
Chapter 43

The oddity in his request almost made Oliver burst out laughing but the man looked serious and it prompted an even more serious expression from Oliver. 

"What in the world kind of threat is this?" he asked 

Kim approached and placed his hand atop Oliver's shoulder. "Let's just say my sister has an interest of some sorts in this mutual individual and I need you to back off and allow her to have her way". 

It still didn't make an ounce of sense to Oliver. Vukan, his alleged boyfriend wasn't into women and to the best of his knowledge, had not changed his stance on liking men. 

"I think you have all these wrong and I have to say if you think or believe for one second that your threat will sway me, then you can go along with it", Oliver stood his ground. "I'd rather not have you in our family than have a sneaky bastard like yourself trying to blackmail me with my sister". 

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