
Survival Training for 2 years

After the name entered the character history has been updated.


Name: Portgas. D Sam

Occupation : Ninja

Level: None

Skills : None

Spins left : 1

Starter Pack : Open / Close


And after seeing the Stats he opened the Character History.


Character History : Portgas. D Sam son of Portgas. D Ralph and Sylvia Williams was born in south blue in an island named Baterillia after three years from the start of Great Pirate Era.

He was nephew of Portgas. D Rogue and cousin of the Future Fire Fist Ace. When he was 12 years old all his family members died in a pirate raid. And luckily he escapes with the help of his father and his father reveals the truth about Ace and tells him to find the only surviving family member and join him in the East Blue.

And by travelling for 3 years by sneaking up on and burglary he reached East Blue and while he was escaping from the ship which he was got caught in the Burglary activity . He escaped in a emergency small boat and got caught up in a Storm. And he was got in a Storm and washed away to this Island.


Sam " Now this history works fine for me. " murmured to himself.

And he then opened his Starter Pack.


Starter Pack : Open

1. Chakra Training Method

2. Leaf Hurricane Tai Jutsu

3. Shuriken Jutsu

4. Survival Training in Imaginary Island for 2 years


As soon as he got the starter pack. His head is filled with How to train Chakra. And different Stances of Tai Jutsu how to use Shurikens and throwing methods.

And the main change is the whole Island is being transformed. As if Some one is releasing the Deep Forest Emergence Jutsu. And all the trees are so big and soon many big and strong. And what makes even worse is the entire Island is covered with white fog. Including the Sea.

Sam tried to move toward the Sea and when he started Swimming forward he again reached the same Shore. He was unable to leave the Island. Now he knew he cannot leave the Island for 2 years as mentioned in the starter Pack.

He then Sighed " Looks like I have to stay here for 2 years. " And as he accepted the fate. He started to walk towards the forest. But after few steps he stopped. He know one thing that is surviving in the forest is going to be tough.

He then decided ' Let me use the Lucky Spin ' and he selected the Lucky Spin and there were many Jutsu names, Swords, Weapons are flashing and soon the name flashing Stopped and he got

" A Ninja Tool Kit Bag "

The Bag was similar to the Bag that Naruto and Sasuke used to wear around thier legs. He checked the Bag and found 2 Kunai knife and 13 Shurikens and 3 Ninja Wires which are around 100 meters each. The wires are very flexible at the same time it is very Sharp. It is very much similar to the threads used for Kites but Stronger.

After got all the things he rationalized his thoughts and started formulating plans for his next 2 years.

" 1. I need to find a proper and safe Shelter.

2. I must find proper food.

3. I must train in Tai Jutsu and Shuriken Justsu.

4. Master Chakra Control by walking on trees and Water. "

And soon he started moving towards the forest. And the forest is full of Insect habitats and many small animals such as rabbits, porcupine and even snakes which is still outside the forest.

Sam could hear the laughs of Hyenas, howling of wolves, and roars of tigers. And insects screech sound all over the forest. For a 15 years old boy although matured for his age. He was truly afraid of this forest. Though he made proper plans but trying to act according to it is entirely a different matter.

He was petrified and suddenly he felt some feeling and he moved according to the feeling and found there was a black snake, which possibly poisonous and soon it slithering fast towards his direction. By some instinct he immediately got his Kunai. From his tool kit bag and cut down the head of the Snake.

By seeing the Snake which is split into two. He immediately started puking. It was the first time he was killing some thing. And soon many ants started gathering around the snake's body. Sam on the other hand trying his hard to feel himself fine. And after some time he calmed down.

He then started searching the outskirts of the forest for the shelter. He was sure that the deep inside the forest. There are more dangers and during his search. He killed some snakes that tried to attack and he even killed 2 rabbits on his own initiative but with some effort as rabbits are really good at agility.

Due to the Leaf Hurricane Tai Jutsu and Shuriken Jutsu was implanted in his mind, he was given some battle instinct. After some time he found a hole big enough in a tree which is at its bottom. He was vigilant and was watching whether there are any animals out there in the cave.

After some confirmation that there were no animals. He soon started settling in the cave and making it comfortable for him to sleep. He the using his kunai. Tried to cut and clean the rabbit. And he started a fire using a primitive method of using wood stick against wood. And grilled the rabbit meat and he ate it.

There is no taste in the meat. It has no salt or spicy. It is plainly has no taste. But he still ate it, he knows that he needs huge amount of food to keep up with his strength and Chakra practice. He tries his hard to not puke and eats the maximum of the rabbit meat.

Soon he went inside his tree cave. And started practicing his Chakra. According to the basics Chakra is the mixture of mental and physical energies. And after some time he produced very minute chakra in his dantian. And he couldn't produce anymore than that.

Soon the dusk arrives and he went to the cave for sleeping. And while he was sleeping he suddenly felt danger and saw one hyena is standing above him with it's saliva dripping from his mouth.

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