
Dc Magic system

'Hmmm, ' shiro thought, magic, magic magic, rom what he knows, magic is literally beyond the realm of explanation. Magic has no rules nor natural place within the universe because it is not bound by reality. Magic just simply... is. All analysis or summary of it still seems to be wrong because we are trying to make sense of a concept that has no limitation. Magic is something pulled outside of the laws of space-time to warp reality and go against the universal structural scheme. There is no eventual scientific understanding to it because it will always be a realm beyond convention.

Now, there are different levels of magic users. Usually you can tell their strength depending on a few things:

Belief systems within specific cultures can either hinder or strengthen one's magic potential depending on that society's acceptance of magic. Magic does not come to nonbelievers so easily.

Objects and enchanted items can increase one's magical capabilities.

Mystical beings can grant mortals powers steeped in magic.

People can pull from other dimensions with high concentrations of sorcery.

The level of practice and study one performs their magical abilities.

How strong a magical bloodline someone comes from to make mystical capabilities easier.

Sorcerers all have varying power levels depending on how they are acquired. By power level I mean in terms of how strong their will to use magic is. In DC, there are two types of magic users: those who can either use magic or magic that uses them.

Those who can use magic with little effort or cast exceedingly powerful spells are called Homo Magi. Homo Magi are a "race" of people whose bloodline descends from a long heritage of magic users with the ability to use magic as an innate talent. Instead of having to overly study and train their bodies in the system, magic literally runs through the Homo Magi blood and as a result allows them near-mastery over sorcery. As to how the Homo Magi originated and developed goes way back to the first major civilization on DC's prime Earth: Atlantis. Atlantis was a lost 8th continent sunken into the sea. Before that however, it was a land intrinsically imbued with unharnessed magical energies. It was the focal point for all magic on Earth. Thus, when early modern Homo Sapiens migrated to this continent, they evolved into Homo Magi as a result of their exposure to these energies. They interbred for thousands of years, concentrating and strengthening the genetic predisposition, though not all Atlanteans were Homo Magi. When Atlantis sunk, the surviving Atlantean Homo Magi fled across the globe, carrying with them their magical bloodline.

Though he wonders, is that what he has, could he possibly have what the homo Magi had, which will be extremely beneficial, to counter...Shiro's eyes widened, 'Oh.'.

How was it? Hopefully this explains everytthing more clearly, if you like it, comment, let me know of your thoughts, and vote powerstones, I.LOVE.POWERSTONES! Have a good day.

Ken_Uzumakicreators' thoughts
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