
The 2 are getting fired.

[I can't wait to log in and claim some glory for ourselves.] -sent 3 hours ago by E.

E sent a message in their diksword server of friends. Too bad that most diksword servers of friends are usually dead and it's more of a place where important information is stored.

Annera saw his message and didn't say anything. Instead, she brought up a pdf and studied. This was true for everyone else, they all saw E's message yet they didn't say anything.

However, that didn't really bother E either. He knew that everyone needs to concentrate on their lives aside from the game. Even he has priorities other than the game, and that is his children.

'The time for playing games is separate from our personal lives.'

They differed too much. The only thing that held them together was that they all had similar tastes in games and that they're all a part of the culture of writing.

But that doesn't necessarily make their relationship weak, in fact, it made their relationship great. There was no drama and no unnecessary bullshit. E liked that setup as he already has enough to deal with, i.e. a wife.

"Should I add Bob in this group server?" He thought to himself.

Other than the Annera, no one else knew of Bob's situation. E had thought to himself of inviting Bob into their little group, but we all know that that is an impossible task.

Sometime later, when their 24-hour cooldown expired, E immediately booted his virtual reality rig to login.



[Biometrics detected. Welcome back, E.]

Unlike Kazuma, E wasn't too worried about getting tracked by the government. He's a fully grown adult who works for them anyway.

Knock Knock~

"Who's there?" E could still hear the real world, full dive connectivity hasn't been established yet.

"Honey, I have some good news!" A woman opened the door and said with a cheerful voice.

E halted the connection and got out of his rig to face his wife who was as happy as a gnome.

'I have a bad feeling about this.' He thought.

"I'm pregnant!"

'Ah. I should have taken that vasectomy.'


"What's taking E so long?" Enma excitedly asked. He wanted to continue the Blood Moon Questline.

"Hmm. Don't worry, he's probably just dealing with his wife or something." Minion somehow knew exactly what was happening.

"Hehe. I can't wait. I wonder how this story will progress." Annera, the quest fanatic, said.

They were in a temple-like structure within Sunnyside Village. The game has a few revive mechanics. By default, getting inside a village or city would immediately change your spawn point to that village/city.

This could be toggled off and would require the players to set their spawn point manually by visiting the temple-like structure and pressing some buttons.

Tap Tap~

Footsteps could be heard within the darkness of the night. The party looked towards the origin of the sound and all they could see was an ember floating.

It crept ever so slowly, and soon a silhouette showed itself and it seemed to be carrying the ember. The shadow just caused an illusion of it being afloat.

"Hey, guys!" The silhouette spoke.

Bob's voice was heard from the silhouette, it was undoubtedly Bob himself. When he got close enough, his figure became visible and he looked extremely messy.

"What have you been up to?" Annera, the last person to log out, asked Bob.

"Haha. Funny story, Lavanuk here just learned new abilities." Bob replied.

He told them the story of how his outfit got burned to charcoal and how his face reeks of peanut butter.

"It turns out, Lavanuk here likes peanut butter. When I ate a few sandwiches while she was on top of my head, I was shot with a fireball to my hands and the sandwich was suddenly snatched."

He explained.

"But how did the peanut butter get on your face?" Enma asked.

"You see, Lavanuk snatched the sandwich with her feet. When dived and tried to perch on my head again, she forgot that she was carrying sandwiches."

"Hmmm?" Blight hummed an inquisitive tone.

"Yep. He got bitch slapped by this Lavanuk." Minion interjected.

"Pfft. Hahaha! Seriously?" E laughed.


When they all heard E's laughter, they were surprised. No one noticed when E arrived due to Bob's sudden appearance.

"But wow. Is this still the same chicken?" E asked and reached out to hold Lavanuk.

"Well, is she a chicken? I don't know. But she is Lavanuk." Bob answered.

Bob had to speak up once more. This time, he explained how his chicken suddenly became a flaming flying chicken that looked more like a bird but still had them wattles.

"Awesome! How did you get to summon her?!" E enthusiastically asked. It wasn't strange as he is a summoner who controlls units to fight for him.

The party continued talking for a bit. They discussed what they should do for the different questlines that they needed to complete. They decided that there should be enough time for the Blood Moon Questline to be put on hold.

"Let's search for more clues for Jovanni's Bestiary. It should still be here somewhere." E prioritized the reason why they were in Sunnyside village in the first place.

They walked around town in the middle of the night. There weren't many players present but there were still a few albeit it was too dark to notice them.

The desolate village at night was just not the best time to investigate and to look for clues.

"This isn't going to work. Should we continue this quest earlier in the day next time?" E's voice was shaking. He was doubtful that this quest would lead somewhere at this rate.

"But aren't you busy the entire weekday? We can only play after evening." Annera argued. She's a student, she doesn't have the time during weekdays to play.

Everyone didn't have much to say. They all have their schedules to write and to work. Playtime was never a priority for them at all.

But before they could finish the argument, they saw a silhouette carrying something easily the size of a person.

"Hello? Hey!" E couldn't help but notice. The silhouette was too suspicious.

"Hmm? What is it? Dragons?" The silhouette answered.

It was the typical voice line of guards. Everyone noticed this as well, and they were confused.

'A guard doing something shady?'

This thought invaded everyone's head. They had to confirm whether the guard really was doing something illegal or not.

"What are you doing?" E, despite being within 10 meters of the man, couldn't properly see what the guard was dragging with him.

However, someone could see it clearly due to his class passive.

"That's a dead body." Blight dropped a bomb.

As it turns out, Sunnyside Village isn't so sunny at night. It seems that the mysteries surrounding the village remained unsolved and they merely scratched the surface.

"What is happening? Why are you doing this?" Annera asked the guard.

"Hmm? This man is just out cold. Wait a minute, I know you people." The guard recognized the party.

"Look. This man is out cold. Same case as the guy we locked up yesterday. All naked, probably had the best time of his life." The guard explained.

"Wait. Another one?" Bob couldn't comprehend, same as everyone else.

Everyone in the party thought that the culprit behind the nightly sexual adventures was Ligma, but that it seems that wasn't the case.

To remind, the nightly escapades happened right behind Bob and Annera last night. And when Annera entered the manor, Ligma was already inside together with the tattletales.

The timeline was a mess in the first place.

"Wait. So does this mean that Ligma never harmed anyone?" Bob, who was quite angry at Ligma for toying with young men and ultimately killing them slowly.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." The guard couldn't answer.

He continued his undertaking and dragged the limp body to the cells. The party followed him to ask more questions because this was a potential lead to their quest that led them nowhere.

"Hehe. Ligma is too beautiful." The limp man said as he was thrown inside his jail cell.

"The plot thickens." Enma commented.

The limp man was thrown and rolled towards another limp noodle inside the jail cell. However, the other limp noodle didn't react at all.

"This is getting out of hand." The guard realized that they got another case of a person dying in their jail cell.

"Yea. We are so getting fired, man." The other guard interjected.

There were now 2 dead men within a span of 2 nights, and another one is underway.

"Hey, should we bring this guy to a priest or something? I don't like this pattern at all." The guard went inside the cell and held the limp man.

"It's futile dude, we're getting fired anyway."

The mysteries that wrapped Sunnyside at night is yet to be uncovered.

Hey guys, I ran into a problem. The laptop i've been using to write broke down yesterday due to water damage. I will still write on my phone but it's going to be much slower. I already sent the laptop to be repaired but its going to be 2 weeks before it'll get fixed.

SquareGoatcreators' thoughts
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