
Full Moon; Primal Multiplied

"Shiro-kun...Naruko whispered, "i am feeling something weird..."

"I feel something weird too..." Goku muttered sleepy, both Gine's and Shiro's eyes widened, before they glanced at the moon, Oh yeah, full moon...shit...

"GIne!" Shiro roared she nodded her head, alarmed, Shiro grabbed the group alarmed and vanished in a burst of speed, 'System, set a path to a place where no eyes can see the great ape transformation!'


Shiro's eyes glowed green as he traveled along the path, till he managed to make it to the end, Gine Hinata, and Naruko were being effected by this transformation, there eyes were now blood red, there screaming Shiro could see the fangs, grow in their mouths, their screaming of pain then turned to primal, as a sound of a great ape roared, and echoed, through the distance.

All of his group were now towering over him in Giant, female, and male monkey forms...Shiro could tell not just because he saw them transform, but because the forms of the females are slender than the males...

He silently wondered, what it would be like if he fucked them in the great ape form, but shook off that thought, he gazed at them. 'System, can you make them take control, like you did to me?"


"Shiro-kun!] Naruko's voice was very worried, "What's going on, what's happening, "

"This is the great ape form." Gine's voice replied, Shiro turned to the voice and saw another ape looking at her, Gine's voice was heard, "It is a transformation us saiyans can acheive, it multiplies our power by ten, but I never had control like this..."

"Well, I am glad you do..." Shiro said with a smile, "and you to look stunning,"

She smiled, at him, man that actually looked kind of creepy in that form.

"But...we never did this before, how are we just doing it now?" Naruko asked confused, and slightly worried.

"We normally go inside when it starts to get dark so that's probably why you never had that feeling." Shiro explained to her who nodded at him.

"Yeah, that would explain it." She mumbled

"How come your different than, us?" Hinata''s great ape form asked,

Shiro looked down at his form, and smiled he was in that new form, he had before he had transformed into a supersaiyan. He looked up them and noticed their form had started to steam...

"Dad, " Goku's panicked voice asked, "What's happening!"

"Calm down.." Shiro smiled at him, "All of you are merely becoming like me..."

"They shrunk, and Shrunk, and Shurnk....until they all resembled that of a humanoid being...the area was then blinded by a white light...when everything died down, Shiro drooled...yes, he drooled, he was not ashamed.

"They were so...

So sexy...each of his girls had nothing on their top but a bra...they still had their bottom clothes, they looked almost exactly like him in his form, but they were a head shorter than him, they were slightly more muscular, and there hair traveled to their shoulders, "With Naruko and Hinata, you could see the whisker-marks still on her face and the byakugan mixed within those blood red eyes...their curves, brown fur across their slim shoulders.

With Goku, his form was not much different from his version of ssj 4, only his eyes were red instead of gold, and his fur was brown instead of light red, and he was a lot shorter, like a kid, because he was a kid, not like what happened in Gt...

"Look's like Someone's impressed,~"Gine giggled, Shiro swallowed, Kami even there voices were different, not male at all, do not get it twisted, it was pure feminine, but it was primal as well..


How could I not?

The form...

It was...


So fucking sexy.

How was it? if you like it, comment, let me know of your thoughts, and vote powerstones, I. Love. Powerstones!

Ken_Uzumakicreators' thoughts
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