
Chapter 10

I woke up with a muscular arm around my waist. I look over and see that the arm belongs to Xavier. I start to wiggle around in his arms trying to get out. Every time I'm almost out he just tightens his arms around me.

I keep any noise that wants to come out in. He keeps tightening his arms and it is starting to hurt my injuries. I don't want to wake him up. I let out a cry of pain after I couldn't hold I in anymore. Xavier wakes up right after hearing that and checks to see if I'm alright.

"What's wrong? Why did you cry out in pain?" He asks me after seeing that I was fine.

"Your arms were getting too tight. It start to hurt badly."

"Oh baby I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you." He sounded so sincere while saying that. I don't know if I can trust him though. He could just be doing that so he can gain my trust and break it. James did that all the time.

I don't think that I will ever be able to trust a man like I used to because of James. Hopefully I will be able to get over this fear. I don't want to be single forever.

"Come on lets get ready for the day." I broke out of my thoughts after hearing that. I walk into the bathroom got ready for a shower. Just as I was about to start the shower I remember that I don't have any clothes.

I walk back out and see Xavier on the bed talking on the phone. I don't know what he was saying since he wasn't speaking English. "Um I don't have any clothes to wear." I really hope that I wasn't interrupting anything important.

He walks into the closet. I see that one side of the closet full of men clothes and the other side has women clothes. I grab something simple and walk back into the bathroom. After getting out the shower I try on the clothes.

I see that the clothes fit me perfectly. I make a mental note to thank the girl who let me borrow her clothes. I'll make sure to ask Xavier for the name of the owner. I walk out the bathroom and see the Xavier was just ending a phone call.

He looks at me with a look of satisfaction. He pats the spot next to him and I walk over to go take a seat. Just as I'm about to sit down he pulls me on his lap. I start to squirm trying to get out of his lap. He quickly grabs my hips stopping me of any movement. I look back to see him with his head back and eyes close.

I stop moving to make it easier on him and so I don't get punished. After a while he fine again and looking at me. "Um can you please tell me who owns these clothes? I want to thank her for letting me wear her clothes."

After I said that he start to laugh. He should laugh more often as it suits him. After he is done laughing he looks at me with adoration. "Baby if you have to thank someone thank yourself. Those are your clothes." Oh.

He pats my thigh as a way for me to get up. He walks to the bathroom. I hear the shower running so I walk over to the window. I love the view of the garden in the backyard. Soon I hear the bathroom door open and I look to see Xavier with a towel on his low hips. You can see his perfectly defined abs.

"You can touch them if you want. I'm all yours." I blush and look away. I can't believe that I got caught checking him out twice. He walks into the closet and comes back in a suit. He looks great in a suit then again he probably looks great in anything.

"Come on lets go get some breakfast." I break out of my thoughts and grab his hand that was held out for me. We walk down the hallway to the stairs that I used to try and escape. We turn right and walk into a kitchen that looks more expensive than my house.

He sits me down on a stool at the island. I just noticed that there was someone at the stove. She turns around and walks our way with two plates in her hands. Once she sets them down in front of my I start to eat. I notice that Xavier was just staring at me. I look away and continue to eat.

Soon a scary looking man walks into the kitchen. I scoot closer to Xavier as I don't know this stranger. "Hey boss I would like to talk to you about what we talked about earlier." Boss? Why would he call Xavier boss? Does that mean Xavier is a mafia leader? OMG I was sleeping in the same bed as a mafia leader.

"Okay we will. Just not here I don't want to talk about it in front her." Is he talking about me? I don't want to listen anyway. I don't need any association with the mafia crime. He nods and walks out the door.

"I love how you scooted closer to me for safety."

"I only scooted closer to you because I kinda know you and he was a stranger." I feel proud of myself for not letting him just tease me.

"I don't care. You still came to me." Ugh does he have a comeback to everything.

I just ignore him and continue to eat. I see that we both finished eating and went to grab the dishes. "You don't need to do that. I have maids for a reason."

"I don't care. I'm fully capable of washes my own dishes." I don't need people cleaning after me. I know how it feels to clean after someone. I hated it and I won't make someone else doing. If it makes others lives easier so be it.

I start washing the dishes and put them on the drying rack. "The girls that usually come here just make the maids clean after them."

"Well I'm not like most girls. I don't need people cleaning after my mess. If it makes their job easier than I'll do it."

"I know you're different, baby. I pay them to clean so it doesn't matter."

"Can we visit the garden today?" I asked changing the subject.

"I'm sorry baby but I have to work. I can't leave you on your own so you'll have to come with me." Okay I deserved that for trying to escape yesterday. He grabs my hand and takes me to what likes an office.

He walks over to the desk taking a seat behind it pulling me down with him. I sit there while he works on his laptop doing whatever. Soon the office door opens and the scary guy comes in.

"Hey capo voglio sapere cosa vuoi che faccia con il traditore dopo che lo abbiamo preso?" (Hey boss I want to know what you want me to do with the traitor after we catch him).

"Voglio che tu lo metta in una cella." (I wnt you to put him in a cell).

"Cosa faremo con lui allora?" (What will we do with him then).

"Mi occupero di lui poi da solo." (I'll deal with him then on my own). The man nods and walks out. I don't understand not a thing that he just said. I was confused through the whole encounter.

He just goes back to doing what he was doing before. I'm so bored. I look around trying to find something to do. Of course there is nothing in this boring room. After what feels like hours a woman walks in. She was wearing a maids outfit that was way too small. She was wearing these huge heels. Her face was natural though.

"Hey baby. I thought that you were stressed so I came to help you release some." It doesn't take a genius to realize what she was talking about. He must have had some type relationship with relationship.

She soon sees me on Xavier. She starts to glare at me. "Xavy who is this bitch on your lap?" I turn to see what Xavier would say. Also that nickname sounded horrible coming out of mouth.

"First, don't call me Xavy or baby. Second, this is my girlfriend so if you talk about her like that again there will be a bullet between your eyes." I look at him like he is crazy. Who said that we were dating? I also wince hearing his vulgar words.

She looks shocked after hearing him say that. "Baby, what has gotten into you? I thought we had something. We always shared moments."

"We never had moments. I only wanted you as a fuck buddy. Those little moments to you were nothing to me." Hearing him say that takes me to a flashback of what James said to me. I feel sorry for her. Tears well up in her eyes and she runs out the room.

Xavier just returned to what he did like he didn't just make her cry. I feel the urge to go to the bathroom out of no where. I tell Xavier I had to go and he told me I had 6 minutes. I run out trying to find the bathroom. I quickly use it and as I walk back down the hall.

I bump into somebody while running down the hallway. I see that it is the girl from earlier. She sees that it is me and glares at me. "You'll pay for what you did. Xavier was mine first so I'll watch my back if I were you." She then slaps me and storms off.

I'm in shock but then shake it off and go back to the office. "You're late." Dang it.

"I couldn't find the bathroom and I ran into someone on the way back," I explained to him.

"Okay but next time don't let it happen." I nod my head and sit back down on his lap.

He looks at my face sees a bruise on my cheek. "Who did this to your face?"


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