
Chapter 3

Alright, calm down. It's alright! Look on the bright side! I'm in the dbz universe with psychopathic super killers, apathetic gods and a pink man child who has no problem killing me and eating me! Yep! The bright side. Luckily, I'm not panicking as hard as I thought I would. Must be that my excitement and panic are balancing each other out. First I should get a grip on my surroundings before I deal with this 'female Turles' thing.

I stand up from my place on the floor, which is weird for me. I used to be a 6ft 2in(1.88 meters) skinny black guy back before. Now, I might just come up to my knees if I were standing in front of the old me. Also, I'M FUCKING JACKED! Not like those bodybuilders who can't scratch their backs, but if you see me, you would know I work out. I'm actually pretty lean too. I could wear a sweater and you wouldn't see the muscles, which is awesome!

Self-discovery aside, this house I'm in is less a house and more an improvised cave. Where I thought the wall was destroyed was actually the cave entrance itself! I don't know whose house this is but, they live quite frugally. There's a bed, a table, and a rack to hold clothes. Despite the whole 'being in a cave' thing, the roof and walls are all smoothe! Whoever this place belonged to took time to make this place. As I continued to marvel at this fantastic piece of architecture, footsteps resounded around the cave. The saiyan instincts Turles built up over her life pushed through my brief pause, causing me to turn to the sound with a ki blast in both hands.

"It's alright young one. I'm not here to fight you." An older man, maybe early sixties, walked in with his hands raised. He must be a monk or something, wearing a tan robe that hid his figure well. Even the shaved head played onto his monk role. He looked just like a human if not for one specific mind blowing trait. He had a third eye! I know of only one character in all of DBZ that had three eyes and that's Tien, who is quite possibly the most underrated character in all of the show. I mean, come on, the guy can clone himself and grow multiple limbs. If not for the suicide that is neo tri-beam, he has abilities that could rival most other characters! That's why he ended up in the tournament of power.

Ranting aside, I stared at this man, checking the differences between him and Tien. While Tien gives of the look of a warrior monk, this man looks more like a laid back grandfather who has seen many things throughout his life. As I relaxed, I shut off the ki I was supplying to my attack (of which I have no idea how I did it) and lowered my arms. Taking that as a cue, the man also lowered his arms, crossing them and putting them within the sleeves of his robe.

"It's alright, young one. I found you collapsed and brought you here!" Despite almost getting killed by me earlier, this man speaks as if I'm one of his grandchildren paying a visit. He's way too chipper for my taste. Suddenly, I had a thought. If this amount of happiness is enough to leave me annoyed, I won't make it when I meet Goku. Of course, I have to actually figure out where I am in the canon to really plan for anything. From Turles' memories, I think Vegeta was born maybe a year before I found myself in her body. That gives me about six more years until the birth of Kakarot and the death of planet Vegeta. Well depending on if this world will follow the original timeline or the Broly movie timeline. Dammit! Everything is getting even more confusing and more thoughts continue to go through my head. Will more non-canon characters show up? Have I changed the future Trunks timeline just by existing? Did I show up on the Whis' radar!?! I'll admit, that last one actually caused my heart to skip a beat. As my mind spiraled through more things, the old man just stared at me with a kind smile on his face, waiting patiently. Looking up, I noticed his look and realized, in embarrassment, that we've just been staring at each other.

"I'm sorry." I said, definitely not used to my voice being so high. Then again, I am a child again. The man waved me off and sat cross legged on the floor.

"It's alright, young one. But, if you don't mind, could you tell me your name? Mine is Erlang!" The old man said, his friendly smile and upbeat attitude still evident.

"Turles." Usually, I wouldn't be this shy but, clearly Turles' personality is somehow influencing me.

"Is it? Or is that her name?" He asked and I froze. How did he know? Then I remembered something I read about Tien. It said his third eye was an all seeing eye but most of its abilities were lost when he was raised by Master Shen. Must be one of the abilities it had, which is terrifying. I can speculate or, I could just ask.

"How?" I asked.

"With my eyes, I can see things most cannot, including the soul and you have two resting in that body, though it's more like your soul is wrapping the other soul around itself. It's similar to a barrier of sorts but at the same time, the two souls are merging. Not quite together but also not quite separate either! It's actually quite fascinating!" He said , his face getting closer as he examined my soul, I guess. If what he's saying is true then am I leaching off of this girl? That's kinda fucked up.

"What happens when we fully merge?" I asked. This is clearly Turles' body and I don't want to take the life of a child, even if that child might grow into a sociopathic space pirate. Then again, things could change, you never know. Erlang looked in thought for a moment.

"In no simple terms, both you and that girl will simply cease to exist." Excuse me? Seeing the confusion on my face, he elaborated. Apparently, he meant that when we become one, it would be neither me nor her, but an entirely new soul with the strength of two souls.

"Be warned however, should your body not be strong enough to handle the fusion of the souls, it may just break apart, resulting in the death of both of you." That was a grim thought. If I'm not strong enough by the time our souls fuse, I could die.

"How strong would I have to be to avoid that?" I asked.

"Normally, with average souls, it would take you to be about 100 times as strong as you are now, but both souls are much stronger than normal. So I would say about 500 times stronger than you are now." He said, his voice in the same slightly chipper tone. Damn, does nothing faze this man? But, back on topic, 500 TIMES? Turles had a power level of about 9000, which multiplied by 500 would equal 4.5 million! Basically, when I can enter the super saiyan state is when I won't die from the merge. Goku was in his mid twenties by the time he became strong enough to go super saiyan, and that was with the death of Krillan pushing him through. Turles doesn't have anyone like that and I'm pretty sure we don't have the time that regular training without gravity training could provide.

"How long do we have." I started thinking of Turles. Is she in some kind of soul coma or something? Why did I even start taking over her body in the first place. She wasn't dead when I got here. Unless someone shoved me into her body, to which I would ask, why? Questions for another time.

"I would say you have a year or two based on the rate your souls are merging." Great. About a year. That's no time at all! I'm seriously gonna die! Again! And the canon wouldn't even have started yet! What the hell man! I tucked my head between my legs and curled into a ball, thinking how short this life is gonna be. I didn't really have time to think about my death earlier but, with my imminent second demise, all of my emotions just sort of clashed together in a monsoon of anger, despair and sadness. What's worse is that I've dragged a child to an early grave as well! I mean, I know it's not my fault but, if not for me, she would live a long life. Well, unless the whole tree of might thing doesn't happen.

Suddenly, a light cough brought me from the self loathing, causing me to look at the source. Erlang still sat there with his ever present smile as if nothing bothered him. Did he have a plan, or was it that monk training at work.

"Don't worry about it, young one. I can help train you! Maybe I'll even pass on my inheritance to you!" Erlang went into his own little world, mumbling something about disciples and grandchildren. I ignored it in favor of his earlier statement. He would train me? Really? Something in the back of my mind told me not to trust him. It told me to only trust myself, that all people lie. Clearly, Turles' memories were having an effect on my mind. Or maybe it was the merging. Either way, I would have to handle this paranoia I had inherited. To be completely honest, I was excited. This is the dbz world. Where fantasy becomes fact and people could some wish granting dragons. Every child has always wondered what it would feel like to fly around, screaming loudly to get stronger. I remember at my old school, most of the toughest kids in school would argue and debate the exquisiteness that is dbz. It brought people from all walks of life together and now, I'm living it. I couldn't wait

"When do we start?" I asked. Just as I did, my stomach growled something fierce. I honestly wasn't ready for that, though I should have been expecting it. Turles hadn't eaten in a few hours, not including the time she was asleep.

"As soon as we get you something to eat. We have plenty to eat, seeing as I don't need to eat." I hope he's right, cause I'm sure he's never seen a saiyan eat. But he's about to.

I wanted to implement the idea that Tien was an alien though it isn't proven that he is. I feel like they didn’t do his character justice so I aim to rectify that. Anyway, see you next week!

Nbhuocreators' thoughts
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