring at the younger, he was observing him , Jungkook had changed a lot in past years , he grew taller , but his height was still slightly less than Taehyung, his skin became more beautiful, his face became more handsome , he grew muscles , and his eyes were still very pretty ,the boy standing in front of Taehyung looked like and adorable bunny ,a beautiful , but you should not judge a book by its cover you know , Taehyung knew that behind this mask of an angel was a devil.

"yes I want you to sort these papers and prepare for the meeting we are going to have tomorrow" he said and handed him the papers "and I also want you to make a cup of hot coffee for me" he said "yes sir " Jungkook replied and went to make a coffee for his boss. After making a cup of coffee he went back to Taehyung's office to give him the coffee .

"bring it here" Taehyung said and Jungkook went towards Mr. Kim's desk and kept the cup there ,"here is you coffee Mr. Kim enjoy" Jungkook said. Taehyung picked the cup but instead of drinking the coffee he dropped the cup on the ground , the cup was broken into pieces and Jungkook's eyes widened. and he looked at his boss

"if you didn't wanted to drink it then why did you asked me to make coffee for you" Jungkook said with gritted teeth.

"who told you that you could talk like that to me huh! are you forgetting that I am your boss , its my office any you are my worker so you will do what I say and never again talk back to me " Taehyung said

"I am not your slave Taehyung and I won't just whatever you say to me do you get that" Jungkook said

Taehyung now stood up and walked towards the younger and harshly grabbed his jaw , Taehyung's eyes were dark , his face was really closed to Jungkook's face

"what part of don't talk back to me you didn't understand huh!, let me make this very clear to you Jungkook this is my place and you will follow my rules as long as you are here you will obey me , you will do whatever I aske you to do otherwise I am going to send you back to your father understand that" Taehyung said and held his jaw more tightly .

Jungkook's eyes widened when he heard that Taehyung will inform his father he can't let that happen "no , you don't have to tell anything to my father I will do anything you want" he said

Taehyung understood that Jungkook was clearly scared from his father , that means he make Jungkook do anything by threatning him with his father , with this thought he smirked , his hands was still holding Jungkook's jaw

"very well then , remember Jungkook everything you did to us in the high school none of us have forgotten anything and now that I have this golden opportunity I am not going to let it go waste , I am going to make your life hell Jungkook just like you made ours back then, its time to face the karma" Taehyung said and let go of Jungkook's jaw and jungkook gulped he was looking at at taehyung nervously not knowing what Taehyung would do next.

"now I want you to clean this mess right now and remember you can't say no" Taehyung said.

Jungkook looked at him in shock is he really asking me to clean the floor he thought he wanted to say no but he knew he can't so swallowing all his pride he took a duster and bent down on the floore and started cleaning the mess, he also picked up the pieces which were lying on the ground, and when he was done and was about to get up he heard Taehyung say "there is some coffee on my shoes also why don't you clean it to" Taehyung said and Jungkook was now shaking with rage , he really wanted to punch Taehyung now this was too much,

"you are being stupid" Jungkook said in a small voice and Taehyung clearly heard it "did you say something" Tae asked him with a smirk and Jungkook shook his head and said "no sir" "good now hurry up and clean my shoes" .

Jungkook swallowed his remaining pride reminding himself that he was doing this for them and went towards Taehyung he cleaned his shoes with the duster and then stood up and said "its done now Mr. Kin now can I leave please "

Taehyung saw how Jungkook clenched his fist and his expression looked really sad , for a moment Taehyung felt sad , but he immediately wiped those thoughts, he can't let himself be affected again "yes you can leave and remember to sort those papers nicely and prepare for the meeting tomorrow" Tae said.

Jungkook said and without saying a word dashed out of the room. Leaving Taehyung all alone, thinking that how much he hates the younger , but then why his stomach felt butterfly when he touched the younger or why his hear ached when he made younger do that , but his main concern was that he has to tell Jimin about Jungkook and Taehyung knows that Jimin will also not let this opportunity go Jimin would also love to teach Jungkook a lesson. And Jimin was worst then Taehyung when it comes to revenge , Jimin is a kind , polite , cheerful guy with a big heart when he loves someone then he loves deeply but when Jimin hates someone he make sure to let them know .

Jimin is a good guy but when he looses his goodness then the devil shivers.

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