
Going Mystic

"Yes, he is most definitely the one." Shiro replied as he looked at the elder Kai, he saw him staring at them with a grin on his face, "Do not be fooled by his appearance and his power, all though his power is physically weak, it is his abilities that make him special."

The Elder kai's grin grew at what he heard he couldn't help but speak up, "Yes, that's right, I couldn't have said it better myself."

Everyone turned their gazes on him, the Elder Kai, clarified in his own way, "You see, my 'abilities' are very special, if I put my abilities on a cat that goes, meow... it can go *GROWl* *GROWL*

Gine flinched back in surprise... and everyone looked at him with a shocked expression, except for Shiro, who only smiled and nodded his head, "I understand, you can unleash the true potential of anyone..."

"Exactly!" Elder Kai grinned, as he looked him over, "Not bad...you were the one to release the Z sword, so you have potential..." he nodded his head to himself, "Yes, Yes, I can most definitely do something with you, you have great potential..."

Shiro nodded in thanks, Elder kai turned to Gine, "How about you pretty lady? Do you want your potential to be unlocked as well?"

Gine looked unsure, she glanced at Shiro who nodded at her with a smile..." She looked to the Elder Kai and nodded, before slowly glancing to Shin, "it's funny, I always though a Kai would be the one to break the Z sword and set me free, but your more of a shoe shine boy than a hero, " the elder Kai glanced back to Shiro and Gine."I guess a seer would do, he has one my respect, after pulling that stunt after all..."

Shiro blushed slightly, as Gine smiled. "It was nothing sir, just trying to protect my friends..."

Elder kai just smiled..

eah, right nothing, anyway before we begin, I can only do you one at a time, so who wants to go first..."

Shiro stepped up, "I want to go first."

""Elder Kai smiled, "Well, then young seer, it seems I do not need to tell you what to do right?",

Shiro nodded, Yes, I do, and I am ready, whenever your ready..."

"Right just stay perfectly still... Shiro stood up in attention, "Now just relax..." he said, he raised his hands and stretched his arms up in the air..."Wake up you lazy no good powers!" His sudden shout startled everybody but Shiro there, who could only sigh... "Come on, wake up!" He raised his hands again and clenched them, he then started to slowly walk around in circles, everybody looked at the elder Ka dumbfounded, Shin slowly swallowed, as he looked on with wide eyes. Gine really looked unsure now, she looked towards Shiro, but shiro nodded to her.

They all watched as the elder Kai went in circles 20 times, before he went back in his original position, "aright ready..let's begin..." Shiro steeled himself, and got ready for what would most likely be the longest day of his life...


25 hours has past, Gine was surprised at how calm Shiro can be, especially after the elder Kai got a book about woman in revealing clothing's and started giggling perversely at least she knows what to expect...

"shiro got up from his chris cross position, "It's time..."

"Yes, you are right, it is time, well you know what to do right Go ahead, do it... he got into a stance and started to power up, Elder kai's eyes slowly widened in horror, "Wait, don't do it here, I am n-"HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" as she powered up to her max, she sent elder kai flying, the wind started to blow really fast and heavy, the wind blew the trees all the way to the ground, and ripped up the grass from the ground, it was like a godlike hurricane... Shin, kibito, and Gine had a hard time keeping on their feet, elder Kai was hanging on a tree branch for dear life....

Once everything died down, Shiro, stood, his form buffer than his original, but other than that, he looked the same... Shiro glanced at himself in amazement, "this power...it's amazing. " he whispered as he stared at his hands which cackled with electricity.

Gine stared at awe, completely speechless, yes, Shiro taught her how to sense ki without a scouter, and she was able to see just how strong he is...

Her exitement grew as she could barely contain herself, "Alright elder Kai me next..."

"Elder kai smiled "Alright then..."

Shiro smiled at her, before he walked towards the ship that he put out for her so she wouldn't suffer the wait... he put it back into his inventory, When Gine unlocked her Mystic form, she was slightly weaker than Shiro...but she could easily tear apart frieza, just like himself...

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