

~05 August 2006~

*Harry Potter POV*

I walk alongside Valerie to take care of her favorite flower. It has been a few days since I free myself from the Dursley. It also has been a few days since my Godfather was free from his unjust imprisonment. Sirius and I spend our time connecting and him telling his adventure with my father in Hogwart.

Listening to his tale, I feel a little bit jealous of their adventure. On the other hand, my experience in Hogwart is full of danger, and last year, I almost Died because of fighting Basilisk with only a sword in my hand.


I snap from my thoughts when I hear Valerie call my name. I smile at her and walk toward her. I still remember how Sirius took me to the Gringotts and checked my bank account as he said that it was his duty as my Guardian. When the vault manager says about the blood test to confirm my identity, there is something weird happening that makes my face blush.


I am still shocked after knowing that Valerie is some sort of princess in Romania. I never thought that I would meet royalty in my life, especially meeting a vampire princess even though she said that she is no longer in the royalty. However, when I see where Valerie lived, I know that she is just a humble person because she lived in a massive castle that can be compared to Hogwarts.

Not only is it filled with books that can make Hermione drool in jealousy, but it also has many magical beings making a home near the castle. I never see so many vampires or rather dhampirs in one place (even though I never met a vampire, to begin with). Not only that, but the people inside the town around the castle are also kind and warm to Sirius and me.

Lexian Vongola, the owner of the land and the castle, give Sirius and me a tour around his land. I have met many creatures that can be considered a dark creature like Bicorn, Acromantula, and Thestral. They also have a few dangerous beasts like Griffin, Hippogriff, and Grabhorn. They also have a Unicorn running around the area.

The people say that the current lord, Lexian Vongola has blessed this land. Before he takes the mantle of the lord, the area is like your usual land, but after he assumes the position of the lord, the earth becoming more alive. It gives this warm feeling that cannot be described, the closest thing they can say is that it is like the feeling of a cozy home and I must agree with their assessment as to when we arrive here, the first thing I feel is like getting greeted by a mother or wife after working hard outside.

Lexian (He insisted by calling him by his name instead of using 'sir' or 'lord') also taught me my new power. My new power is called Lightning Flame. He taught me how to harden my spell so it can cause a more powerful effect. I use this flame to harden my Incendio spell to make it more difficult to extinguish. Sometimes the flame makes the opposite effect from the spell. For example, when I want to cast a Softening Charm, instead of making it soft, it makes the object harder than even steel.

Lexian also explained to me about the origin of the flame and the sky and its guardian to me. At first, Sirius hesitate to let me bonding with Valerie, but after saying the side effect, if the sky and its guardian get separate, Sirius accepts it.

Now, I'm Valerie Lightning Guardian. The one that draws enemies to myself and protects her. Funny enough, I don't mind it as I think it was the right thing to do.

I snap from my thought when we arrive in front of the Gringotts bank. We continue to walk toward the teller and wait for our turn.

When the teller call for us, Sirius and I (in disguise Lady Medea create for me) walk toward the teller.

"What do you want, Human?"

"Vault 100721. Padfoot demands our right as a member of the family."

"Hn. Follow me"

I look at Sirius before asking.

"What is that? I thought we need a key to open up a vault."

"It was a special vault we the Marauders created for the next generations. At first, we create this vault to support Moony as we know that he will have a hard life in the wizarding world. However, after we grow up, we decide to create another vault for our kids in the future. The phrase is a secret code we create. The phrase from early is the phrase we use to register a new member to the vault."

"Then how does the teller know about the real person? What if someone else said that phrase?"

"Then the teller will tell that person to bugger off from the bank. The goblin uses some sort of blood magic to create these vaults. It links to our blood and can only be opened up if we or our blood relatives say it. The goblin also has some sort of rune under their high table to see if we are registered."

"I see."

"Yup. That is why I don't tell anybody this to anybody. Even though the goblin will confirm us by using a blood test, they will cut off our money per person that tries to do the blood test because they are a greedy little bugger."

As I am about to say something, the teller that ignores us the entire time stops and looks at us.

"And we are proud of it. Now go inside the room. The manager will come shortly."

We wait for a minute for the manager to come inside our room.

"So, you are the one want to register?"

"No. I already registered in the vault. The one that wants to register is my Godson, Harry Potter."

The old goblin looked at me with his eyebrow raised slightly.

"You don't look like Harry Potter."

Ah. I push a little bit of my flame toward the necklace Lady Medea gave me, and suddenly, I feel the mist around my body begin to disappear. The goblin in front of me widened his eyes before looking at me from head to toe as if he found something interesting.

"A new form of magic, Interesting. So you two already know there is another magical society?"


That is another surprising news for me. Not only the so-called magical world I currently located is not the only magical society in the world, but it also the weakest of them all. While people in Valerie's home say that our spell is rather flexible, it can't compete with the others in terms of firepower.

When Lady Medea showed me her magic… It was a humbling experience for Sirius, and I ever happened.

"Good. Then this will be easy. Stab your finger in this dagger just a little bit."


While I pick up the dagger and prepare to stab my finger with that, Sirius asks the manager something.

"Why will that be easy?"

"Because the so-called pure blood is complaining that we use their 'pure' blood to curse them with it. If we want to curse them, we don't need their blood to do it. Are you done?"

I nod at his question. As he takes the dagger from me, the old goblin places it in the middle of a circle with a rune around it. As he puts down the knife, the magic circle shines a little before suddenly it spits a piece of paper.

"This is your blood test and also your evidence that you have already been registered for the Vault 100721. Let me explain to you what Vault 100721 is, that vault is one of our top vaults in this bank. That is why your parents and their friends need to pay a huge amount of money to create it. It is located inside our deepest cave in this building. You can only see the vault via a magic circle provided by our partner. Here is the magic paper if you want to go to your vault, but remember that you can only use it inside this room only. If you use it outside, then you will be teleported to our prison cell. If you lose this piece of paper, you will charge 70 Galleons, and you need another 150 Galleons to create the new one."

The account manager gave me a book, not too thick or too thin. As I open the book, I see a magic circle drawn inside of it. A somewhat familiar magic circle.

"Glasya-Labolas clan."

"Oh? Do you know them? The Wand Waver rarely knows about the Glasya-Labolas clan. Yes, our partner is the Glasya-Labolas clan. We let them use our service to empower their younger generation in exchange for their protection from our rival."

"I see, the teleportation service can be considered a contract, huh?"

"That's right."

Sirius, who was confused by our conversation, decided to ask.

"What is the Glasya-Labolas clan? And what contract?"

"I guess I can say that after all you people already see the magic in other societies. Glasya-Labolas clan of devil race."


"Watch your tone. Yes, Glasya-Labolas is a Devil clan that we partner ourselves with. However, don't compare a devil into whatever inside your brain. They don't use their service in exchange for the contractor's souls. In the past, maybe. However, that practice has already been banned by the current Devil Lord. They are just like humans but with inherent power that can be considered more powerful than the so-called next merlin, Dumbledore."

".... I see"

"Yes, that is why when you meet a devil, don't immediately attack them as they are usually a peaceful race. There are a few exceptions, of course, but most of them prefer peace more than violence. Now, let us back to this boy's account. While I don't have the authority to handle the account, I still can give you the paper. If there is a question, please ask away."

I look at the piece of paper in front of me. It shows my name, parent name, and guardian, both magical and mundane.

~Name: Harry James Potter~

~Parents: James Fleamont Potter and Lily Potter née Evans~

~Guardian: Sirius Black (Magical) and Lexian Vongola (Mundane){Through the Bonding}~

~Guardian Bonding: Valerie Vongola (Formerly Tepes)~

~False Guardian: Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore (Self Proclaim)~

~Vault: 687 (Trust Vault), Vault 721 (Potter Vault) and Vault 310 (Lily Evans Vault)~


~Vault 687 (535/1000 G, Recharged once a year until Harry Potter reach the age of 17)~

~Vault 721 (6.347.769 G, 1950 S, 6573 K)~

~Vault 310 (7426 G, 5361 S, 8796 K)~

I look at the paper in shock. Not only am I a millionaire, but My guardian also Lexian not the Dursley. However, there is something weird about this list. I look at the old goblin and say,

"Can I ask you a question...er…"


"Yes, Lorvic. Can I ask you a question?"

"Of course. Ask away"

"What does this mean that Professor Dumbledore is a false guardian? Also, how can my trust Vault only have 535 Galleons inside of it? I never take that much gold from the Vault."

"Ahhh. Dumbledore is your false guardian because he proclaims to the minister that he is your magical guardian without the consent of us and also you. So he only has the approval of the minister but not you and us, so that is why he is considered a false guardian."

"What is the power he has over me? Can he order me around? Can he deny me if I want to go to another country?"

"Ahhh, This question will also answer your previous one. As a False guardian, he can manage your Trust account, meaning that he can take as many as 500 Galleons from your trust account. He can, of course, place his money inside the vault, but so far, he never does that. He can reject your activity in Hogwart, but outside of that, he can't do anything. He can't forbid you from going to the other country, of course you still need a legal document if you want to go, and he cannot forbid you to visit friends or anyone you want to visit."

Before I could say something, Sirius beat me to it and said in a rather loud voice.

"Can you block him from accessing the trust account?"

"Of course. We gladly block him from the vault."

"Good. Then…."

Before Sirius could block my trust account, I stopped him.

"Sirius stops. I don't think it was a good idea to block professor Dumbledore accessing my trust account."

"What?!? Why?!?"

"Sirius, think for a little bit. If we block Professor Dumbledore from accessing my account, then what happens?"

"... He will get suspicious."

"Yes. He will approach you or me to open up the vault for him as he is my 'guardian.' He also will question us about it. I don't want to gather his attention toward me if I can."

"Fine but I don't like it."

"Me too Sirius, Me too."

~End of Flashback~

I snap from my thought when Valerie walks toward me with a flower crown in her hand. I smile at her before feeling my cheek going red as she places the crown on top of my head.

I don't know what will happen in the future, but I want to keep this peaceful life as long as I can.

The advance chapter can be found here:


Or if you want to give me some coffee


LuxVonDeuxcreators' thoughts
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