
meeting Inari

"Here you guys go." Tsunami said putting the bowls on to the table.

Shiro smiled kindly as everyone said there thanks and dug in,

Sakura and Sauske were awake, and doing the usual, Saduke was brooding most of the time while Sakura was fauning over him. She was glaring at Shiro first for the slap but then decided that he wasn't worth her time and cntinued to gaze at sasuke.

Shiro snorted at that and finished eating.

"Shiro." Yamato said, "gaining my attention. "Yes sensei?"

"I recall you saying that you had a plan for defeating gato correct?" he asked, this gained everyones attention."

"I do...why...."

"Care to induldge us?" yamato asked.

"Nah, the plan won't work if I do, trust me everything will go out smoothly, of all goes well we might even have extra allies."

"All I see is a bunch ot dead men."

All of them turned to the.unfamiliar voice but was familiar to shiro as his eyes lit up in recognition.

"Inari!" Tsunami exclaimed

"But it's true mommy, they are all going to diereventually everyone, that come here does."

"We are not everyone kid, we are ninja's." Sasuke said arrogance dripping off of him, "You tell that brat, Sasuke-kun!" Sakura screamed causing everyone to wince.

Inari looked at them unimpressed."It doesn't matter to me, gato's thugs outnumber you way longer, you will be killed..."

Naruko held a frown while Shiro smiled, "well then, I guess well see when the time comes huh."

Inari. scowled at me before he stormed back up to his room."

Tsunami followed to comfort him

"What was that about?" Naruko asked ln slight irritation

"Please forgive him, his father died to those thugs a couple years, Into hasn't been the same since."

"It still shouldn't give him a right to be a brat though." Naruko said, Tazuna frowned.


The next day we were doing some light sparring with eachothrr while team7 was doing the usual tree climbinging excercise when we had enouther encounter with inari.

"Why are you trying so hard!" He screamed at us.

Shiro sighed in annoyance while Naruko's eyebrows twiched in irritation

"it doesn't matter how much comments you make, or how hard you train, at the end you will all be defeated by gato!"

"We aren't like the rest." Naruko replied.

" loathe people like you, you come here with your nose held up high in oth people's business, you don't even no what it's like to suffer!


"Why you little spoiled brat!" Naruko roared,

"Naruko cal-"

"No shiro, he needs to hear this!" she said never once stoping her glare at the now wiltering boy.

"How dare you say that I don't know what it means to suffer. You lost your father big deal, at least you have met your father and still have a mother and a grandpa to take care of you. I was an orphan, I never new I had any parents till I was 5 years old. The entire village has hated me for something that was out of my control. Constantly running for my life to avoid getting beaten to death, and hiding in a mask, so everyone would think your stupid just to give you a chance to not only survive but to survive as well? If it wasn't for shiro-kun! I doubt that I would have been able to survive you need to drop complaining, wallowing in self pity, and move on"

She paused to take a deep breath, before she decided she had enough and got up, the whole table tensed before she turned towards the door.

She glanced back at inari and said, "Be greatful with what you have, don't complain, You have your mother I have Shiro, that's why I don't complain, with out him I don't know where I would be without him."

After she said this, she off

Shiro got up, "I'm going to check on her," he said before he looked at Inari, who had tears in his eyes, "she's right you know, of it wasn't for me, she probably would have been dealt with a lot worse."

Shiro got up and departed seconds later Inari went up in his room to think.

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