
Outlined Scheme (1)

"Do you wish for me to fetch you the books, Your Highness?" asked the hoarse voice owned by a figure that may resemble a large bear; standing in front of Sungho who was under the cherry blossom tree, seemingly producing an intimidating atmosphere.

"No, I'm sorry. I mistook you for my court lady," Sungho apologized right away and gave a wary smile to the herculean man that was unintentionally giving him shade with his broad shoulders and strong build.

"I might have seen the court lady you were referring to earlier," said the person who Sungho thought would pass through and left him after he was wrongly identified.

"Are you Concubine Eun?" Strangely, when the person asked for his identity, Sungho found the contrast from his rough voice had a gentle tone as he spoke.

"Yes, and to whom am I talking to?"

"I am one of General Hyun Sik's men. My name is Eum Seok, please call me Seok." He bent his head forward as he introduced himself to Sungho. "He assigned me to escort Her Highness safely through the meeting place."

"Great!" Sungho could not contain the relief and before he knew it, he replied cheerily to the words from the heavily built man. "I mean, please show me the way, Mr. Seok." He extended his hand that reached out to the man's arm.

"I'll gladly do so." Seok bowed lightly and soon led him at a slow speed, trying to match Sungho's pace.

The way to the place was a bit farther than what Sungho was expecting. They proceeded to pass the residence of the grand concubine and the noble consort on their way however, Seok remained quiet, not giving any sign of talking.

"Seok." Sungho could no longer bear the silence between them that he broke it off. "Are we nowhere near the meeting place yet?"

"We are almost near." Seok bobbed his head and answered, "There. It is behind the residence of the Empress." He brought his forefinger and pointed on the distance where they were heading.

'Did I hear him wrong? They were scheming a plan behind the Empress' residence?' Sungho could not believe what he heard from the person escorting him; numerous thoughts started rushing in his mind as he looked at the place Seok showed.

"I'm sorry, Your Highness," Seok murmured, "I pointed without reminding myself that you cannot see what I am referring to."

Waving his free hand as Sungho found his apology adorable, he consented, "It is fine, Mr. Seok. I can still see the figure of your hand."

"To be more precise, I can see figures but they are blurry and hard to identify most of the time. I would say that although I may look blind, I have the tiniest bit of vision and good light perception. I simply need to bring my face near something for two to three inches so I can be able to see it," Sungho chattered, which Seok responded with a nod and a short hum as Sungho gave him the representation of his eyesight.

And just after a bit more of them walking beside the wall to the residence of the empress, they soon arrived at the place.

"Who am I expecting to meet at the gathering? Can you at least tell me before I enter, Mr. Seok?"

"Yes," began the bulk man while he was helping Sungho to pass the stairs before the door of a room in front of them. "General Hyun Sik is inside with my fellow men and two individuals from the neighbor land."

"And what might this meeting be for?" Sungho found the chance to ask him the question, pleading that Seok would give a good answer to him.

And as they arrived at the end of the stairs, Sungho finally received the reply he was waiting for. "General Hyun Sik intends to give a hand to the rival country from conquering the land of Hwangmok and dethrone the ruler."

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