(A/N : Don't forget to visit my patr3on for advanced chapters. Also this is the end of the first volume. Second volume will appear in the summer, till then, see you guys)
<Ivan POV>
I ducked behind the crate just before a rain of bullets hit the place where I was standing before.
When the enemy stops firing, I and two other men of mine raise our guns and fire at the guards. Thankfully for us, the only way inside the armory was through the door we are defending and between us and them the only cover they can use are the bodies of their fallen comrades.
While we are outnumbered by the governor's forces, we outgunned them. Most of them are weaponless and even if they have their weapons on them after a while they will remain without any ammo to use. We on the other side, have the whole armory at our disposal.
"Sir! O'Brien would send us some reinforcements."
"Shit, tell him to abort that suicide mission. We can hold the armory just fine. Tell him to remain in position. The cavalry will come soon to help us."
"Roger that sir!"
After that, I readied my rifle while waiting for an opening and just as I thought that the enemy won't attack us again, a loud explosion took them by surprise. I knew that this was our chance and as soon as the explosion was heard, I followed by my comrades opened fire on the confused group of guards. One minute later and thirty bodies could be seen on the group lying in their own blood.
Looking towards the general direction from where the explosion was heard, we saw an Abraham M1 bulldozing its way through the settlement wall. Behind the tank, dozens of soldiers stormed the place killing any guard dumb enough to attack me.
Just as we were about to call them, I saw Eric and Alexander followed by …a bear? And another man.
"Good to see you alive Ivan. "
"Thank you, sir! It is good to see some friendly faces in this town. Aaammm, sir … that's a bear right?"
"Yeah, his name is Jorah. He's a cute teddy bear."
"I'm not gonna comment on that one sir, but this cute teddy bear as you call him can fight toe to toe against two polar bears and would probably win the fight."
"Tell me, Ivan, how's the situation? Did O'Brien capture the tank?"
"As you can see, sir, the armory is in our possession. As for the tank, O'Brian and his people neutralized the guards guarding the warehouse and bunker down inside it. Waiting for our signal. That's all that is to be reported, sir! "
"Thank you, Ivan. You guys can remain here while we clear the town of any hostiles. I'll also send another three soldiers here to help you."
"Sir, it t won't be necessary to send more reinforcements here. We six will be more than enough."
"If you say so. See you later Ivan."
<Eric POV>
When we arrive at the warehouse, the only thing that we saw was the bodies of the guards and surprisingly some zombies.
After a short lookout all around the place, we slowly entered through the front door, and just as I was about to enter, a sword clashed with my rifle as sparks flew from the impact.
I quickly grabbed the sword's blade with my metal arm while with the other hand I punched the sword owner in the face.
The person how was using the sword didn't even react when I punched it in the face and in the next second the sound of someone hitting the floor was heard.
Jorah was the second one to enter and as soon as he saw the person on the floor, he pinned it down. His head close to the person's head ready to bite it off if I so desire.
Just as the situation was about to become even worse than it was already, I heard a man talking.
"Wait, wait! I'm O'Brian, are you Ivan comrades?"
"Yes and no. Ivan follows my orders and through him, you also should follow my orders, O'Brian. I'm Eric Jarl, nice to meet you."
"You may already know this, but I'm Samuel O'Brian and the woman under your bear is Michonne Hawthorne. Can you please let her go?"
"Of course. Jorah at the easy boy."
After our little introduction, I called Andrew through the walkie-talkie and told him that we secured the other tank and that we could send his men to pick it up.
When I was done talking with Andrew, Paul informed me that they found the governor and the rest of the people living in town.
The man was crazy he killed all of his people and turned them into mindless zombies, hoping that they will stop us.
Unfortunately for him, his plan backfired and he was forced to hide in his office from where we picked him up.
Looking at the sorry excuse of a man, I took a glance at the chaos and death he made as a leader and I was sure that he won't live for another day.
"Philip Blake also nicknamed the self-governor, you failed this settlement and its people. You forced them to please your sick ambitions and made them your slaves. You killed them and used their bodies as weapons against us. You tried to attack and kill a settlement that didn't even contact you. For all of these, you are sentenced to death through the blood eagle."
The moment he heard that he will die, the governor starts laughing at me as if I was the crazy one.
"Haha, does it matter? They deserved to die! I was their hope and they should have gladly died for me. I was their god and they should have worshiped me! Even when I used them to feed my daughter and wife, they died gladly!"
Paul didn't wait for him to continue his monologue and punched the man in the face, knocking him out cold.
Alexander and Paul took the man and put him in front of me. Afterward, I went up to the governor and draw the "blood eagle" on his back with a knife. When I was done carving the eagle on his back I stab him with the knife let the knife in his back. In this fashion, my men thrust their knives into his chest by the backbone and severed all the ribs down to the loins, and then pulled out the lungs; and that was the governor's death.
Creation is hard, cheer me up!
You can also check my patr3on for advanced chapters.