
The new but old me

Shessefe POV:

As I released her I noticed that she had calmed down quite a bit.

"So, what should we do now" she asks.

"Hmm~, lets get some rest for now."

"Ok" she responds with a blush.



"Morning sleepy head" Shar whispered mischievously.

"And good morning to you my little kitten" I say before planting a light kiss on her cheek, "how about we go get some breakfast."


"Fufufu, so cute~"


After a more couple minutes later of messing around we finally make our way down to the small dining area.

"I'd like some toast, bacon and eggs if you have any" I tell the young lady taking our orders.

"I'll have the same" Shar says.

"Anything else" asks the girl.

"Just some water."

"Ok! It will be out in just a few minutes" she says.


A while later she comes back with two trays with our food on them.

"Thank you" I say before digging in.

As I looked to my left I thought of one the most brilliant ideas I've had yet.

"Hey~ Shar~" she seemed to freeze as she knew what was coming next.


"Since we're lovers and all how about you feed me" I say innocently.

Hearing what I say she seems to be somewhat relieved and picks up a piece of bacon.

"No not that way~, here I'll show you~."

I pick up a piece of my own bacon and put it in my mouth and chew it for a while before pulling Shar into my embrace and force my tongue inside her mouth, slowly feeding her.

She sits there stunned for a while before trying her hardest to resist.


As the final piece enters her mouth I let her go and watch as hides her face behind her hands.

" s..m...ss"




"SHAMELESS" she yells.

"But you enjoyed it right?"

She seems to choke as the words leave my mouth. Suddenly a deep crimson blush spreads across her face.

"Such a cute little kitten I have."

"Uuuuu~" a tear appears in the corner of her eye.

When I see this another brilliant idea comes to me and I lick the tear from her eye before embracing her.

"Will you forgive me" I say innocently once again.

She sits there with her head buried in my chest for a while before giving a small nod.

"Cute~" I mumble.

"Humph!" She did a cute humph before turning her head away.

I smiled at her reaction and opted for head pats.

Meanwhile all around a us both men and women blushed profusely.


"Hmm~, where should we go next?"

"Can we go to Baltry?"

"You mean where you grew up? Are you sure?"

"Mom must be worried sick. I'm sure she probably hasn't slept for many nights" she starts to tear up and I feel my heart being torn.

I instantly pulled her into my embrace, rocking her back and forth in an attempt to calm her.

"Ok! Then it's settled we'll be heading to Baltry" I say, "but first why don't we relax for a while. It's a very long trip and we won't be stopping anywhere for long.


For the rest of the day we traveled around the town visiting many shops and eating lots of new foods.[1]

"Haaa~" I sighed while falling onto the bed.

Not a second later Sharla plops herself right down next to me. My eyes wondered her body before they fell on the base of her neck. A blush spread across her face as she noticed my gaze.


Flash back:

As our game of cat and mouse ended I princess carry her back to the bed where we both fall asleep.

A while later I wake up and I feel so hungry. Almost as if I hadn't eaten for weeks. I look over to Shar and she is fast asleep. My vision slowly glosses over and next thing I know I am on top of her efficiently pining her down, biting into her neck.

As I come to my senses there is a sweet tasting substance in my mouth and underneath me lays Sharla with her shirt partially ripped while her face is a deep crimson.

"A-Ah" I stutter, "w-what have I done!?"


"Message from system master:

Heyo it's big sis and just heard that you had your first drink. Now I know this might be a bit terrifying to you but you need to stay calm and listen to me. Your are now a vampire, well at least partially. Anyway you'll now need to drink blood every three days and if you don't have any for a week you will go insane until your hunger is satisfied. If you don't get it within two there is no going back and you will permanently lose your mind. This might seem really scary and confusing now but it will be okay. Remember to follow my instructions other wise I'll have to step in and I don't want to punish my cute little sis!


Big sis Luna ;)"

As the last words were read my mind had blanked and I could feel some of my sanity slip.

"Haaaaa~" I finally sigh, "I guess there's no point in trying to fight it."

Once again a piece of my sanity slip and I'm left with explaining everything to Shar.

End of flashback.


She quickly rolls over supposedly falling asleep. When she does this I stand up and blow out the few candles spread around the room before returning to my spot and rapping my arms around her abdomen.

"Good night my sweet kitten" I whisper into her ear.


A couple hours later I wake up to Shar thrashing in my arms.

"Mom...mom...MOM, I'm here. Please HELP."

Though she did this I had grown quite used to it for the nights we spent together I had come to learn she had nightmares. Apparently after she was kidnapped and in the slave traders clutches she would get beaten every time she had one. Of course this only made it worse and only accomplished the task of furthering her trauma along with making the nightmares worse.

She suddenly sprung up sweating profusely while frantically looking around.

"Shh-shh, it's ok, I'm here, calm down" I say gently while bringing her face to my chest.

It was quite ironic that the younger one is taking care of the older but it didn't matter as long as this girl stayed by me for eternity. She was mine and only mine. Of course I could make an exception for her mother as she was the one to give the girl who could not wholly be described by words to me. But that would not be the case for her second father.[2] He would pay dearly, I will make sure he suffers for tainting something so pure.

I continued to fantasize about all the ways I was going torture him while paying the precious little kitten that would forever be mine.

Note: so yes I disappeared for a while but worry not I am quite alright. No need to make such a fuss even if I am your favorite author.

Ahem, anyway now that summer is over I'm going to be a bit more busy with schoolwork but worry not I am not changing my update schedule it will remain the same. (So basically I was a dumbass and fell behind but I am back up to date!)

So yeah, that's about it for now and I might do a double update on Saturday if I have both time and motivation.

Anyway anyway stay healthy, stay safe, thank you for reading and have a good morning/day/evening/night wherever and whenever you read this.

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