
Chapter 58

---on the Arena---

"And Look, the referee Ymamoto Koishi is giving the go sign. AAAANNDDD FIGHT!" Sayaka said announcing the start of the match.

"Look, as soon as the match starts, Imai's goes on the offensive. But, Raian just stood still with a confident look. What will they show us in this match?" shouted Sayaka commenting on the fight.

Raian stood straight with his arrogant smirk still plaster his face. "Hooo, You're approaching me? Instead of running away, you are coming right through me?" he said.

"The hell you layering around. If you're not attacking, let me give you the taste of my fist!" answer Imai as he starts to attack Raian who just stood still tanking all his attack. Punch, Kick, Elbow, and Knees attack rain on Raian but he just receives it all with a smile still plastered his face.

Imai stop his attack and jump back as he feels something strange and he trust his instinc. He looks at Raian who still standing uninjured and was astonished.

"Oi, you should go check your hand and feet you know!" Raian said and Imai look at his fist in confusion.

"Na-Naniii!!!!" he shouted.

"Wottooo, what happen here? Raian who just stood still and receiving the attack of Fighter Imai is still stood uninjured. Instead, it was Imai who was attacking that received injury on his hand and feet that he uses to attack! Just how hard is that body to tank all that attack and make his opponent injured? Fighter Raian is a Freaks!!!" she shouted.

"""Uooooooohhhh""" the audience shouted excitedly from seeing this. Though they are baffled by how Raian does this. Although a few Otaku who watch the match now stood up as they know the reference.

On the Audience stand.

"That, that is Hamon! I am sure of it, how is he doing that? Is Hamon exist?" said one of the Otaku on the audience stand. The person sitting beside him asked him what Hamon is and he and another otaku explain to them.

"Heh, like hell something like that exist. That is only your imagination." said one of the skeptical audience to the Otaku.

"No, we don't know about that! You heard about the diet meeting two months ago. The CEO of Shinra said that there is a Supernatural race that exists in our world. So, I will not deny if there are techniques we saw in anime existing." said another Audience.

"Now, that he says it. It might exist! Damn, I want to learn it!" said another and the news started to spread on the audience's side. The World Leaders who heard it start to covet this power especially when they know that Raian is one of Ayumu's fighters.

Back to the Arena.

"What did you do?" asked Imai nursing his bleeding fists.

"Me? I didn't do anything, isn't it you who was punching me?" said Raian his smile got bigger. "Now that you have done your attack it is my turn!" he said and suddenly Raian who stood five meters away from Imai appear in front of him and punch him on the stomach, launching Imai toward the wall which creates an indent from the force and he was down unconscious.

"AND FINIIISSSHHH!!! One hit Knock Down!Fighter Imai got KO from Raian One Punch! What a monstrous strength, we got the winner of the first Match. KURE RAIAN!!!" shouted Sayaka after being stunned for a while.

"But, what happened before? How is Fighter Imai got injured when it was him who is attacking?" said Sayaka to the Audience.

"Let me explain it to you!" said a woman voice who don't know when to have taken a seat beside Sayaka.

"Wha, since when did you sit there? No, who are you? I think I've seen you before!" said Sayaka surprised.

"Me? You don't know me? How prospeterous, I am the Number one Idol! Now, my Slave who was here, CALL MY NAME!" shouted the girl whose identity is Sarasvati or her Idol name.

"KIRARA-TAAAAN!!!" shouted a quarter of the Arena who was Kirara fans.

"Whoah, what a surprise! The number one Idol has come here. By the way, what do you mean that you will explain? Do you know what Fighter Raian do in the match?" asked Sayaka a little put off that her stage was taken away by Kirara.

"Umu, be grateful that I have come here my Minion!" said Kirara while showing a proud expression.

"As for question girl, yes I know what happens in the match. As that technique he uses is one of my Darling creation!" said Kirara looking at Sayaka.

"Ohh, who is this Darling you're talking about? And please call me Sayaka, not girl!" said Sayaka.

"Hmph, who else but my husband Aikawa Ayumu!" said Kirara shocking the Audience and her fans who got depressed that their Idol in taken by the Harem King.

"Whoa, what a shocking announcement! Anyway, back to the topic! What move did Raian use just now?" asked Sayaka.

"Hmmm, from what I heard on the way here. Some of the Audience already deduce what this technique is and I will confirm it, This Technique is Hamon!" said Kirara confidently.

"Hamon? I think I've heard about it before, but isn't Hamon is just a fictional move from anime Jojo Bizarre Adventures?" asked Sayaka.

"Hoo, you know your stuff! Did you watch it?" asked Kirara.

"No, just read it on net as it is the latest popular memes in the net." answer her. "And as an Entertainer, I have to know what is popular to entertain the audience." answer Sayaka.

"Sigh, such a shame for you being uneducated!" said Kirara making Sayaka having a tick mark on her forehead. "Let me delighted you!" shout Kirara while snapping her finger. Making the stadium to go dark with the only Monitor on, showing Baron Zeppeli using and explaining what Hamon is.

"This, I see! So, that is Hamon! But, you haven't answered my question on How Fighter Raian can use such a fictional move?" asked Sayaka.

"Well, what can I say? My Darling is an Otaku and when he watches Jojo. He decides to create Hamon just to have fun." answer Kirara. "and as you know, there are many supernatural entities. My darling is just one of the strongest Magicians right now. So, it is not we're if he can create something like this!" said Kirara when in reality she knows that he only summon the manual from another world. Well, that is only for them to know.

"Amazing, so how is fighter Raian can use it when Aikawa-sama is the one who creates it?" asked Sayaka.

"After creating it and succeeded, he needs other people to try it as to know if he can teach it to others. Raian is just conveniently there and he is also a Jojo fan so he teaches it to him." answer Kirara.

"Umu umu, so that how it is! And there you have it guys! The mysterious techniques that fighter Raian is HAMON!!" shouted Sayaka.

"Now, enough with the talk as the next match is about to start!" she continues.

And the next match between (Nentendo) Kono Haruo Vs (Wakasa Life Insurance) Akoya Seishu goes on with the winner Akoya Seishu. And the third match begin Between (Undermount) Lussuria Vs (Sentory) Mokichi Robinson.

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