
Scene Five! A Coffee Thing?



"Hello! Welcome to a little temptation coffee shop! How can I assist you?" As I live and breath no amount of bad luck has ever struck me like today.

Standing before me was the beautiful and astonishing Amelia.

The very person I had sworn off chasing, JUST THIS MORNING, was dropped into my lap as a cruel joke by the universe. Time stopped and I held my breath, this was definitely not my day. She stood there with her short beautiful hair in a ponytail and you could properly see her bangs that screamed compliments to her features.

"Jericho?" I snapped back into reality and unfroze. she looked confused but happy to see me. WHY ARE YOU HAPPY TO SEE ME I DONT UNDERSTAND DO YOU LIKE ME?! TELL MEEEE

"Oh, I'm sorry I was deciding what to get," I responded to excuse the fact that I WAS IN SHOCK. She smiled politely

"It's okay"

"Can I get a small coffee? Black. A little sugar" I said pointing to the menu behind her. "And a cheese danish." I finished. It wasn't much but it would have to do. Amelia punched some things on the computer. I looked at her as she did it, she had such a beautiful focused face. It was difficult trying to accept the fact that if I paused the chase and she showed no signs of interest I had to move on. I like her but I don't know maybe I'm just desperate for human love.

"Done!" I snapped out of my trance "sorry I'm new so I'm still trying to figure out how to work this thing. " she smiled apologetically I smiled back

"It's okay," I said taking out my credit card to pay. I look up to see Amelia biting her lip as if she was contemplating something.

"Hey, Jericho."


"Can I eat with you?" I blinked, I couldn't understand what she meant. Did she want to eat with me? But she was working? "I had to come in super early and I didn't eat, can I take my break and eat with you?" Automatically I nodded. By the time I noticed I agreed to breakfast WITH AMELIA I was taken back and shut down. Robotically I raised my hand to give her my card. She smiled. "Coffees on me" I opened my mouth to reject but she beat me to it "next time you can pay." NEXT TIME?!?! That definitely shut me up. I slowly nodded still processing what had happened. Today definitely isn't my day.

"Thanks, Amelia and I'll gladly pay next time!" She smiled

"You're all set then! Just sit down and I'll bring you the goods" I nodded and hesitantly moved to sit down processing that whole conversation and the fact that I'm having coffee with Amelia. I took out my phone and texted the group chat.


Me: Came to eat and now I'm having COFFEE WOTH AMELIA!


Loli: LOL has fun.

Noy: don't read into anything.

Loli: yea and don't drool on her XD

Me: im not gonna DROOL on her! And I don't READ into anything.

Noy: ur delusional Jericho u read into everything.

I gawked at what Kyong-tae was saying, how dare she say I'm delusional!

"Everything okay?" Amelia asked holding two bags and two coffees. She set them down and sat in front of me. I sat down on the table that was closest to the glass wall. I nodded and looked at the drinks. She got a frappe. In this cold. WHY. "Why a frappe huh?" She read my mind. I chuckled and rubbed my neck

"Caught red-handed. Yeah, I was wondering why a frappe in this cold." She shrugged and took her drink

"I rarely drink hot drinks. I prefer the cold even in freezing temperatures." She said sipping her drink. I nodded

"Makes sense." I grabbed a bag and opened it to see my cheese danish I smiled come here my pretty. I grabbed it and took a bite. It was warm and gooey perfect.

"Like it?" She asked leaning back and taking her bag. I nodded delightfully.

"It's so good!" She chuckled and took a croissant out of the bag. Studying it before she took a bite. Warm melted Chocolate exploded from the bite mark.

" the owner of the coffee shop had a deal with the bakery across town so he gets first pick. If you come early enough, you get them still warm. They're amazing." I nodded and drank from my coffee.

"So you work here?" I asked. She nodded

"Only on the weekends, do you work anywhere?"

"No, although I have been thinking about getting a job. It'd be nice to have a steady cash flow."

"Do you know how to make coffee? We're looking for another barista" I shook my head

"My parents are a big fan of instant coffee, they think it's a miracle. So unless you're looking for someone who knows how to use instant coffee, I'm not your girl." She laughed

"That's alright, working with a friend seemed too good to be true;" Amelia said sighing, I laughed. SHE CONSIDERS ME A FRIEND!!! SCORE!!! NOOOO WAIT STOP RIGHT THERE! "How are you liking Drama?"

"It's really fun and it's so cool how people are able to act like that! And how the sets are created it's all really awesome" she laughed

"Yeah, drama is really amazing. Have you seen any plays or musicals?"

"I saw a musical with Kyong-tae back in high school. I think it was called the phantom of the opera" at the sound of the name Amelias face lit up

"I love that musical! And the movie that Gerard Butler comes out in! A masterpiece." She said with a grin.

"Yeah, I really liked it" okay that's a tiny lie. I don't remember it I literally practically slept through all of it. The only reason I went was cause Kyong-tae wanted to see how a professional musical looked from the Audience and told me that there was a cute girl in it, but there were no cute girls! I remember the betrayal. She smiled

"I'm excited for the musical we're having this semester." She said with a beautiful gleam in her eyes.

"Me too," I said realizing I finished my cheese danish and coffee. Had time really gone by that fast?? Amelia looked at her watch

"Alrighty, My breaks almost over. Thank you, Jericho." She looked up to meet my eyes. Her eyes were such a beautiful shade of blue. She smiled at me and I smiled back "I thought today was going to be a lonely day, but having coffee with you made my day. Thanks" I nodded and felt my face heat up

"Thanks for the coffee Amelia and also for the company." She smiled and pointed at me while getting up

"Hey, the next time we have coffee it's on you." I chucked getting up.


"I'll see you around Jericho." She said turning and heading toward the counter. I sighed and smiled. Damn it I just can't not chase her.

Operation Woo the Angel is back on.


Have a great Day, Morning, Night!!

Plena_Arcaniscreators' thoughts
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