
Comments of chapter undefined of The Rise Of A Porter

The Rise Of A Porter


Việc quản lý bình luận chương113


i feel something is missing but i might able to find it if i continue reading it so yeah keep up the good work[img=coins][img=exp]


Mc dumb, whys is he trusting them.

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He should leave the guild already. They don't deserve you! Respect yourself you piece of sht!

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I don't understand why Authors make the MC dumb in the beginning and then slowly change his personality and say it's 'Character Growth'. That's plain bull****! Why can't the MC behave like a normal person from the beginning? No, he needs to be a beta every single time. And then he'll become Alpha out of nowhere.


Kinda confusing... MC is porter, porter is lowest of the low, lower than slave. Why VP needs to conduct this personally? It doesn’t match with how MC and his profession described so far. Why not some kind of manager? Better yet, written letter. And also, nobody shocked with MC displaying his abilities at the first time. With how I understand the story so far, the audience should be shocked to see a porter displaying that kind of skill. But no one does. Is it because the abilities is so weak? It isn’t, as the story progresses. He beat the sh it out of Markel or somethin. Is it too common? Nope, VP intend to recruit him because ice mage is rare.


MC is as big an embarrassment as embarrassment can be. You got few abilities and in one week you start to show off in front of a person who has gone through many life and death battles while you were just standing in the sidelines. Then the MC accepts a duel to work for the guild who has done nothing other than treat you like sh*t when you can join any other guild as everyone knows ice affinity is rare and has potential. As for doing it fir his sister, if they can disregard her wellbeing after being already given a spot for the treatment what guarantee does they have that they will not do it again? Waiting for and getting kicked around till his passive kicks up? Is the MC a masochist? Why wait when you can defeat him easily and get kicked around? And exposing all of your cards in such a fight when he could have done so without it is just plain stupid. Hell, it is even stupid er than stupid. You think just because you got some new powers people will treat you differently? If you have even a little bit of common sense you would know it doesn't work that way. I know it is just a story but the interaction between people should at least be somewhat realistic. Just think about it.


I’m quite sure that the ppl will notice his growth and find something very abnormal. In my opinion i think it would’ve been better for him to become anonymous before selling the ability books then revealing his ice power to the black merchant so they know his importance (they may think he is some young master or seeded member) and not become greedy before killing him. Think it would also have been better if he revealed his earth abilities first as becoming an ice mage immediately from a porter is just too suspicious. I’m quite sure there would be high tiered ppl willing to abduct and conduct a research on him.


Yes yes trust the guild that treats you like trash show off all your abilities then become the guild resource Great work Mc 👍👍


So what if he won? Sh!t guild will still be sh!t and only an idiot would want to play in sh!t

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Finally some action! Love to see MC is getting some recognition as well!

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Thanks for updating the chapter. Keep up the good work!



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for all that say it sh1t guild, the guild are one of the best government own guild. MC have no way to treat his sister at the moment without the guild help if she got kick out.


Why not just go to another guild for the treatment instead of staying in the guild that has been mistreating him for years?


this chapter was so illogical, kinda want to drop the novel now


in a cruel word who does not know compassion doesn't deserve to be treated one with respect. this is something that I have learned in life. fight fire with fire to show them that you your self know how to play there game.


And this is why this novel is just mediocre at best. He should have left the fckin guild and yet as dumb as he is,he chose to say 'for the sake' of his sister which he can now afford to sustain even without the help of the guild. Pathetic mc.

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I like the way you write the chapters!


Wow I thought mc had a brain because he said was worried about people noticing his abilities, but I guess he doesn't. Dropped. Why even give me hope that he's not going to be an idiot by saying something like that?


sigh. i dont understand why ppl increase their charm stats.


Please some one tell me he rejects the offer and leaves the guild