
Larger Collection

The new gear looks fantastic, and more mobile looking than the other one. I wonder how much money I have now. Grabbing the tablet, we have 8 million dollars, holy shit. So this is what we get for helping the academy itself? Damn we should just beg to take on any mission the strategist has.

I suppose more weapons to test on the gun range, I'm feeling some shopping frenzy with this money. Perhaps 2 of every weapon. And by that just 2 pistols, shotguns, smgs, marksman rifles, and assault rifles. One set can be for stealth missions while the other can just be for brute loud strength.

There are weapon storage lockers here holding no weapons, maybe i can put all quiet weapons into one while the other is purely just ammo carrying, bulletspraying, loud force.

Browsing around are pages upon pages of weapons and attachments to buy for each category weapon. Starting off with pistols, can i buy all weapons at once and get them all in the box? Eh i'll just get them one by one instead. On second thought maybe i'll buy 1 pistol and marksman rifle only. The rest stay at 2. The ap 8 and marker 90 seem good for the loud side so a silent pistol and marksman rifle it is.

After browsing, i settled on the w-25, a good pistol. For the marksman rifle, Spotter 14 is now the stealthy marksman rifle for me.

Buying all attachments needed for both weapons to be stealthy, i head out to through the door, excited to get new weapons with their attachments. Taking the box out, i started working on the 2 new guns. Happily inserting the new attachments on them, while working on the 2 silent weapons, i browsed to buy more weapons for my collection. Maybe i can buy all weapons first and then get the attachments after. I'm getting quite addicted now to this buying guns thing.

I browsed some time for 2 weapons of each category left. In the end completing on buying the weapons i picked. For the assault rifle, the hard hitting star-H with only 20 rounds in but 1 round is sure to kill one target, chambering the strong Jackhammer rounds. The stealthy sleek Stigma Light equipped with the nightout rounds, quiet and subsonic. For the star-H, a muzzle brake, suppressor, sights, a mag that carries 10 more rounds and finally a grip. The stigma gets a great suppressor, grip, and a good laser, perhaps coupled with the nv goggles it can be more accurate in the dark. Resting the now finished weapons in the empty ammo closets, I grab the original weapons i had before and placed them alongside their new friends.

Out of the room to get the attachments and weapons i run back into the armory, ready to finish these 2 weapons like i did with the others. The air stayed warm, sweating from work. The guns looked more beautiful than earlier. I placed them in their corresponding weapon closets. A lot of hard work for these new guns. I should just buy the guns i didn't get yet and just buy attachments for them another time.

On the tablet, I picked more weapons to satisfy my want for more guns in my closets. Buying 2 new shotguns and smgs. In shotguns, the bass-15 that can chamber 12 gauge or armor piercing slugs. For the quiet shotgun it's the Maneskor-4 semi auto. Though i still dont get how this shotgun can be quiet. The smgs, a quiet and compact smg-8. For brute force i bought the lockbreaker-100 with it's unique design of a flat rectangular magazine that's inserted into a small slot on the top. Compact, lightweight, little recoil, bearing 75 rounds, and it's unique bullet that can pierce through body armor as well. Buying the 4 weapons, i walk to the box to get my new weapons.

They were all pure black. Fitting for stealth, despite also doing loud missions. Hopefully the strategist gives us another mission so i can test these new guns out on some insurgents.

In the armory i rested the weapons in their right closets. Bare, i'll tinker and add attachments next time.

I should relax now, maybe news can clear my mind. Think of other things for now.

Time to take a break from this stuff, i dont see a place to put these boxes, without anywhere to throw them, i place them at the corner of the armory next to the door.

Outside, i sat on the couch. It's very rare now for my teammates to stay here. Must be spending more time doing their own jobs in the facility. And my new job is sleeping, the most comfortable job to have in this facility. I laugh to myself, the room still silent. As i grabbed the remote, a piece of tape with text is stuck on the back. it read: "News coverage is exclusive to parabellum and other mercenary companies."

Time to turn on the news. As the tv booted on, it showed an image of a burning building. Is this from that city we passed back then on our last military joint mission? The lower third read: "Nationwide attacks on towns and cities reported, only getting more and more common." The camera cuts to another site. A grim one. Corpses of citizens of every age, on the streets along with dead bodies of police officers.

"An unknown force struck multiple towns and cities not only in Aregalia but also inside other nations. The military has been given more funding to support the local police force in clearing these threats due to the restrictions imposed on mercenary academies. Despite the new measures and larger military effort of the nations affected. Casualties only rose up higher." A female voice reported. The camera cuts and now the tv shows video footage. It looked up in the sky, in just a few seconds a large aerial thing flew, gunfire erupted from the thing, with bullets slamming down at great numbers creating sparks of yellow on the ground as the person videoing the ordeal runs. In just moments, the person falls, and with it the camera. Looking up just in time to see the odd ship flying up in the air continuing to fire at the unarmed civilians below.

"Police officers attempted to shoot down the unknown ship but attempts failed. From the video shown, the ship was armed and fired rounds at quick speeds. Quickly killing the person who shot the video. Military later came into the scene, managing to spot the ship as it began to flee. But later shot down by anti air vehicles. Investigating the crash site, officials found no pilot nor a pilot seat for someone to pilot the ship on, officials concluded that the ship was controlled from an unknown place, finding no sources of where the controller is located." The reporter concluded. Shutting off the tv I pondered on the couch. Who will conduct strikes like this not on military installations but on civilians and why?

While I was thinking, a rumble from my stomach caught my attention, remembering that i was thirsty and also a little bit hungry. Guess I'll head to the cafeteria.

Out of the quarters to the cafeteria i go. Feeling thirsty from the mission, as i walked closer to the cafeteria I could feel my dry tongue. And the feeling of thirst setting in faster.

Inside the cafeteria I spot a water cooler, didn't notice it before but with my thirst I ran up to it. Next to it were paper cups and a small trash can under it. Downing multiple cups of water in quick succession my thirst was quenched. Next time I head to a mission like that I gotta bag some water or down a gallon of it. With my thirst gone it's time to eat.

Served at the cafeteria is some good spaghetti and meatballs topped with cheese. They really serve good food here don't they. Grabbing a tray and a serving of that mouth watering spaghetti walk to a vacant table. Without hesitation, i began eating the spaghetti. Downing it with my fork, savoring the spaghetti.

What should I do after this though is the question, perhaps another mission by a customer or the strategist if we get lucky. Or Maxwell has a new test for me. But another mission may come some time from now, I could just attempt what Maxwell told me about, having visions while still awake. Who can I try to look through though. I'll just pick Lennox.

After satisfying 2 issues, I see the woman hauling the cart to get trays. Handing it to the woman i exit the cafeteria, time to test for myself.

Back in the quarters, I rest on the couch. Choosing Lennox as someone to look through in the test.

On the couch, I close my eyes. Concentrating on remembering his face. But assuring myself that i won't pass out or sleep.

Sorry for the 3 hour delay but here we are with another chapter of Parabellum academy! Hope you have a good read and a great day fellow huntsmen!

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