
Back to the dragon ball world

"GAh! MY Cabbages!"

Shiro and his family fell through a basket full of cabbages, of course the cabbages couldn't hold when the fiirst person broke through it, and ended up crashing through it... the bag broke, and the cabbages were sent everywhere...everyone fell either on their heads or on their asses...

[Welcome back to the Dragon Ball universe!]

Shiro was panting heavily, his body dripping in sweat...

"Shiro-kun, what happened!" Naruko shouted, as she got herself together, "She was somewhat afraid, She had never seen fear in the eyes of her husband, never since....never...even when they were kids...

"The True...Emboidement, of Death, of that Universe..." Shiro spoke, "She calls herself mistress Death..."

Naruko could see Hela Shaking slightly.

Hinata frowned, "Want to tell me why she sounded so desperate?" Hinata asked...

Shiro shook his head, "I do not know...I could only guess..."

""Mistress Death..." Hela muttered, causing all heads to turn to her...

"You Know something. as well?" Roku asked with narrowed eyes...Hela nodded, "I do not like her though, she forced me to become her servant shortly after I became the Goddess of death."

Shiro raised his eyebrow..."Really? I thought you done what you've done only to impress father?" Shiro asked Hela nodded at him, "Most of it was because of father, trying to kill you was because of me as well, you are correct, but.. there were other task, I was forced to take, and I hated that...even though I did similar things with my own will, I just didn't appreciate being forced to do something that was not of my will. That's why i hated her..."

Shiro nodded at her, "Yes, that's why I was slightly fearful, Death is not something we can take lightly...and when she was here...I feared for you all, which is why... I acted the way I acted."

Shiro took a deep breath, "This was supposed to be a vacation world, I am sorry about this..."

Next time...I will go to another world alone...and see if the world is safe enough to travel too before I allow my family to travel across it.

Maybe once it is over.....

Shiro looked at his children, "Children, let this be a lesson, no matter how strong you become, there will always be someone stronger, do not let it stop you though, push yourselfs to become stronger, not only for yourself, but for the people that you cherish the most."

Every single one of his faimly took in his words to heart

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