

(Hello there,MeatBun- Kun here. I would like to say something to you.

I'm sorry ,but this book won't be some superpower or multiverse/omniverse type of book.

It would be just an apocalyptic story that take place in the The Walking Dead universe(Tv shows x Game)

And if you don't like the story just don't read it.

Peace .

PS : Hot meat buns for everyone.

Stay safe )

When I arrived in the living room, I saw Hershel drinking his tea while waiting for me.

Eric: Morning Mr. Greene.

Hershel: Good morning. How are doing? Everything alright I hope.

Eric: Tired, but I'll live.Thank you for rescuing me.

Hershel: I should thank you for saving Beth's life from that group, if you weren't there with her, she would have died.

Eric: I did what I had to do and I don't regret the fact that I decided to fight.

Hershel: I know, go get some fresh air.

Walking out of the house, Eric was greeted by a middle-aged woman and a little girl.

Katjaa: Morning, sweetie. How are feeling?

Eric : Morning ,mam .I'm fine,tired ,but I'll live.

Katjaa: That's good. Last night when they brought you here, you looked so bad that I thought that you won't survive.

Eric: Fortunately, the blood wasn't from me. Ops, I'm sorry. I shouldn't speak about these things when a kid is around

Katjaa: It's fine. I'm Katjaa, nice to meet you.

Eric: Eric Jarl at your disposition mam.

Katjaa: My oh my. What a nice young man we have here. This young lady is Clementine, the guy working at the car is my husband, Kenny while our son is playing behind the house. His name is Kenny Jr, but we call him Duck.

Eric: Quacking or Ducking?

Katjaa: Quacking, unfortunately.

Eric: I see, it was nice to meet you.

After leaving the two girls alone, I decided to say hello to Kenny.

When I arrived near his truck, He turned to me.

Kenny: Morning, kid. I see that you are alive. That's good. You gave us a good scare last night.

Eric: Sorry, sir.

Kenny: Kenny is fine. I don't care about the elder people bullshit. Treat me as you would treat a friend and we would be ok.

Eric: Sure thing. So what are you working on?

Kenny: Fixing my baby, so we can go and take my boat.

Eric: Going to sail. That may be one of the safest places on earth right now. Of course only if you have enough supplies to last for a while.

Kenny: Yeah, but we'll manage somehow. We'll hit Macon before we go to Florida, and as I said to Lee, safety in numbers.

Eric: Lee?

Kenny: Clementine guardian. He's helping Hershel's son building a wall.

Eric: I see. Thanks for the info, see you later.

As I made my way to the back of the house, I saw two men building a makeshift wall and a kid playing on the tractor.

I got to say that letting a kid playing on a tractor was one stupid idea and just the fact that he's kid would cause some incident.

Noticing my arrival, Shawn and Lee turned to greet me.

Shawn: Good morning. I'm Shawn. Glad to see your up and kicking.

Lee: Morning.

Eric: Good morning to you too. Do you need any help?

Shawn: Not really, Lee helped me cutting the boards so there's nothing left to do other than building the wall.

Eric: I see, well if you need my help, I'll be under the tree.

Under the tree was the perfect place for a nap so I decided to take the spot as my own and take a short nap.

Just as I was about to drift into the dreamlands, I heard a scream.

Quickly getting up, I saw three zombies attacking Shawn and Duck. Shawn was pinned under the tractor tire while Duck was panicking on the vehicle. It wasn't the time to wait, so I rushed as quickly as my tired body let me. When I arrived near Shawn, I saw Lee going to help Duck, so without looking a second time at Lee, I grabbed the saw and slashed the closes zombie to me. With just one zombie left, Shawn managed to block the fucker enough for me to kill it.

Now that Shawn was alright, I turned and saw that Lee managed to save Duck, killing the zombie in the process.

When Hershel, Otis, and Kenny arrived, all of the zombies were killed while the victims were safe and sound.

Turning my head towards Lee, I decided to speak with him.

Eric: Thank you for getting the boy. If you didn't appear, the boy would have haunted my mind for a long time.

Lee: No problem, you did the same thing for me saving Hershel boy.

Eric: Glad to know that I could help.

After that incident, Duck wasn't allowed near the tractor. Two hours later, a police car arrived.

Hershel greeted the man and from what I managed to hear, the cop name was Andre while his wife's name was Juliet. Hershel spoke with Andre and both of them decided to stick together. Just as Kenny has said, strength in numbers.

Now that all of the people were here, we helped Shawn building the wall and by the time when afternoon arrived, we were halfway done with it.

Getting ready to wash, I heard a car parking near the house and I know that a headache had arrived. God bless me and save me from this torture.

Fifteen minutes later, I was washed and fresh. After I got clothed up, I decided to head down and the first thing that I saw was a concerned duo made by Paul and Ellen.

When Ellen saw me, she practically jumps over the couch and tackles hug me while Paul rushed over my side.

Eric: I'm fine guys.Just a little bit tired.

Ellen: You made me worried. Brian told us what happened.

Paul: Brave move there.

Paul said his sentence with a smile and a thumb up. I know it. That traitor, Brian had told them about my heroic fight.

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