
The Forgotten Vow

Mahumad Pasha Angelovic could almost feel that amount of determination in this vivacious woman's eyes as she re affirmed her statement again.

"I gathered the four of us for no other reason except the sole purpose of peace, I know that you may suspect that I have ambushed troops nearby, or try to kidnap you two in order to make your troops surrender. Let me be clear and frank with you, I did have this stupid idea in my head for once, but I instantly gave it up once I thought about it."

"The entire Sultanate with all the Ottomans, no matter whether sailing on the seas or walking on the ground, shall appreciate your clemency and charity with gratitude." The leader of the Janissaries became the first to react coming out of his seat kneeling down towards the Dowager. "You are trully the mother of our nation, as your faithful subject I shall follow your words without any delay."

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