
Give Her A Break

Hera was never comfortable with compliments. It always made her feel flustered and shy. So to avoid the awkwardness, she absent-mindedly grabbed the beer container and thought of finally tasting it. Hera brought it to her lips to take a sip when a hand from behind jerked hers. Someone snatched the beer can from her, making it spill all over the table in the process. She was angry and wanted to burn the person who dared to snatch it from her. 

She turned to lash out at whoever it was, only to freeze in her place. 

Furious cerulean blue eyes were glaring daggers at her. 

She gulped in fear. 

"You, bloody bugger, she's under-aged to drink alcohol," Michael spat, looking over her head. He had his jaw so tightly clenched she wondered he could even utter those words through his gritted teeth. Suddenly, the movement of someone falling at her feet demanded her attention and Hera screamed in horror. 

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