
Chapter 1

11 years later


The warning bell came piercing my ears like some sharp needles trying to burst through my eardrums, I find myself racing in the empty hall to I don't know where.

The school is so huge and I'm just a new student how am I suppose to use this map drawn by some adults who thinks of themselves only? ugh!

I told mum! I didn't want to leave Jacksonville but oh Mrs 'I want the best for my kids' won't listen, she just have to be so upright and protective! why me?

Now look at me running in the hall like some freak, I hate new places! What will I do now? 

"Bingo!" I hopped when I spotted my math class, I didn't think twice before bursting in. "I'm so sorry! I got lost I didn't -" I started blurting but stop dead in my sentence when I noticed all eyes on me, sweat starts to form on my forehead and my muscles refused to move, I was frozen in shame.

Bursting in like a mad woman? Whoa Christy you've impressed them with your clown tricks.

"And who are you?" A man with gray hair and wrinkled eyelid standing on the board asked.

I tried to say something but my voice sounded like some rooster crowing, bruh!

The class had started laughing. I felt tears sting the corners of my eyes and hate building in me. This is all Mum's fault.

You won't start crying Now? Would ya?

"Christine Evan?" He asked, I only nodded. I dare not open my mouth after what just happened.

He mentioned for a seat at the back.

I lowered my gaze to the floor as I walk to the seat not wanting to make eye contact with anyone, I sat down and raised the hood over my head as I shrink in my seat. They were still whispering and snickering about me, I carefully wipe the tears on my eyelashes wishing a black hole will just open and swallow me till this generation had pass.

I didn't noticed the boy seating beside me till my pencil dropped to the floor and I was about to pick it. I was so surprise that he never helped me, that is what a well mannered partner was suppose to do. I guess students here have no manners.

I wanted to take a look at his face, just a quick glance. I did that but all I saw was blur, it was too fast.

I pretend to be busy writing while staring at him from the corner of my eyes.

He had dusty blond fuzzy shoulder lengthed hair, a sorta pageboy style with the bangs. His skin was so pale, you could see the veins on the back of his palm and his neck, he was slim not that tall. His red lips were the only thing you could notice on his face ghost like face. Does he put red lipsticks?

He had this weeping long eyelashes that sheltered his eyes making him look like some cute fairitopia creature. He must be very cute when crying, his brows were level not showing any sign of emotion as his gray like cat eyes remained glue to whatever his hands were doing. He was like Terminator sitting with no expression, no movement. His force on the divider increased, I lowered my gaze to the desk he was vandalizing.

His expression never change as he wrote in bold THEM!

"Mr Griffin I'll like you to focus on the board." The man with gray hair said. The boy didn't tense or flinched, he just stare at the board with his everlasting blank expression, as his hand move his note book to cover the damage.

Oh what a Bad boy.

I guess he is just depressed like every teenager with the family I have. Why will he engrave them though? makes no sense.

The bell rang interrupting the teacher's blah blah and everybody raised up brutality and head to the door like they had better to do. When I looked at my left the boy had disappeared, he wasn't there anymore and I can swear I didn't see him leave. I decided to shrugged it off, he had all reason to run vandalizing the table like that.


During lunch I was totally lost with my tray of junk food. My eyes scan the room carefully, we had the soccer team table. Boys suck

The basketball team ,too tall

The volleyball team? Nah Swimmers? Nah

Nerds? Too nerdy.

Why isn't there any good table?! This school sucks, I turn around to leave when I felt someone tap my shoulder.

"Hi, lost girl." A slim tall girl in a short mini skirt and a crop top with make ups stood in front of me, she was so beautiful, with her flat stomach and strawberry nails.

"I heard you were new." She said while examining her fingers not bothering to cast me a glance with her other hand on her hip, She had some group of girls behind her, all slim and fit, I guess they're the CHEER LADIES!

"Um, yeah." I grinned, trying to hide my enthusiasm.

"Well, maybe you can join us." She finally looked at me with a single flip of her strawberry blond hair.

"Really?" My eyes lighted up and I almost jumped. Cheer ladies are the coolest. My mother would describe their outfit as 'men magnet' but who cares, for once I have a chance to be so cool and sexy.

I found myself adjusting to the seat under me.

"What is that?" She raised a brow at my Mary bracelet.

"Still a virgin?" Another girl chuckle.

"Um, not really, I took this from my nerdy friend." I tried to sound sassy but I just couldn't I'm not that type.

"Is this a Virgin Mary bracelet?" I asked pretending to be ignorant.

"Yeah, and it not cool. Look like some rag."

"Yeah, I'll just take it off." I pulled it off and shove it in my pocket in embarrassment.

"What is your name?" The girl seating at my left asked, she hard a Hispanic accent I guess she is one.

"Uh, Christy." I shove some fries in my mouth.

"Lilly." The girl with strawberry blond hair said like she was a goddess. "Your outfit is bad." She blurted just after. I felt my heart squeeze and I flush.

"Who on earth wear a midi skirt with leggings and a sweater with her hair pack in two separate bun?" She chuckled making my cheek hit up more.

"Oh, I just wore it like that," I lied, not wanting to look like the girl whose mother wouldn't allow her to wear the latest clothes in fashion that I was.

She sigh, "thank goodness, however you'll have to change out of that tomorrow show us how much you can expose!"

"To be part of the cheer ladies you need to show your worth." The girl at my right said.

"By wearing clothes in fashion..." I trial off while looking at each one of them, waiting for an approval instead they started laughing sassily.

"Nu-uh," Lilly shook her head with a sassy snap. That was rude but let's just shove it aside for now, maybe that's how cool girls behave sassy and arrogant. Hahaha

"Tomorrow after school we're having a party at Steve's the soccer team captain. You are invited." A girl seating by her side said, she was similar to Lilly, I guess they're best friends.

"So? I mean, um, I'm new to this city, how am I suppose to know where Steve lives?"

"Don't worry honey Zoe would pick you." She said not bothering to ask her best friend.

I smiled, "if I make it to the party and everything goes well does that mean I'm in?"

They shared looks, "uh, yeah." Lily smile. I couldn't tell if it was sincere but screw that! Finally I'll hang out with girls, popular girls!

"Really?" I said with my eyes wide open.

"Yelp." Zoe was grinning from ear to ear...

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