
Give Me The House And Five Hundred Thousand!

Xian Yijun went down to the pharmacy and bought some anti- fever medicine. As soon as he walked out of the pharmacy, he suddenly saw a figure not far from the pharmacy door.

When he saw the figure, his eyes went cold. Just as he was about to leave, Cui Luixian suddenly turned around and looked at him. "Wait!"

At this moment, Cui Luixian's face was no longer as weak and pitiful as it was in front of Wei Zhijuan. Instead, she looked at Xian Yijun who didn't stop and said, "Xian Yijun, I advise you to stop and talk to me nicely. Otherwise, I can't guarantee that I will brainwash Wei Zhijuan one day and turn her into a jealous woman and make you suffer!"

Finally, Xian Yijun stopped and looked at her indifferently. "You've flaunted your low IQ for so many years and have suffered a lot because of it. And yet, you haven't repent it. You really have no memory of it."

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